#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e -o pipefail cd `dirname $0` PACKAGES=(core compiler common forms platform-browser platform-browser-dynamic platform-server platform-webworker platform-webworker-dynamic http upgrade router compiler-cli language-service benchpress) BUILD_ALL=true BUNDLE=true VERSION_PREFIX=$(node -p "require('./package.json').version") VERSION_SUFFIX="-$(git log --oneline -1 | awk '{print $1}')" ROUTER_VERSION_PREFIX=$(node -p "require('./package.json').version.replace(/^2/, '3')") REMOVE_BENCHPRESS=false for ARG in "$@"; do case "$ARG" in --packages=*) PACKAGES_STR=${ARG#--packages=} PACKAGES=( ${PACKAGES_STR//,/ } ) BUILD_ALL=false ;; --bundle=*) BUNDLE=( "${ARG#--bundle=}" ) ;; --publish) VERSION_SUFFIX="" REMOVE_BENCHPRESS=true ;; *) echo "Unknown option $ARG." exit 1 ;; esac done VERSION="${VERSION_PREFIX}${VERSION_SUFFIX}" ROUTER_VERSION="${ROUTER_VERSION_PREFIX}${VERSION_SUFFIX}" echo "====== BUILDING: Version ${VERSION} (Router ${ROUTER_VERSION})" export NODE_PATH=${NODE_PATH}:$(pwd)/dist/all:$(pwd)/dist/tools TSC="node --max-old-space-size=3000 dist/tools/@angular/tsc-wrapped/src/main" UGLIFYJS=`pwd`/node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs TSCONFIG=./tools/tsconfig.json echo "====== (tools)COMPILING: \$(npm bin)/tsc -p ${TSCONFIG} =====" rm -rf ./dist/tools/ mkdir -p ./dist/tools/ $(npm bin)/tsc -p ${TSCONFIG} cp ./tools/@angular/tsc-wrapped/package.json ./dist/tools/@angular/tsc-wrapped if [[ ${BUILD_ALL} == true ]]; then rm -rf ./dist/all/ mkdir -p ./dist/all/ echo "====== Copying files needed for e2e tests =====" cp -r ./modules/playground ./dist/all/ cp -r ./modules/playground/favicon.ico ./dist/ #rsync -aP ./modules/playground/* ./dist/all/playground/ mkdir ./dist/all/playground/vendor cd ./dist/all/playground/vendor ln -s ../../../../node_modules/core-js/client/core.js . ln -s ../../../../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js . ln -s ../../../../node_modules/zone.js/dist/long-stack-trace-zone.js . ln -s ../../../../node_modules/systemjs/dist/system.src.js . ln -s ../../../../node_modules/base64-js . ln -s ../../../../node_modules/reflect-metadata/Reflect.js . ln -s ../../../../node_modules/rxjs . ln -s ../../../../node_modules/angular/angular.js . ln -s ../../../../node_modules/hammerjs/hammer.js . cd - echo "====== Copying files needed for benchmarks =====" cp -r ./modules/benchmarks ./dist/all/ cp -r ./modules/benchmarks/favicon.ico ./dist/ mkdir ./dist/all/benchmarks/vendor cd ./dist/all/benchmarks/vendor ln -s ../../../../node_modules/core-js/client/core.js . ln -s ../../../../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js . ln -s ../../../../node_modules/zone.js/dist/long-stack-trace-zone.js . ln -s ../../../../node_modules/systemjs/dist/system.src.js . ln -s ../../../../node_modules/reflect-metadata/Reflect.js . ln -s ../../../../node_modules/rxjs . ln -s ../../../../node_modules/angular/angular.js . ln -s ../../../../bower_components/polymer . ln -s ../../../../node_modules/incremental-dom/dist/incremental-dom-cjs.js cd - TSCONFIG=./modules/tsconfig.json echo "====== (all)COMPILING: \$(npm bin)/tsc -p ${TSCONFIG} =====" # compile ts code $TSC -p modules/tsconfig.json rm -rf ./dist/packages-dist fi for PACKAGE in ${PACKAGES[@]} do PWD=`pwd` SRCDIR=${PWD}/modules/@angular/${PACKAGE} DESTDIR=${PWD}/dist/packages-dist/${PACKAGE} UMD_ES5_PATH=${DESTDIR}/bundles/${PACKAGE}.umd.js UMD_TESTING_ES5_PATH=${DESTDIR}/bundles/${PACKAGE}-testing.umd.js UMD_STATIC_ES5_PATH=${DESTDIR}/bundles/${PACKAGE}-static.umd.js UMD_UPGRADE_ES5_PATH=${DESTDIR}/bundles/${PACKAGE}-upgrade.umd.js UMD_ES5_MIN_PATH=${DESTDIR}/bundles/${PACKAGE}.umd.min.js UMD_STATIC_ES5_MIN_PATH=${DESTDIR}/bundles/${PACKAGE}-static.umd.min.js UMD_UPGRADE_ES5_MIN_PATH=${DESTDIR}/bundles/${PACKAGE}-upgrade.umd.min.js if [[ ${PACKAGE} != router ]]; then LICENSE_BANNER=${PWD}/modules/@angular/license-banner.txt fi if [[ ${PACKAGE} == router ]]; then LICENSE_BANNER=${PWD}/modules/@angular/router-license-banner.txt fi rm -rf ${DESTDIR} echo "====== COMPILING: ${TSC} -p ${SRCDIR}/tsconfig-build.json =====" $TSC -p ${SRCDIR}/tsconfig-build.json if [[ -e ${SRCDIR}/tsconfig-upgrade.json ]]; then echo "====== COMPILING: ${TSC} -p ${SRCDIR}/tsconfig-upgrade.json =====" $TSC -p ${SRCDIR}/tsconfig-upgrade.json fi cp ${SRCDIR}/package.json ${DESTDIR}/ cp ${PWD}/modules/@angular/README.md ${DESTDIR}/ if [[ -e ${SRCDIR}/tsconfig-testing.json ]]; then echo "====== COMPILING TESTING: ${TSC} -p ${SRCDIR}/tsconfig-testing.json" $TSC -p ${SRCDIR}/tsconfig-testing.json fi if [[ -e ${SRCDIR}/tsconfig-2015.json ]]; then echo "====== COMPILING ESM: ${TSC} -p ${SRCDIR}/tsconfig-2015.json" ${TSC} -p ${SRCDIR}/tsconfig-2015.json fi echo "====== TSC 1.8 d.ts compat for ${DESTDIR} =====" # safely strips 'readonly' specifier from d.ts files to make them compatible with tsc 1.8 if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; then find ${DESTDIR} -type f -name '*.d.ts' -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i '' -e 's/\(^ *(static |private )*\)*readonly */\1/g' find ${DESTDIR} -type f -name '*.d.ts' -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i '' -e 's/\/\/\/ <reference types="node" \/>//g' find ${DESTDIR} -type f -name '*.d.ts' -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i '' -E 's/^( +)abstract ([[:alnum:]]+\:)/\1\2/g' else find ${DESTDIR} -type f -name '*.d.ts' -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i -e 's/\(^ *(static |private )*\)*readonly */\1/g' find ${DESTDIR} -type f -name '*.d.ts' -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i -e 's/\/\/\/ <reference types="node" \/>//g' find ${DESTDIR} -type f -name '*.d.ts' -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i -E 's/^( +)abstract ([[:alnum:]]+\:)/\1\2/g' fi if [[ ${PACKAGE} == benchpress ]]; then cp ${SRCDIR}/*.md ${DESTDIR} cp -r ${SRCDIR}/docs ${DESTDIR} fi if [[ ${BUNDLE} == true && ${PACKAGE} != compiler-cli && ${PACKAGE} != benchpress ]]; then echo "====== BUNDLING: ${SRCDIR} =====" mkdir ${DESTDIR}/bundles ( cd ${SRCDIR} echo "====== Rollup ${PACKAGE} index" ../../../node_modules/.bin/rollup -c rollup.config.js cat ${LICENSE_BANNER} > ${UMD_ES5_PATH}.tmp cat ${UMD_ES5_PATH} >> ${UMD_ES5_PATH}.tmp mv ${UMD_ES5_PATH}.tmp ${UMD_ES5_PATH} $UGLIFYJS -c --screw-ie8 --comments -o ${UMD_ES5_MIN_PATH} ${UMD_ES5_PATH} if [[ -e rollup-testing.config.js ]]; then echo "====== Rollup ${PACKAGE} testing" ../../../node_modules/.bin/rollup -c rollup-testing.config.js echo "{\"main\": \"../bundles/${PACKAGE}-testing.umd.js\"}" > ${DESTDIR}/testing/package.json cat ${LICENSE_BANNER} > ${UMD_TESTING_ES5_PATH}.tmp cat ${UMD_TESTING_ES5_PATH} >> ${UMD_TESTING_ES5_PATH}.tmp mv ${UMD_TESTING_ES5_PATH}.tmp ${UMD_TESTING_ES5_PATH} fi if [[ -e rollup-static.config.js ]]; then echo "====== Rollup ${PACKAGE} static" ../../../node_modules/.bin/rollup -c rollup-static.config.js # create dir because it doesn't exist yet, we should move the src code here and remove this line mkdir ${DESTDIR}/static echo "{\"main\": \"../bundles/${PACKAGE}-static.umd.js\"}" > ${DESTDIR}/static/package.json cat ${LICENSE_BANNER} > ${UMD_STATIC_ES5_PATH}.tmp cat ${UMD_STATIC_ES5_PATH} >> ${UMD_STATIC_ES5_PATH}.tmp mv ${UMD_STATIC_ES5_PATH}.tmp ${UMD_STATIC_ES5_PATH} $UGLIFYJS -c --screw-ie8 --comments -o ${UMD_STATIC_ES5_MIN_PATH} ${UMD_STATIC_ES5_PATH} fi if [[ -e rollup-upgrade.config.js ]]; then echo "====== Rollup ${PACKAGE} upgrade" ../../../node_modules/.bin/rollup -c rollup-upgrade.config.js # create dir because it doesn't exist yet, we should move the src code here and remove this line mkdir ${DESTDIR}/upgrade echo "{\"main\": \"../bundles/${PACKAGE}-upgrade.umd.js\"}" > ${DESTDIR}/upgrade/package.json cat ${LICENSE_BANNER} > ${UMD_UPGRADE_ES5_PATH}.tmp cat ${UMD_UPGRADE_ES5_PATH} >> ${UMD_UPGRADE_ES5_PATH}.tmp mv ${UMD_UPGRADE_ES5_PATH}.tmp ${UMD_UPGRADE_ES5_PATH} $UGLIFYJS -c --screw-ie8 --comments -o ${UMD_UPGRADE_ES5_MIN_PATH} ${UMD_UPGRADE_ES5_PATH} fi ) 2>&1 | grep -v "as external dependency" fi ( echo "====== VERSION: Updating version references" cd ${DESTDIR} echo "====== EXECUTE: perl -p -i -e \"s/0\.0\.0\-PLACEHOLDER/${VERSION}/g\" $""(grep -ril 0\.0\.0\-PLACEHOLDER .)" perl -p -i -e "s/0\.0\.0\-PLACEHOLDER/${VERSION}/g" $(grep -ril 0\.0\.0\-PLACEHOLDER .) < /dev/null 2> /dev/null echo "====== EXECUTE: perl -p -i -e \"s/0\.0\.0\-ROUTERPLACEHOLDER/${ROUTER_VERSION}/g\" $""(grep -ril 0\.0\.0\-ROUTERPLACEHOLDER .)" perl -p -i -e "s/0\.0\.0\-ROUTERPLACEHOLDER/${ROUTER_VERSION}/g" $(grep -ril 0\.0\.0\-ROUTERPLACEHOLDER .) < /dev/null 2> /dev/null ) done echo "" echo "====== Building examples: ./modules/@angular/examples/build.sh =====" ./modules/@angular/examples/build.sh if [[ ${REMOVE_BENCHPRESS} == true ]]; then echo "" echo "==== Removing benchpress from publication" rm -r dist/packages-dist/benchpress fi