/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {state, style, trigger} from '@angular/animations'; import {ɵNoopAnimationEngine as NoopAnimationEngine} from '@angular/animations/browser'; import {el} from '@angular/platform-browser/testing/src/browser_util'; export function main() { describe('NoopAnimationEngine', () => { let captures: string[] = []; function capture(value: string = null) { return (v: any = null) => captures.push(value || v); } beforeEach(() => { captures = []; }); it('should immediately issue DOM removals during remove animations and then fire the animation callbacks after flush', () => { const engine = new NoopAnimationEngine(); const elm1 = {}; const elm2 = {}; engine.onRemove(elm1, capture('1')); engine.onRemove(elm2, capture('2')); engine.listen(elm1, 'trig', 'start', capture('1-start')); engine.listen(elm2, 'trig', 'start', capture('2-start')); engine.listen(elm1, 'trig', 'done', capture('1-done')); engine.listen(elm2, 'trig', 'done', capture('2-done')); expect(captures).toEqual(['1', '2']); engine.flush(); expect(captures).toEqual(['1', '2', '1-start', '2-start', '1-done', '2-done']); }); it('should only fire the `start` listener for a trigger that has had a property change', () => { const engine = new NoopAnimationEngine(); const elm1 = {}; const elm2 = {}; const elm3 = {}; engine.listen(elm1, 'trig1', 'start', capture()); engine.setProperty(elm1, 'trig1', 'cool'); engine.setProperty(elm2, 'trig2', 'sweet'); engine.listen(elm2, 'trig2', 'start', capture()); engine.listen(elm3, 'trig3', 'start', capture()); expect(captures).toEqual([]); engine.flush(); expect(captures.length).toEqual(2); const trig1Data = captures.shift(); const trig2Data = captures.shift(); expect(trig1Data).toEqual({ element: elm1, triggerName: 'trig1', fromState: 'void', toState: 'cool', phaseName: 'start', totalTime: 0 }); expect(trig2Data).toEqual({ element: elm2, triggerName: 'trig2', fromState: 'void', toState: 'sweet', phaseName: 'start', totalTime: 0 }); captures = []; engine.flush(); expect(captures).toEqual([]); }); it('should only fire the `done` listener for a trigger that has had a property change', () => { const engine = new NoopAnimationEngine(); const elm1 = {}; const elm2 = {}; const elm3 = {}; engine.listen(elm1, 'trig1', 'done', capture()); engine.setProperty(elm1, 'trig1', 'awesome'); engine.setProperty(elm2, 'trig2', 'amazing'); engine.listen(elm2, 'trig2', 'done', capture()); engine.listen(elm3, 'trig3', 'done', capture()); expect(captures).toEqual([]); engine.flush(); expect(captures.length).toEqual(2); const trig1Data = captures.shift(); const trig2Data = captures.shift(); expect(trig1Data).toEqual({ element: elm1, triggerName: 'trig1', fromState: 'void', toState: 'awesome', phaseName: 'done', totalTime: 0 }); expect(trig2Data).toEqual({ element: elm2, triggerName: 'trig2', fromState: 'void', toState: 'amazing', phaseName: 'done', totalTime: 0 }); captures = []; engine.flush(); expect(captures).toEqual([]); }); it('should deregister a listener when the return function is called, but only after flush', () => { const engine = new NoopAnimationEngine(); const elm = {}; const fn1 = engine.listen(elm, 'trig1', 'start', capture('trig1-start')); const fn2 = engine.listen(elm, 'trig2', 'done', capture('trig2-done')); engine.setProperty(elm, 'trig1', 'value1'); engine.setProperty(elm, 'trig2', 'value2'); engine.flush(); expect(captures).toEqual(['trig1-start', 'trig2-done']); captures = []; engine.setProperty(elm, 'trig1', 'value3'); engine.setProperty(elm, 'trig2', 'value4'); fn1(); engine.flush(); expect(captures).toEqual(['trig1-start', 'trig2-done']); captures = []; engine.setProperty(elm, 'trig1', 'value5'); engine.setProperty(elm, 'trig2', 'value6'); fn2(); engine.flush(); expect(captures).toEqual(['trig2-done']); captures = []; engine.setProperty(elm, 'trig1', 'value7'); engine.setProperty(elm, 'trig2', 'value8'); engine.flush(); expect(captures).toEqual([]); }); it('should fire a removal listener even if the listener is deregistered prior to flush', () => { const engine = new NoopAnimationEngine(); const elm = {}; const fn = engine.listen(elm, 'trig', 'start', capture('removal listener')); fn(); engine.onRemove(elm, capture('dom removal')); engine.flush(); expect(captures).toEqual(['dom removal', 'removal listener']); }); describe('styling', () => { // these tests are only mean't to be run within the DOM if (typeof Element == 'undefined') return; it('should persist the styles on the element when the animation is complete', () => { const engine = new NoopAnimationEngine(); engine.registerTrigger(trigger('matias', [ state('a', style({width: '100px'})), ])); const element = el('
'); expect(element.style.width).not.toEqual('100px'); engine.setProperty(element, 'matias', 'a'); expect(element.style.width).not.toEqual('100px'); engine.flush(); expect(element.style.width).toEqual('100px'); }); it('should remove previously persist styles off of the element when a follow-up animation starts', () => { const engine = new NoopAnimationEngine(); engine.registerTrigger(trigger('matias', [ state('a', style({width: '100px'})), state('b', style({height: '100px'})), ])); const element = el('
'); engine.setProperty(element, 'matias', 'a'); engine.flush(); expect(element.style.width).toEqual('100px'); engine.setProperty(element, 'matias', 'b'); expect(element.style.width).not.toEqual('100px'); expect(element.style.height).not.toEqual('100px'); engine.flush(); expect(element.style.height).toEqual('100px'); }); it('should fall back to `*` styles incase the target state styles are not found', () => { const engine = new NoopAnimationEngine(); engine.registerTrigger(trigger('matias', [ state('*', style({opacity: '0.5'})), ])); const element = el('
'); engine.setProperty(element, 'matias', 'xyz'); engine.flush(); expect(element.style.opacity).toEqual('0.5'); }); }); }); }