"""Re-export of some bazel rules with repository-wide defaults.""" load("@build_bazel_rules_typescript//:defs.bzl", _ts_library = "ts_library") load("//packages/bazel:index.bzl", _ng_module = "ng_module", _ng_package = "ng_package") DEFAULT_TSCONFIG = "//packages:tsconfig-build.json" def ts_library(tsconfig = None, **kwargs): if not tsconfig: tsconfig = DEFAULT_TSCONFIG _ts_library(tsconfig = tsconfig, **kwargs) def ng_module(name, tsconfig = None, entry_point = None, **kwargs): if not tsconfig: tsconfig = DEFAULT_TSCONFIG if not entry_point: entry_point = "public_api.ts" _ng_module(name = name, tsconfig = tsconfig, entry_point = entry_point, **kwargs) def ng_package(name, readme_md = None, license_banner = None, stamp_data = None, **kwargs): if not readme_md: readme_md = "//packages:README.md" if not license_banner: license_banner = "//packages:license-banner.txt" if not stamp_data: stamp_data = "//tools:stamp_data" _ng_package( name = name, readme_md = readme_md, license_banner = license_banner, stamp_data = stamp_data, **kwargs)