{% macro projectRelativePath(fileInfo) -%} {$ fileInfo.realProjectRelativePath if fileInfo.realProjectRelativePath else fileInfo.projectRelativePath $} {%- endmacro %} {% macro githubViewHref(doc, versionInfo) -%} {% set githubUrl = 'https://github.com/' + versionInfo.gitRepoInfo.owner + '/' + versionInfo.gitRepoInfo.repo -%} {% set version = versionInfo.currentVersion.isSnapshot and versionInfo.currentVersion.SHA or versionInfo.currentVersion.raw -%} {% set lineInfo = doc.startingLine and ('#L' + (doc.startingLine + 1) + '-L' + (doc.endingLine + 1)) or '' -%} {$ githubUrl $}/tree/{$ version $}/{$ projectRelativePath(doc.fileInfo) $}{$ lineInfo $} {%- endmacro %} {% macro githubEditHref(doc, versionInfo, pathPrefix) -%} {% set githubUrl = 'https://github.com/' + versionInfo.gitRepoInfo.owner + '/' + versionInfo.gitRepoInfo.repo -%} {% set lineInfo = doc.startingLine and ('#L' + (doc.startingLine + 1) + '-L' + (doc.endingLine + 1)) or '' -%} {$ githubUrl $}/edit/master/{$ projectRelativePath(doc.fileInfo) $}?message=docs {%- if doc.moduleDoc %}({$ doc.moduleDoc.id.split('/')[0] $}) {%- elseif doc.docType === 'module' %}({$ doc.id.split('/')[0] $}) {%- elseif doc.docType === 'content' %} {%- else %}(...){%- endif -%} %3A%20describe%20your%20change...{$ lineInfo $} {%- endmacro %} {% macro githubEditLink(doc, versionInfo) -%} {%- endmacro %} {% macro githubViewLink(doc, versionInfo) -%} {%- endmacro %} {% macro githubLinks(doc, versionInfo) -%} {%- endmacro -%}