#!/usr/bin/env bash set -u -e -o pipefail # These ones can be `npm link`ed for fast development LINKABLE_PKGS=( $(pwd)/dist/packages-dist/{common,forms,core,compiler,compiler-cli,platform-{browser,server},platform-browser-dynamic,router,http,animations,tsc-wrapped} ) TYPESCRIPT_2_3=typescript@2.3.x PKGS=( reflect-metadata@0.1.8 zone.js@0.6.25 rxjs@5.0.1 @types/{node@6.0.38,jasmine@2.2.33} jasmine@2.4.1 webpack@2.1.0-beta.21 source-map-loader@0.2.0 @angular2-material/{core,button}@2.0.0-alpha.8-1 ) TMPDIR=${TMPDIR:-.} readonly TMP=$TMPDIR/e2e_test.$(date +%s) mkdir -p $TMP cp -R -v packages/compiler-cli/integrationtest/* $TMP cp -R -v modules/benchmarks $TMP # Try to use the same versions as angular, in particular, this will # cause us to install the same rxjs version. cp -v package.json $TMP # run in subshell to avoid polluting cwd ( cd $TMP set -ex -o pipefail npm install ${PKGS[*]} $TYPESCRIPT_2_3 # TODO(alexeagle): allow this to be npm link instead npm install ${LINKABLE_PKGS[*]} ./node_modules/.bin/tsc --version # Compile the compiler-cli third_party simulation. # Use ngc-wrapped directly so we don't produce *.ngfactory.ts files! # Compile the compiler-cli integration tests # TODO(vicb): restore the test for .xtb #./node_modules/.bin/ngc -p tsconfig-build.json --i18nFile=src/messages.fi.xtb --locale=fi --i18nFormat=xtb # Generate the metadata for the third-party modules node ./node_modules/@angular/tsc-wrapped/src/main -p third_party_src/tsconfig-build.json # Generate the the bundle modules node ./node_modules/@angular/tsc-wrapped/src/main -p flat_module/tsconfig-build.json # Copy the html files from source to the emitted output cp flat_module/src/*.html node_modules/flat_module/src ./node_modules/.bin/ngc -p tsconfig-build.json --i18nFile=src/messages.fi.xlf --locale=fi --i18nFormat=xlf ./node_modules/.bin/ng-xi18n -p tsconfig-xi18n.json --i18nFormat=xlf --locale=fr ./node_modules/.bin/ng-xi18n -p tsconfig-xi18n.json --i18nFormat=xlf2 --outFile=messages.xliff2.xlf ./node_modules/.bin/ng-xi18n -p tsconfig-xi18n.json --i18nFormat=xmb --outFile=custom_file.xmb # Removed until #15219 is fixed # node test/test_summaries.js node test/test_ngtools_api.js ./node_modules/.bin/jasmine init # Run compiler-cli integration tests in node ./node_modules/.bin/webpack ./webpack.config.js ./node_modules/.bin/jasmine ./all_spec.js # Compile again with a differently named tsconfig file mv tsconfig-build.json othername.json ./node_modules/.bin/ngc -p othername.json )