import {ddescribe, describe, it, iit, xit, expect, beforeEach, afterEach} from 'angular2/test_lib'; import {HtmlParser} from 'angular2/src/compiler/html_parser'; import { HtmlAst, HtmlAstVisitor, HtmlElementAst, HtmlAttrAst, HtmlTextAst, htmlVisitAll } from 'angular2/src/compiler/html_ast'; export function main() { describe('DomParser', () => { var parser: HtmlParser; beforeEach(() => { parser = new HtmlParser(); }); describe('parse', () => { describe('text nodes', () => { it('should parse root level text nodes', () => { expect(humanizeDom(parser.parse('a', 'TestComp'))) .toEqual([[HtmlTextAst, 'a', 'TestComp > #text(a):nth-child(0)']]); }); it('should parse text nodes inside regular elements', () => { expect(humanizeDom(parser.parse('
', 'TestComp'))) .toEqual([ [HtmlElementAst, 'div', 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)'], [HtmlTextAst, 'a', 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0) > #text(a):nth-child(0)'] ]); }); it('should parse text nodes inside template elements', () => { expect(humanizeDom(parser.parse('', 'TestComp'))) .toEqual([ [HtmlElementAst, 'template', 'TestComp > template:nth-child(0)'], [HtmlTextAst, 'a', 'TestComp > template:nth-child(0) > #text(a):nth-child(0)'] ]); }); }); describe('elements', () => { it('should parse root level elements', () => { expect(humanizeDom(parser.parse('
', 'TestComp'))) .toEqual([[HtmlElementAst, 'div', 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)']]); }); it('should parse elements inside of regular elements', () => { expect(humanizeDom(parser.parse('
', 'TestComp'))) .toEqual([ [HtmlElementAst, 'div', 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)'], [HtmlElementAst, 'span', 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0) > span:nth-child(0)'] ]); }); it('should parse elements inside of template elements', () => { expect(humanizeDom(parser.parse('', 'TestComp'))) .toEqual([ [HtmlElementAst, 'template', 'TestComp > template:nth-child(0)'], [HtmlElementAst, 'span', 'TestComp > template:nth-child(0) > span:nth-child(0)'] ]); }); }); describe('attributes', () => { it('should parse attributes on regular elements', () => { expect(humanizeDom(parser.parse('
', 'TestComp'))) .toEqual([ [HtmlElementAst, 'div', 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)'], [HtmlAttrAst, 'k', 'v', 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)[k=v]'] ]); }); it('should parse attributes on template elements', () => { expect(humanizeDom(parser.parse('', 'TestComp'))) .toEqual([ [HtmlElementAst, 'template', 'TestComp > template:nth-child(0)'], [HtmlAttrAst, 'k', 'v', 'TestComp > template:nth-child(0)[k=v]'] ]); }); }); }); describe('unparse', () => { it('should unparse text nodes', () => { expect(parser.unparse(parser.parse('a', null))).toEqual('a'); }); it('should unparse elements', () => { expect(parser.unparse(parser.parse('', null))).toEqual(''); }); it('should unparse attributes', () => { expect(parser.unparse(parser.parse('
', null))) .toEqual('
'); }); it('should unparse nested elements', () => { expect(parser.unparse(parser.parse('
', null))) .toEqual('
'); }); it('should unparse nested text nodes', () => { expect(parser.unparse(parser.parse('
', null))).toEqual('
'); }); }); }); } function humanizeDom(asts: HtmlAst[]): any[] { var humanizer = new Humanizer(); htmlVisitAll(humanizer, asts); return humanizer.result; } class Humanizer implements HtmlAstVisitor { result: any[] = []; visitElement(ast: HtmlElementAst, context: any): any { this.result.push([HtmlElementAst,, ast.sourceInfo]); htmlVisitAll(this, ast.attrs); htmlVisitAll(this, ast.children); return null; } visitAttr(ast: HtmlAttrAst, context: any): any { this.result.push([HtmlAttrAst,, ast.value, ast.sourceInfo]); return null; } visitText(ast: HtmlTextAst, context: any): any { this.result.push([HtmlTextAst, ast.value, ast.sourceInfo]); return null; } }