load("//tools/ts-api-guardian:index.bzl", "ts_api_guardian_test")
load(":public_api_guard.bzl", "generate_targets")

generate_targets(golden_files = glob(
    # exclude the following target because we have an explicit target for it bellow, see :core_api
    exclude = ["core/core.d.ts"],

# Explicit target because core is broken down into sub-packages.
# The ts_api_guardian rule does not know how to collect the .d.ts files from the sub-packages so we have to list it here explicitly.
# see: https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/28057
    name = "core_api",
    actual = "angular/packages/core/core.d.ts",
    data = ["//tools/public_api_guard:core/core.d.ts"] + [
    golden = "angular/tools/public_api_guard/core/core.d.ts",
    tags = [
        "fixme-ivy-aot",  # ivy no longer emits generated index file

# explicit target because the d.ts file is nested in the core and not part of typical public d.ts api
    name = "ng_global_utils_api",
    actual = "angular/packages/core/src/render3/global_utils_api.d.ts",
    data = [
    golden = "angular/tools/public_api_guard/global_utils.d.ts",