import {ActivatedRoute} from './router_state'; import {PRIMARY_OUTLET, Params} from './shared'; import {UrlPathWithParams, UrlSegment, UrlTree} from './url_tree'; import {forEach, shallowEqual} from './utils/collection'; export function createUrlTree( route: ActivatedRoute, urlTree: UrlTree, commands: any[], queryParams: Params, fragment: string): UrlTree { if (commands.length === 0) { return tree(urlTree.root, urlTree.root, urlTree, queryParams, fragment); } const normalizedCommands = normalizeCommands(commands); if (navigateToRoot(normalizedCommands)) { return tree(urlTree.root, new UrlSegment([], {}), urlTree, queryParams, fragment); } const startingPosition = findStartingPosition(normalizedCommands, urlTree, route); const segment = startingPosition.processChildren ? updateSegmentChildren( startingPosition.segment, startingPosition.index, normalizedCommands.commands) : updateSegment(startingPosition.segment, startingPosition.index, normalizedCommands.commands); return tree(startingPosition.segment, segment, urlTree, queryParams, fragment); } function tree( oldSegment: UrlSegment, newSegment: UrlSegment, urlTree: UrlTree, queryParams: Params, fragment: string): UrlTree { const q = queryParams ? stringify(queryParams) : urlTree.queryParams; const f = fragment ? fragment : urlTree.fragment; if (urlTree.root === oldSegment) { return new UrlTree(newSegment, q, f); } else { return new UrlTree(replaceSegment(urlTree.root, oldSegment, newSegment), q, f); } } function replaceSegment( current: UrlSegment, oldSegment: UrlSegment, newSegment: UrlSegment): UrlSegment { const children: {[key: string]: UrlSegment} = {}; forEach(current.children, (c: UrlSegment, outletName: string) => { if (c === oldSegment) { children[outletName] = newSegment; } else { children[outletName] = replaceSegment(c, oldSegment, newSegment); } }); return new UrlSegment(current.pathsWithParams, children); } function navigateToRoot(normalizedChange: NormalizedNavigationCommands): boolean { return normalizedChange.isAbsolute && normalizedChange.commands.length === 1 && normalizedChange.commands[0] == '/'; } class NormalizedNavigationCommands { constructor( public isAbsolute: boolean, public numberOfDoubleDots: number, public commands: any[]) {} } function normalizeCommands(commands: any[]): NormalizedNavigationCommands { if ((typeof commands[0] === 'string') && commands.length === 1 && commands[0] == '/') { return new NormalizedNavigationCommands(true, 0, commands); } let numberOfDoubleDots = 0; let isAbsolute = false; const res: any[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < commands.length; ++i) { const c = commands[i]; if (!(typeof c === 'string')) { res.push(c); continue; } const parts = c.split('/'); for (let j = 0; j < parts.length; ++j) { let cc = parts[j]; // first exp is treated in a special way if (i == 0) { if (j == 0 && cc == '.') { // './a' // skip it } else if (j == 0 && cc == '') { // '/a' isAbsolute = true; } else if (cc == '..') { // '../a' numberOfDoubleDots++; } else if (cc != '') { res.push(cc); } } else { if (cc != '') { res.push(cc); } } } } return new NormalizedNavigationCommands(isAbsolute, numberOfDoubleDots, res); } class Position { constructor(public segment: UrlSegment, public processChildren: boolean, public index: number) {} } function findStartingPosition( normalizedChange: NormalizedNavigationCommands, urlTree: UrlTree, route: ActivatedRoute): Position { if (normalizedChange.isAbsolute) { return new Position(urlTree.root, true, 0); } else if (route.snapshot._lastPathIndex === -1) { return new Position(route.snapshot._urlSegment, true, 0); } else if (route.snapshot._lastPathIndex + 1 - normalizedChange.numberOfDoubleDots >= 0) { return new Position( route.snapshot._urlSegment, false, route.snapshot._lastPathIndex + 1 - normalizedChange.numberOfDoubleDots); } else { throw new Error('Invalid number of \'../\''); } } function getPath(command: any): any { if (!(typeof command === 'string')) return command.toString(); const parts = command.toString().split(':'); return parts.length > 1 ? parts[1] : command; } function getOutlet(commands: any[]): string { if (!(typeof commands[0] === 'string')) return PRIMARY_OUTLET; const parts = commands[0].toString().split(':'); return parts.length > 1 ? parts[0] : PRIMARY_OUTLET; } function updateSegment(segment: UrlSegment, startIndex: number, commands: any[]): UrlSegment { if (!segment) { segment = new UrlSegment([], {}); } if (segment.pathsWithParams.length === 0 && Object.keys(segment.children).length > 0) { return updateSegmentChildren(segment, startIndex, commands); } const m = prefixedWith(segment, startIndex, commands); const slicedCommands = commands.slice(m.lastIndex); if (m.match && slicedCommands.length === 0) { return new UrlSegment(segment.pathsWithParams, {}); } else if (m.match && Object.keys(segment.children).length === 0) { return createNewSegment(segment, startIndex, commands); } else if (m.match) { return updateSegmentChildren(segment, 0, slicedCommands); } else { return createNewSegment(segment, startIndex, commands); } } function updateSegmentChildren( segment: UrlSegment, startIndex: number, commands: any[]): UrlSegment { if (commands.length === 0) { return new UrlSegment(segment.pathsWithParams, {}); } else { const outlet = getOutlet(commands); const children: {[key: string]: UrlSegment} = {}; children[outlet] = updateSegment(segment.children[outlet], startIndex, commands); forEach(segment.children, (child: UrlSegment, childOutlet: string) => { if (childOutlet !== outlet) { children[childOutlet] = child; } }); return new UrlSegment(segment.pathsWithParams, children); } } function prefixedWith(segment: UrlSegment, startIndex: number, commands: any[]) { let currentCommandIndex = 0; let currentPathIndex = startIndex; const noMatch = {match: false, lastIndex: 0}; while (currentPathIndex < segment.pathsWithParams.length) { if (currentCommandIndex >= commands.length) return noMatch; const path = segment.pathsWithParams[currentPathIndex]; const curr = getPath(commands[currentCommandIndex]); const next = currentCommandIndex < commands.length - 1 ? commands[currentCommandIndex + 1] : null; if (curr && next && (typeof next === 'object')) { if (!compare(curr, next, path)) return noMatch; currentCommandIndex += 2; } else { if (!compare(curr, {}, path)) return noMatch; currentCommandIndex++; } currentPathIndex++; } return {match: true, lastIndex: currentCommandIndex}; } function createNewSegment(segment: UrlSegment, startIndex: number, commands: any[]): UrlSegment { const paths = segment.pathsWithParams.slice(0, startIndex); let i = 0; while (i < commands.length) { // if we start with an object literal, we need to reuse the path part from the segment if (i === 0 && (typeof commands[0] === 'object')) { const p = segment.pathsWithParams[startIndex]; paths.push(new UrlPathWithParams(p.path, commands[0])); i++; continue; } const curr = getPath(commands[i]); const next = (i < commands.length - 1) ? commands[i + 1] : null; if (curr && next && (typeof next === 'object')) { paths.push(new UrlPathWithParams(curr, stringify(next))); i += 2; } else { paths.push(new UrlPathWithParams(curr, {})); i++; } } return new UrlSegment(paths, {}); } function stringify(params: {[key: string]: any}): {[key: string]: string} { const res: {[key: string]: string} = {}; forEach(params, (v: any, k: string) => res[k] = `${v}`); return res; } function compare( path: string, params: {[key: string]: any}, pathWithParams: UrlPathWithParams): boolean { return path == pathWithParams.path && shallowEqual(params, pathWithParams.parameters); }