language: node_js sudo: false node_js: - '6.9.5' addons: # firefox: "38.0" apt: sources: # needed to install g++ that is used by npms's native modules - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test packages: - g++-4.8 branches: except: - g3_v2_0 cache: yarn: true directories: - ./node_modules - ./.chrome/chromium - ./aio/node_modules env: global: # GITHUB_TOKEN_ANGULAR # This is needed for the e2e Travis matrix task to publish packages to github for continuous packages delivery. - secure: "fq/U7VDMWO8O8SnAQkdbkoSe2X92PVqg4d044HmRYVmcf6YbO48+xeGJ8yOk0pCBwl3ISO4Q2ot0x546kxfiYBuHkZetlngZxZCtQiFT9kyId8ZKcYdXaIW9OVdw3Gh3tQyUwDucfkVhqcs52D6NZjyE2aWZ4/d1V4kWRO/LMgo=" # FIREBASE_TOKEN # This is needed for publishing builds to the "aio-staging" firebase site. # TODO(i): the token was generated using the iminar@google account, we should switch to a shared/role-base account. - secure: "MPx3UM77o5IlhT75PKHL0FXoB5tSXDc3vnCXCd1sRy4XUTZ9vjcV6nNuyqEf+SOw659bGbC1FI4mACGx1Q+z7MQDR85b1mcA9uSgHDkh+IR82CnCVdaX9d1RXafdJIArahxfmorbiiPPLyPIKggo7ituRm+2c+iraoCkE/pXxYg=" matrix: # Order: a slower build first, so that we don't occupy an idle travis worker waiting for others to complete. - CI_MODE=e2e - CI_MODE=js - CI_MODE=saucelabs_required - CI_MODE=browserstack_required - CI_MODE=saucelabs_optional - CI_MODE=browserstack_optional - CI_MODE=docs_test - CI_MODE=aio matrix: fast_finish: true allow_failures: - env: "CI_MODE=saucelabs_optional" - env: "CI_MODE=browserstack_optional" install: - ./scripts/ci-lite/ script: - ./scripts/ci-lite/ && ./scripts/ci-lite/ after_success: - ./scripts/ci-lite/ after_script: - ./scripts/ci-lite/