const fs = require('fs-extra');
const glob = require('glob');
const path = require('canonical-path');
const shelljs = require('shelljs');
const yargs = require('yargs');

const SHARED_PATH = path.resolve(__dirname, 'shared');
const SHARED_NODE_MODULES_PATH = path.resolve(SHARED_PATH, 'node_modules');
const BOILERPLATE_BASE_PATH = path.resolve(SHARED_PATH, 'boilerplate');
const EXAMPLES_BASE_PATH = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../content/examples');

  cli: [
    'src/environments/', 'src/environments/environment.ts',
    'src/assets/.gitkeep', 'browserslist', 'src/favicon.ico', 'karma.conf.js',
    'src/polyfills.ts', 'src/test.ts', '', 'tsconfig.spec.json',
    'tslint.json', 'e2e/src/app.po.ts', 'e2e/protractor-puppeteer.conf.js',
    'e2e/protractor.conf.js', 'e2e/tsconfig.json', '.editorconfig', 'angular.json', 'package.json',
    'tsconfig.json', 'tslint.json'
  systemjs: [
    'src/systemjs-angular-loader.js', 'src/systemjs.config.js', 'src/tsconfig.json',
    'bs-config.json', 'bs-config.e2e.json', 'package.json', 'tslint.json'
  common: ['src/styles.css']

// All paths in this tool are relative to the current boilerplate folder, i.e boilerplate/i18n
// This maps the CLI files that exists in a parent folder
const cliRelativePath = => `../cli/${file}`);

BOILERPLATE_PATHS.elements = [...cliRelativePath, 'package.json', 'src/polyfills.ts'];

BOILERPLATE_PATHS.i18n = [...cliRelativePath, 'angular.json', 'package.json'];

BOILERPLATE_PATHS['service-worker'] = [...cliRelativePath, 'angular.json', 'package.json'];


BOILERPLATE_PATHS.universal = [...cliRelativePath, 'angular.json', 'package.json'];

BOILERPLATE_PATHS['getting-started'] = [

BOILERPLATE_PATHS.schematics = [

BOILERPLATE_PATHS['cli-ajs'] = [

BOILERPLATE_PATHS.viewengine = {
  systemjs: ['rollup-config.js', 'tsconfig-aot.json'],
  cli: ['tsconfig.json']

const EXAMPLE_CONFIG_FILENAME = 'example-config.json';

class ExampleBoilerPlate {
   * Add boilerplate files to all the examples
  add(viewengine = false) {
    // Get all the examples folders, indicated by those that contain a `example-config.json` file
    const exampleFolders =
        this.getFoldersContaining(EXAMPLES_BASE_PATH, EXAMPLE_CONFIG_FILENAME, 'node_modules');

    if (!fs.existsSync(SHARED_NODE_MODULES_PATH)) {
      throw new Error(
          `The shared node_modules folder for the examples (${SHARED_NODE_MODULES_PATH}) is missing.\n` +
          'Perhaps you need to run "yarn example-use-npm" or "yarn example-use-local" to install the dependencies?');

    if (!viewengine) {
      shelljs.exec(`yarn --cwd ${SHARED_PATH} ngcc --properties es2015 browser module main --first-only --create-ivy-entry-points`);

    exampleFolders.forEach(exampleFolder => {
      const exampleConfig = this.loadJsonFile(path.resolve(exampleFolder, EXAMPLE_CONFIG_FILENAME));

      // Link the node modules - requires admin access (on Windows) because it adds symlinks
      const destinationNodeModules = path.resolve(exampleFolder, 'node_modules');
      fs.ensureSymlinkSync(SHARED_NODE_MODULES_PATH, destinationNodeModules);

      const boilerPlateType = exampleConfig.projectType || 'cli';
      const boilerPlateBasePath = path.resolve(BOILERPLATE_BASE_PATH, boilerPlateType);

      // Copy the boilerplate specific files
          filePath => this.copyFile(boilerPlateBasePath, exampleFolder, filePath));

      // Copy the boilerplate common files
      const useCommonBoilerplate = exampleConfig.useCommonBoilerplate !== false;

      if (useCommonBoilerplate) {
        BOILERPLATE_PATHS.common.forEach(filePath => this.copyFile(BOILERPLATE_COMMON_BASE_PATH, exampleFolder, filePath));

      // Copy ViewEngine (pre-Ivy) specific files
      if (viewengine) {
        const veBoilerPlateType = boilerPlateType === 'systemjs' ? 'systemjs' : 'cli';
        const veBoilerPlateBasePath =
            path.resolve(BOILERPLATE_BASE_PATH, 'viewengine', veBoilerPlateType);
            filePath => this.copyFile(veBoilerPlateBasePath, exampleFolder, filePath));

   * Remove all the boilerplate files from all the examples
  remove() { shelljs.exec('git clean -xdfq', {cwd: EXAMPLES_BASE_PATH}); }

  main() {
    yargs.usage('$0 <cmd> [args]')
        .command('add', 'add the boilerplate to each example', yrgs => this.add(yrgs.argv.viewengine))
        .command('remove', 'remove the boilerplate from each example', () => this.remove())
        .demandCommand(1, 'Please supply a command from the list above')

  getFoldersContaining(basePath, filename, ignore) {
    const pattern = path.resolve(basePath, '**', filename);
    const ignorePattern = path.resolve(basePath, '**', ignore, '**');
    return glob.sync(pattern, {ignore: [ignorePattern]}).map(file => path.dirname(file));

  copyFile(sourceFolder, destinationFolder, filePath) {
    const sourcePath = path.resolve(sourceFolder, filePath);

    // normalize path if needed
    filePath = this.normalizePath(filePath);

    const destinationPath = path.resolve(destinationFolder, filePath);
    fs.copySync(sourcePath, destinationPath, {overwrite: true});
    fs.chmodSync(destinationPath, 444);

  loadJsonFile(filePath) { return fs.readJsonSync(filePath, {throws: false}) || {}; }

  normalizePath(filePath) {
    // transform for example ../cli/src/ to src/
    return filePath.replace(/\.{2}\/\w+\//, '');

module.exports = new ExampleBoilerPlate();

// If this file was run directly then run the main function,
if (require.main === module) {