var testPackage = require('../../helpers/test-package'); var Dgeni = require('dgeni'); const testRegionMatcher = { regionStartMatcher: /^\s*\/\*\s*#docregion\s+(.*)\s*\*\/\s*$/, regionEndMatcher: /^\s*\/\*\s*#enddocregion\s+(.*)\s*\*\/\s*$/, plasterMatcher: /^\s*\/\*\s*#docplaster\s+(.*)\s*\*\/\s*$/, createPlasterComment: plaster => `/* ${plaster} */` }; describe('regionParser service', () => { var dgeni, injector, regionParser; beforeEach(function() { dgeni = new Dgeni([testPackage('examples-package', true)]); injector = dgeni.configureInjector(); regionParser = injector.get('regionParser'); regionParser.regionMatchers = {'test-type': testRegionMatcher}; }); it('should return just the contents if there is no region-matcher for the file type', () => { const output = regionParser('some contents', 'unknown'); expect(output).toEqual({contents: 'some contents', regions: {}}); }); it('should return just the contents if there is a region-matcher but no regions', () => { const output = regionParser('some contents', 'test-type'); expect(output).toEqual({contents: 'some contents', regions: {}}); }); it('should remove start region annotations from the contents', () => { const output = regionParser( t('/* #docregion */', 'abc', '/* #docregion X */', 'def', '/* #docregion Y */', 'ghi'), 'test-type'); expect(output.contents).toEqual(t('abc', 'def', 'ghi')); }); it('should remove end region annotations from the contents', () => { const output = regionParser( t('/* #docregion */', 'abc', '/* #docregion X */', 'def', '/* #enddocregion X */', '/* #docregion Y */', 'ghi', '/* #enddocregion Y */', '/* #enddocregion */'), 'test-type'); expect(output.contents).toEqual(t('abc', 'def', 'ghi')); }); it('should remove doc plaster annotations from the contents', () => { const output = regionParser(t('/* #docplaster ... elided ... */', 'abc', 'def', 'ghi'), 'test-type'); expect(output.contents).toEqual(t('abc', 'def', 'ghi')); }); it('should capture the rest of the contents for a region with no end region annotation', () => { const output = regionParser( t('/* #docregion */', 'abc', '/* #docregion X */', 'def', '/* #docregion Y */', 'ghi'), 'test-type'); expect(output.regions['']).toEqual(t('abc', 'def', 'ghi')); expect(output.regions['X']).toEqual(t('def', 'ghi')); expect(output.regions['Y']).toEqual(t('ghi')); }); it('should capture the contents for a region up to the end region annotation', () => { const output = regionParser( t('/* #docregion */', 'abc', '/* #enddocregion */', '/* #docregion X */', 'def', '/* #enddocregion X */', '/* #docregion Y */', 'ghi', '/* #enddocregion Y */'), 'test-type'); expect(output.regions['']).toEqual(t('abc')); expect(output.regions['X']).toEqual(t('def')); expect(output.regions['Y']).toEqual(t('ghi')); }); it('should open a region with a null name if there is no region name', () => { const output = regionParser(t('/* #docregion */', 'abc', '/* #enddocregion */'), 'test-type'); expect(output.regions['']).toEqual('abc'); }); it('should close the most recently opened region if there is no region name', () => { const output = regionParser( t('/* #docregion X*/', 'abc', '/* #docregion Y */', 'def', '/* #enddocregion */', 'ghi', '/* #enddocregion */'), 'test-type'); expect(output.regions['X']).toEqual(t('abc', 'def', 'ghi')); expect(output.regions['Y']).toEqual(t('def')); }); it('should handle overlapping regions', () => { const output = regionParser( t('/* #docregion X*/', 'abc', '/* #docregion Y */', 'def', '/* #enddocregion X */', 'ghi', '/* #enddocregion Y */'), 'test-type'); expect(output.regions['X']).toEqual(t('abc', 'def')); expect(output.regions['Y']).toEqual(t('def', 'ghi')); }); it('should error if we attempt to open an already open region', () => { expect(() => regionParser(t('/* #docregion */', 'abc', '/* #docregion */', 'def'), 'test-type')) .toThrowError( 'regionParser: Tried to open a region, named "", that is already open (at line 2).'); expect( () => regionParser(t('/* #docregion X */', 'abc', '/* #docregion X */', 'def'), 'test-type')) .toThrowError( 'regionParser: Tried to open a region, named "X", that is already open (at line 2).'); }); it('should error if we attempt to close an already closed region', () => { expect(() => regionParser(t('abc', '/* #enddocregion */', 'def'), 'test-type')) .toThrowError('regionParser: Tried to close a region when none are open (at line 1).'); expect( () => regionParser(t('/* #docregion */', 'abc', '/* #enddocregion X */', 'def'), 'test-type')) .toThrowError( 'regionParser: Tried to close a region, named "X", that is not open (at line 2).'); }); it('should handle whitespace in region names on single annotation', () => { const output = regionParser(t('/* #docregion A B*/', 'abc', '/* #docregion A C */', 'def'), 'test-type'); expect(output.regions['A B']).toEqual(t('abc', 'def')); expect(output.regions['A C']).toEqual(t('def')); }); it('should join multiple regions with the default plaster string (". . .")', () => { const output = regionParser( t('/* #docregion */', 'abc', '/* #enddocregion */', 'def', '/* #docregion */', 'ghi', '/* #enddocregion */'), 'test-type'); expect(output.regions['']).toEqual(t('abc', '/* . . . */', 'ghi')); }); it('should join multiple regions with the current plaster string', () => { const output = regionParser( t('/* #docregion */', 'abc', '/* #enddocregion */', 'def', '/* #docregion */', 'ghi', '/* #enddocregion */', '/* #docplaster ... elided ... */', '/* #docregion A */', 'jkl', '/* #enddocregion A */', 'mno', '/* #docregion A */', 'pqr', '/* #enddocregion A */'), 'test-type'); expect(output.regions['']).toEqual(t('abc', '/* . . . */', 'ghi')); expect(output.regions['A']).toEqual(t('jkl', '/* ... elided ... */', 'pqr')); }); it('should parse multiple region names separated by commas', () => { const output = regionParser( t('/* #docregion , A, B */', 'abc', '/* #enddocregion B */', '/* #docregion C */', 'xyz', '/* #enddocregion A, C, */'), 'test-type'); expect(output.regions['A']).toEqual(t('abc', 'xyz')); expect(output.regions['B']).toEqual(t('abc')); expect(output.regions['C']).toEqual(t('xyz')); }) }); function t() { return, '\n'); }