var perfUtil = require('angular2/src/test_lib/perf_util'); describe('ng2 largetable benchmark', function () { var URL = 'benchmarks/src/largetable/largetable_benchmark.html'; afterEach(perfUtil.verifyNoBrowserErrors); // Not yet implemented: // 'ngBind', // 'ngBindOnce', // 'ngBindFn', // 'ngBindFilter', // 'interpolationFilter' [ 'interpolation', 'interpolationAttr', 'interpolationFn' ].forEach(function(benchmarkType) { it('should log the ng stats with: ' + benchmarkType, function() { console.log('executing for type', benchmarkType); perfUtil.runClickBenchmark({ url: URL, buttons: ['#ng2DestroyDom', '#ng2CreateDom'], id: 'ng2.largetable.' + benchmarkType, params: [{ name: 'rows', value: 20, scale: 'sqrt' },{ name: 'columns', value: 20, scale: 'sqrt' },{ name: 'benchmarkType', value: benchmarkType }] }); }); }); it('should log the baseline stats', function() { perfUtil.runClickBenchmark({ url: URL, buttons: ['#baselineDestroyDom', '#baselineCreateDom'], id: 'baseline.largetable', params: [{ name: 'rows', value: 100, scale: 'sqrt' },{ name: 'columns', value: 20, scale: 'sqrt' },{ name: 'benchmarkType', value: 'baseline' }] }); }); });