/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {parse} from '@babel/parser'; import traverse, {NodePath} from '@babel/traverse'; import * as t from '@babel/types'; import {BabelDeclarationScope} from '../src/babel_declaration_scope'; describe('BabelDeclarationScope', () => { describe('getConstantScopeRef()', () => { it('should return a path to the ES module where the expression was imported', () => { const ast = parse( [ 'import * as core from \'@angular/core\';', 'function foo() {', ' var TEST = core;', '}', ].join('\n'), {sourceType: 'module'}); const nodePath = findVarDeclaration(ast, 'TEST'); const scope = new BabelDeclarationScope(nodePath.scope); const constantScope = scope.getConstantScopeRef(nodePath.get('init').node); expect(constantScope).not.toBe(null); expect(constantScope!.node).toBe(ast.program); }); it('should return a path to the ES Module where the expression is declared', () => { const ast = parse( [ 'var core;', 'export function foo() {', ' var TEST = core;', '}', ].join('\n'), {sourceType: 'module'}); const nodePath = findVarDeclaration(ast, 'TEST'); const scope = new BabelDeclarationScope(nodePath.scope); const constantScope = scope.getConstantScopeRef(nodePath.get('init').node); expect(constantScope).not.toBe(null); expect(constantScope!.node).toBe(ast.program); }); it('should return null if the file is not an ES module', () => { const ast = parse( [ 'var core;', 'function foo() {', ' var TEST = core;', '}', ].join('\n'), {sourceType: 'script'}); const nodePath = findVarDeclaration(ast, 'TEST'); const scope = new BabelDeclarationScope(nodePath.scope); const constantScope = scope.getConstantScopeRef(nodePath.get('init').node); expect(constantScope).toBe(null); }); it('should return the IIFE factory function where the expression is a parameter', () => { const ast = parse( [ 'var core;', '(function(core) {', ' var BLOCK = \'block\';', ' function foo() {', ' var TEST = core;', ' }', '})(core);', ].join('\n'), {sourceType: 'script'}); const nodePath = findVarDeclaration(ast, 'TEST'); const fnPath = findFirstFunction(ast); const scope = new BabelDeclarationScope(nodePath.scope); const constantScope = scope.getConstantScopeRef(nodePath.get('init').node); expect(constantScope).not.toBe(null); expect(constantScope!.isFunction()).toBe(true); expect(constantScope!.node).toEqual(fnPath.node); }); }); }); function findVarDeclaration( file: t.File, varName: string): NodePath<t.VariableDeclarator&{init: t.Expression}> { let varDecl: NodePath<t.VariableDeclarator>|undefined = undefined; traverse(file, { VariableDeclarator: (path) => { const id = path.get('id'); if (id.isIdentifier() && id.node.name === varName && path.get('init') !== null) { varDecl = path; path.stop(); } } }); if (varDecl === undefined) { throw new Error(`TEST BUG: expected to find variable declaration for ${varName}.`); } return varDecl; } function findFirstFunction(file: t.File): NodePath<t.Function> { let fn: NodePath<t.Function>|undefined = undefined; traverse(file, { Function: (path) => { fn = path; path.stop(); } }); if (fn === undefined) { throw new Error(`TEST BUG: expected to find a function.`); } return fn; }