/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {ɵstringify as stringify} from '@angular/core'; import {MetadataOverride} from '@angular/core/testing'; type StringMap = { [key: string]: any }; let _nextReferenceId = 0; export class MetadataOverrider { private _references = new Map(); /** * Creates a new instance for the given metadata class * based on an old instance and overrides. */ overrideMetadata( metadataClass: {new (options: T): C;}, oldMetadata: C, override: MetadataOverride): C { const props: StringMap = {}; if (oldMetadata) { _valueProps(oldMetadata).forEach((prop) => props[prop] = (oldMetadata)[prop]); } if (override.set) { if (override.remove || override.add) { throw new Error(`Cannot set and add/remove ${stringify(metadataClass)} at the same time!`); } setMetadata(props, override.set); } if (override.remove) { removeMetadata(props, override.remove, this._references); } if (override.add) { addMetadata(props, override.add); } return new metadataClass(props); } } function removeMetadata(metadata: StringMap, remove: any, references: Map) { const removeObjects = new Set(); for (const prop in remove) { const removeValue = remove[prop]; if (removeValue instanceof Array) { removeValue.forEach( (value: any) => { removeObjects.add(_propHashKey(prop, value, references)); }); } else { removeObjects.add(_propHashKey(prop, removeValue, references)); } } for (const prop in metadata) { const propValue = metadata[prop]; if (propValue instanceof Array) { metadata[prop] = propValue.filter( (value: any) => !removeObjects.has(_propHashKey(prop, value, references))); } else { if (removeObjects.has(_propHashKey(prop, propValue, references))) { metadata[prop] = undefined; } } } } function addMetadata(metadata: StringMap, add: any) { for (const prop in add) { const addValue = add[prop]; const propValue = metadata[prop]; if (propValue != null && propValue instanceof Array) { metadata[prop] = propValue.concat(addValue); } else { metadata[prop] = addValue; } } } function setMetadata(metadata: StringMap, set: any) { for (const prop in set) { metadata[prop] = set[prop]; } } function _propHashKey(propName: any, propValue: any, references: Map): string { const replacer = (key: any, value: any) => { if (typeof value === 'function') { value = _serializeReference(value, references); } return value; }; return `${propName}:${JSON.stringify(propValue, replacer)}`; } function _serializeReference(ref: any, references: Map): string { let id = references.get(ref); if (!id) { id = `${stringify(ref)}${_nextReferenceId++}`; references.set(ref, id); } return id; } function _valueProps(obj: any): string[] { const props: string[] = []; // regular public props Object.keys(obj).forEach((prop) => { if (!prop.startsWith('_')) { props.push(prop); } }); // getters let proto = obj; while (proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proto)) { Object.keys(proto).forEach((protoProp) => { const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proto, protoProp); if (!protoProp.startsWith('_') && desc && 'get' in desc) { props.push(protoProp); } }); } return props; }