/** * Usage: * node scripts/check-environment * * Checks that the expected Node and yarn versions are installed. * * * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * !!! !!! * !!! This file is special in that it must be able to execute with wrong Node version !!! * !!! or even when node_modules are missing. !!! * !!! !!! * !!! Do not depend on Node4+ features or presence of npm packages here. !!! * !!! !!! * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * * This is a slightly simplified, trimmed-down version of * [tools/check-environment.js](https://github.com/gkalpak/angular/blob/3896c60be/tools/check-environment.js). * We use a different file, because some of the tests and error messages are not relevant for `aio/`. */ 'use strict'; var exec = require('child_process').exec; var engines = require(__dirname + '/../package.json').engines; var semver; // Import `semver`. try { semver = require('semver'); } catch (e) { reportIssues(['You are missing some npm dependencies. Run: yarn install']); console.error( 'Your environment doesn\'t provide the prerequisite dependencies.\n' + 'Please fix the issues listed above and then rerun the command.\n' + 'Check out https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/master/aio/README.md for more info.'); process.exit(1); } // Check Node/yarn versions. checkEnvironment({ nodeVersion: engines.node, yarnVersion: engines.yarn }); // Helpers function checkEnvironment(expected) { exec('yarn --version', function(yarnErr, yarnStdout) { var actualNodeVersion = process.version; var actualYarnVersion = !yarnErr && semver.clean(yarnStdout); var issues = []; // Check Node version. if (!semver.satisfies(actualNodeVersion, expected.nodeVersion)) { issues.push( 'You are running an unsupported Node version. Expected: ' + expected.nodeVersion + ' Found: ' + actualNodeVersion + '. Use nvm to update your Node version.'); } // Check yarn version. if (yarnErr) { issues.push( 'You don\'t have yarn globally installed. This is required if you want to work on this ' + 'project. Installation instructions: https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install/'); } else if (!semver.satisfies(actualYarnVersion, expected.yarnVersion)) { issues.push( 'You are running an unsupported yarn version. Expected: ' + expected.yarnVersion + ' Found: ' + actualYarnVersion + '. For instructions see:' + ' https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install/'); } reportIssues(issues); }); } function reportIssues(issues) { if (!issues.length) return; console.warn(''); console.warn('!'.repeat(110)); console.warn('!!! Your environment is not in a good shape. The following issues were found:'); issues.forEach(function(issue) { console.warn('!!! - ' + issue); }); console.warn('!'.repeat(110)); console.warn(''); if (process.env.CI) { process.exit(1); } }