/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {TmplAstNode} from '@angular/compiler'; import {absoluteFrom, AbsoluteFsPath} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/file_system'; import {initMockFileSystem} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/file_system/testing'; import * as ts from 'typescript'; import {DisplayInfoKind, unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind} from '../display_parts'; import {LanguageService} from '../language_service'; import {LanguageServiceTestEnvironment} from './env'; describe('completions', () => { beforeEach(() => { initMockFileSystem('Native'); }); describe('in the global scope', () => { it('should be able to complete an interpolation', () => { const {ngLS, fileName, cursor} = setup('{{ti¦}}', `title!: string; hero!: number;`); const completions = ngLS.getCompletionsAtPosition(fileName, cursor, /* options */ undefined); expectContain(completions, ts.ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement, ['title', 'hero']); }); it('should be able to complete an empty interpolation', () => { const {ngLS, fileName, cursor} = setup('{{ ¦ }}', `title!: string; hero!: number;`); const completions = ngLS.getCompletionsAtPosition(fileName, cursor, /* options */ undefined); expectContain(completions, ts.ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement, ['title', 'hero']); }); it('should be able to complete a property binding', () => { const {ngLS, fileName, cursor} = setup('

', `title!: string; hero!: number;`); const completions = ngLS.getCompletionsAtPosition(fileName, cursor, /* options */ undefined); expectContain(completions, ts.ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement, ['title', 'hero']); }); it('should be able to complete an empty property binding', () => { const {ngLS, fileName, cursor} = setup('

', `title!: string; hero!: number;`); const completions = ngLS.getCompletionsAtPosition(fileName, cursor, /* options */ undefined); expectContain(completions, ts.ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement, ['title', 'hero']); }); it('should be able to retrieve details for completions', () => { const {ngLS, fileName, cursor} = setup('{{ti¦}}', ` /** This is the title of the 'AppCmp' Component. */ title!: string; /** This comment should not appear in the output of this test. */ hero!: number; `); const details = ngLS.getCompletionEntryDetails( fileName, cursor, 'title', /* formatOptions */ undefined, /* preferences */ undefined)!; expect(details).toBeDefined(); expect(toText(details.displayParts)).toEqual('(property) AppCmp.title: string'); expect(toText(details.documentation)) .toEqual('This is the title of the \'AppCmp\' Component.'); }); it('should return reference completions when available', () => { const {ngLS, fileName, cursor} = setup(`
{{t¦}}`, `title!: string;`); const completions = ngLS.getCompletionsAtPosition(fileName, cursor, /* options */ undefined); expectContain(completions, ts.ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement, ['title']); expectContain(completions, DisplayInfoKind.REFERENCE, ['todo']); }); it('should return variable completions when available', () => { const {ngLS, fileName, cursor} = setup( `
`, `heroes!: {name: string}[];`); const completions = ngLS.getCompletionsAtPosition(fileName, cursor, /* options */ undefined); expectContain(completions, ts.ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement, ['heroes']); expectContain(completions, DisplayInfoKind.VARIABLE, ['hero']); }); it('should return completions inside an event binding', () => { const {ngLS, fileName, cursor} = setup(``, `title!: string;`); const completions = ngLS.getCompletionsAtPosition(fileName, cursor, /* options */ undefined); expectContain(completions, ts.ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement, ['title']); }); it('should return completions inside an empty event binding', () => { const {ngLS, fileName, cursor} = setup(``, `title!: string;`); const completions = ngLS.getCompletionsAtPosition(fileName, cursor, /* options */ undefined); expectContain(completions, ts.ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement, ['title']); }); it('should return completions inside the RHS of a two-way binding', () => { const {ngLS, fileName, cursor} = setup(`

`, `title!: string;`); const completions = ngLS.getCompletionsAtPosition(fileName, cursor, /* options */ undefined); expectContain(completions, ts.ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement, ['title']); }); it('should return completions inside an empty RHS of a two-way binding', () => { const {ngLS, fileName, cursor} = setup(`

`, `title!: string;`); const completions = ngLS.getCompletionsAtPosition(fileName, cursor, /* options */ undefined); expectContain(completions, ts.ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement, ['title']); }); }); describe('in an expression scope', () => { it('should return completions in a property access expression', () => { const {ngLS, fileName, cursor} = setup(`{{name.f¦}}`, `name!: {first: string; last: string;};`); const completions = ngLS.getCompletionsAtPosition(fileName, cursor, /* options */ undefined); expectAll(completions, { first: ts.ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement, last: ts.ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement, }); }); it('should return completions in an empty property access expression', () => { const {ngLS, fileName, cursor} = setup(`{{name.¦}}`, `name!: {first: string; last: string;};`); const completions = ngLS.getCompletionsAtPosition(fileName, cursor, /* options */ undefined); expectAll(completions, { first: ts.ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement, last: ts.ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement, }); }); it('should return completions in a property write expression', () => { const {ngLS, fileName, cursor} = setup( ``, `name!: {first: string; last: string;};`); const completions = ngLS.getCompletionsAtPosition(fileName, cursor, /* options */ undefined); expectAll(completions, { first: ts.ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement, last: ts.ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement, }); }); it('should return completions in a method call expression', () => { const {ngLS, fileName, cursor} = setup(`{{name.f¦()}}`, `name!: {first: string; full(): string;};`); const completions = ngLS.getCompletionsAtPosition(fileName, cursor, /* options */ undefined); expectAll(completions, { first: ts.ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement, full: ts.ScriptElementKind.memberFunctionElement, }); }); it('should return completions in an empty method call expression', () => { const {ngLS, fileName, cursor} = setup(`{{name.¦()}}`, `name!: {first: string; full(): string;};`); const completions = ngLS.getCompletionsAtPosition(fileName, cursor, /* options */ undefined); expectAll(completions, { first: ts.ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement, full: ts.ScriptElementKind.memberFunctionElement, }); }); it('should return completions in a safe property navigation context', () => { const {ngLS, fileName, cursor} = setup(`{{name?.f¦}}`, `name?: {first: string; last: string;};`); const completions = ngLS.getCompletionsAtPosition(fileName, cursor, /* options */ undefined); expectAll(completions, { first: ts.ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement, last: ts.ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement, }); }); it('should return completions in an empty safe property navigation context', () => { const {ngLS, fileName, cursor} = setup(`{{name?.¦}}`, `name?: {first: string; last: string;};`); const completions = ngLS.getCompletionsAtPosition(fileName, cursor, /* options */ undefined); expectAll(completions, { first: ts.ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement, last: ts.ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement, }); }); it('should return completions in a safe method call context', () => { const {ngLS, fileName, cursor} = setup(`{{name?.f¦()}}`, `name!: {first: string; full(): string;};`); const completions = ngLS.getCompletionsAtPosition(fileName, cursor, /* options */ undefined); expectAll(completions, { first: ts.ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement, full: ts.ScriptElementKind.memberFunctionElement, }); }); it('should return completions in an empty safe method call context', () => { const {ngLS, fileName, cursor} = setup(`{{name?.¦()}}`, `name!: {first: string; full(): string;};`); const completions = ngLS.getCompletionsAtPosition(fileName, cursor, /* options */ undefined); expectAll(completions, { first: ts.ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement, full: ts.ScriptElementKind.memberFunctionElement, }); }); }); describe('element tag scope', () => { it('should return DOM completions', () => { const {ngLS, fileName, cursor} = setup(``, ''); const completions = ngLS.getCompletionsAtPosition(fileName, cursor, /* options */ undefined); expectContain( completions, unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(DisplayInfoKind.ELEMENT), ['div', 'span']); }); it('should return directive completions', () => { const OTHER_DIR = { 'OtherDir': ` /** This is another directive. */ @Directive({selector: 'other-dir'}) export class OtherDir {} `, }; const {ngLS, fileName, cursor} = setup(``, '', OTHER_DIR); const completions = ngLS.getCompletionsAtPosition(fileName, cursor, /* options */ undefined); expectContain( completions, unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(DisplayInfoKind.DIRECTIVE), ['other-dir']); const details = ngLS.getCompletionEntryDetails(fileName, cursor, 'other-dir', undefined, undefined)!; expect(details).toBeDefined(); expect(ts.displayPartsToString(details.displayParts)) .toEqual('(directive) AppModule.OtherDir'); expect(ts.displayPartsToString(details.documentation!)).toEqual('This is another directive.'); }); it('should return component completions', () => { const OTHER_CMP = { 'OtherCmp': ` /** This is another component. */ @Component({selector: 'other-cmp', template: 'unimportant'}) export class OtherCmp {} `, }; const {ngLS, fileName, cursor} = setup(``, '', OTHER_CMP); const completions = ngLS.getCompletionsAtPosition(fileName, cursor, /* options */ undefined); expectContain( completions, unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(DisplayInfoKind.COMPONENT), ['other-cmp']); const details = ngLS.getCompletionEntryDetails(fileName, cursor, 'other-cmp', undefined, undefined)!; expect(details).toBeDefined(); expect(ts.displayPartsToString(details.displayParts)) .toEqual('(component) AppModule.OtherCmp'); expect(ts.displayPartsToString(details.documentation!)).toEqual('This is another component.'); }); }); }); function expectContain( completions: ts.CompletionInfo|undefined, kind: ts.ScriptElementKind|DisplayInfoKind, names: string[]) { expect(completions).toBeDefined(); for (const name of names) { expect(completions!.entries).toContain(jasmine.objectContaining({name, kind} as any)); } } function expectAll( completions: ts.CompletionInfo|undefined, contains: {[name: string]: ts.ScriptElementKind|DisplayInfoKind}): void { expect(completions).toBeDefined(); for (const [name, kind] of Object.entries(contains)) { expect(completions!.entries).toContain(jasmine.objectContaining({name, kind} as any)); } expect(completions!.entries.length).toEqual(Object.keys(contains).length); } function toText(displayParts?: ts.SymbolDisplayPart[]): string { return (displayParts ?? []).map(p => p.text).join(''); } function setup( templateWithCursor: string, classContents: string, otherDirectives: {[name: string]: string} = {}): { env: LanguageServiceTestEnvironment, fileName: AbsoluteFsPath, AppCmp: ts.ClassDeclaration, ngLS: LanguageService, cursor: number, nodes: TmplAstNode[], } { const codePath = absoluteFrom('/test.ts'); const templatePath = absoluteFrom('/test.html'); const decls = ['AppCmp', ...Object.keys(otherDirectives)]; const otherDirectiveClassDecls = Object.values(otherDirectives).join('\n\n'); const env = LanguageServiceTestEnvironment.setup([ { name: codePath, contents: ` import {Component, Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ templateUrl: './test.html', selector: 'app-cmp', }) export class AppCmp { ${classContents} } ${otherDirectiveClassDecls} @NgModule({ declarations: [${decls.join(', ')}], }) export class AppModule {} `, isRoot: true, }, { name: templatePath, contents: 'Placeholder template', } ]); const {nodes, cursor} = env.overrideTemplateWithCursor(codePath, 'AppCmp', templateWithCursor); return { env, fileName: templatePath, AppCmp: env.getClass(codePath, 'AppCmp'), ngLS: env.ngLS, nodes, cursor, }; }