* Angular.io Live Example Directive
* Renders a link to a live/host example of the doc chapter
* app this directive is contained in.
* Usage:
* text
* Example:
Run Try the live example
* // ~/resources/live-examples/{chapter}/ts/plnkr.html
* Run this example
* // ~/resources/live-examples/toh-1/ts/minimal.plnkr.html
* Run
* // ~/resources/live-examples/{chapter}/ts/minimal.plnkr.html
* // ~/resources/live-examples/{chapter}/ts/eplnkr.html
* // ~/resources/live-examples/{chapter}/ts/minimal.eplnkr.html
angularIO.directive('liveExample', ['$location', function ($location) {
function a(text, attrs) {
var attr = (attrs.href ? ' href="' + attrs.href + '"' : '') +
(attrs.target ? ' target="' + attrs.target + '"' : '');
return '' + text + '';
function span(text) { return '' + text + ''; }
function embeddedTemplate(src) {
return '' +
'' +
' +
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: true,
compile: function (tElement, attrs) {
var text = tElement.text() || 'live example';
var ex = attrs.name || NgIoUtil.getExampleName($location);
var embedded = attrs.hasOwnProperty('embedded');
var plnkr = embedded ? 'eplnkr' : 'plnkr';
var href, template;
if (attrs.plnkr) {
plnkr = attrs.plnkr + '.' + plnkr;
var isForDart = attrs.lang === 'dart' || NgIoUtil.isDoc($location, 'dart');
var isForJs = attrs.lang === 'js' || NgIoUtil.isDoc($location, 'js');
var exLang = isForDart ? 'dart' : isForJs ? 'js' : 'ts';
if (embedded && !isForDart) {
href = '/resources/live-examples/' + ex + '/' + exLang + '/' + plnkr + '.html'
template = embeddedTemplate(href);
} else {
var href = isForDart
? 'http://angular-examples.github.io/' + ex
: '/resources/live-examples/' + ex + '/' + exLang + '/' + plnkr + '.html'
// Link to live example.
var template = a(text, { href: href, target: '_blank' });
// The hosted example and sources are in different locations for Dart.
// Also show link to sources for Dart, unless noSource is specified.
if (isForDart && !attrs.hasOwnProperty('nosource')) {
var srcText = attrs.srcText || 'view source';
var srcHref = 'http://github.com/angular-examples/' + ex;
template = span(template + ' (' + a(srcText, { href: srcHref, target: '_blank' }) + ')');
return function (scope, element, attrs) {
scope.toggleEmbedded = function() {
scope.embeddedShow = !scope.embeddedShow;