import { browser, element, by, promise } from 'protractor'; import { SitePage } from './app.po'; describe('site App', function() { let page: SitePage; beforeEach(() => { page = new SitePage(); page.navigateTo(); }); it('should show features text after clicking "Features"', () => { => { expect(page.getDocViewerText()).toMatch(/Progressive web apps/i); }); }); it('should convert a doc with a code-example'); describe('google analytics', () => { beforeEach(done => page.gaReady.then(done)); it('should call ga', done => { .then(calls => { expect(calls.length).toBeGreaterThan(2, 'ga calls'); done(); }); }); it('should call ga with initial URL', done => { let path: string; page.locationPath() .then(p => path = p) .then(() => => { expect(calls.length).toBeGreaterThan(2, 'ga calls'); expect(calls[1]).toEqual(['set', 'page', path]); done(); })); }); // Todo: add test to confirm tracking URL when navigate. }); });