# Settings in this file should be OS agnostic. Use the bazel..rc files for OS specific settings. # Don't be spammy in the logs build --noshow_progress # Print all the options that apply to the build. # This helps us diagnose which options override others # (e.g. /etc/bazel.bazelrc vs. tools/bazel.rc) build --announce_rc # Retry in the event of flakes, eg. https://circleci.com/gh/angular/angular/31309 test --flaky_test_attempts=2 # More details on failures build --verbose_failures=true # We have seen some flakiness in using TS workers on CircleCI # https://angular-team.slack.com/archives/C07DT5M6V/p1562693245183400 # > failures like `ERROR: /home/circleci/ng/packages/core/test/BUILD.bazel:5:1: # > Compiling TypeScript (devmode) //packages/core/test:test_lib failed: Worker process did not return a WorkResponse:` # > I saw that issue a couple times today. # > Example job: https://circleci.com/gh/angular/angular/385517 # We expect that TypeScript compilations will parallelize wider than the number of local cores anyway # so we should saturate remote workers with TS compilations build --strategy=AngularTemplateCompile=local build --strategy=TypeScriptCompile=local