.grid-fluid.l-space-bottom-2 .c12.text-center h3.text-headline.text-uppercase Core Team .clear .grid-fluid .c6 .article-card .date Oct 12, 2016 .title a( target="_blank" href="http://angularjs.blogspot.com/2016/10/angular-210-now-available.html" ) Angular 2.1.0 Now Available p Angular version 2.1.0 - incremental-metamorphosis - is a minor release following our announced adoption of Semantic Versioning... .author img(src="/resources/images/bios/stephenfluin.jpg") .posted Posted by <b>Stephen Fluin</b> .c6 .article-card .date Oct 7, 2016 .title a( target="_blank" href="http://angularjs.blogspot.com/2016/10/versioning-and-releasing-angular.html" ) Versioning and Releasing Angular p In order for the ecosystem around Angular to thrive, developers need stability from the Angular framework so that reusable components and libraries, tools and learned practices don’t go obsolete unexpectedly... .author img(src="/resources/images/bios/igor-minar.jpg") .posted Posted by <b>Igor Minar</b> .grid-fluid.l-space-bottom-2.l-space-top-4 .c12.text-center h3.text-headline.text-uppercase Developer Community .clear .grid-fluid .c6 .article-card .date Oct 13, 2016 .title a( target="_blank" href="http://blog.thoughtram.io/angular/2016/10/13/two-way-data-binding-in-angular-2.html" ) Two-way Data Binding in Angular 2 p If there was one feature in Angular that made us go “Wow”, then it was probably its two-way data binding system. Changes in the application state have been automagically reflected into the view... .author img(src="/resources/images/bios/angular-gde-bio-placeholder.png") .posted Posted by <b>Pascal Precht</b> .c6 .article-card .date Oct 10, 2016 .title a( target="_blank" href="http://www.creativebloq.com/how-to/build-a-material-design-app-with-angular-2" ) Build a Material Design app with Angular 2 p This walkthrough reveals how to create a DialogComponent and to-do app with Angular Material and the Angular CLI... .author img(src="/resources/images/bios/shield-bio-placeholder.png") .posted Posted by <b>Daniel Zen</b> .grid-fluid .c6 .article-card .date Sept 26, 2016 .title a( target="_blank" href="https://www.lucidchart.com/techblog/2016/09/26/improving-angular-2-load-times/" ) Improving Angular 2 Load Times and a 29KB Hello World App p At the beginning of this year, Lucidchart rebuilt its editor in Angular 2. The end result of these efforts is that our new editor loads five seconds faste.... .author img(src="/resources/images/bios/shield-bio-placeholder.png") .posted Posted by <b>James Judd</b> .c6 .article-card .date Sept 18, 2016 .title a( target="_blank" href="https://medium.com/@areai51/the-4-stages-of-perf-tuning-for-your-angular2-app-922ce5c1b294#.pbvt3c9zo" ) The 4 Stages of Perf Tuning for your Angular2 App p While being fast right out of the box, the performance of Angular apps can be further enhanced. Let’s look at each of these... .author img(src="/resources/images/bios/angular-gde-bio-placeholder.png") .posted Posted by <b>Vinci Rufus</b> .grid-fluid.l-space-bottom-2.l-space-top-4 .c12.text-center h3.text-headline.text-uppercase Twitter .clear .grid-fluid .c3 p .c6 .article-card .title a( href="http://twitter.com/angularjs" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="false" ) Follow @angularjs p. <a class="twitter-timeline" data-chrome="nofooter noborders noheader" href="http://twitter.com/angularjs" data-widget-id="700150278465523713"></a>