import * as nock from 'nock'; import {CircleCiApi} from '../../lib/common/circle-ci-api'; const ORG = 'testorg'; const REPO = 'testrepo'; const TOKEN = 'xxxx'; const BASE_URL = `${ORG}/${REPO}`; describe('CircleCIApi', () => { describe('constructor()', () => { it('should throw if \'githubOrg\' is missing or empty', () => { expect(() => new CircleCiApi('', REPO, TOKEN)). toThrowError('Missing or empty required parameter \'githubOrg\'!'); }); it('should throw if \'githubRepo\' is missing or empty', () => { expect(() => new CircleCiApi(ORG, '', TOKEN)). toThrowError('Missing or empty required parameter \'githubRepo\'!'); }); it('should throw if \'circleCiToken\' is missing or empty', () => { expect(() => new CircleCiApi(ORG, REPO, '')). toThrowError('Missing or empty required parameter \'circleCiToken\'!'); }); }); describe('getBuildInfo', () => { it('should make a request to the CircleCI API for the given build number', async () => { const api = new CircleCiApi(ORG, REPO, TOKEN); const buildNum = 12345; const expectedBuildInfo: any = { org: ORG, repo: REPO, build_num: buildNum }; const request = nock(BASE_URL) .get(`/${buildNum}?circle-token=${TOKEN}`) .reply(200, expectedBuildInfo); const buildInfo = await api.getBuildInfo(buildNum); expect(buildInfo).toEqual(expectedBuildInfo); request.done(); }); it('should throw an error if the request fails', async () => { const api = new CircleCiApi(ORG, REPO, TOKEN); const buildNum = 12345; const errorMessage = 'Invalid request'; const request = nock(BASE_URL).get(`/${buildNum}?circle-token=${TOKEN}`); try { request.replyWithError(errorMessage); await api.getBuildInfo(buildNum); throw new Error('Exception Expected'); } catch (err) { expect(err.message).toEqual( `CircleCI build info request failed ` + `(request to ${BASE_URL}/${buildNum}?circle-token=${TOKEN} failed, reason: ${errorMessage})`); } try { request.reply(404, errorMessage); await api.getBuildInfo(buildNum); throw new Error('Exception Expected'); } catch (err) { expect(err.message).toEqual( `CircleCI build info request failed ` + `(request to ${BASE_URL}/${buildNum}?circle-token=${TOKEN} failed, reason: ${errorMessage})`); } }); }); describe('getBuildArtifactUrl', () => { it('should make a request to the CircleCI API for the given build number', async () => { const api = new CircleCiApi(ORG, REPO, TOKEN); const buildNum = 12345; const artifact0: any = { path: 'some/path/0', url: 'https://url/0' }; const artifact1: any = { path: 'some/path/1', url: 'https://url/1' }; const artifact2: any = { path: 'some/path/2', url: 'https://url/2' }; const request = nock(BASE_URL) .get(`/${buildNum}/artifacts?circle-token=${TOKEN}`) .reply(200, [artifact0, artifact1, artifact2]); const artifactUrl = await api.getBuildArtifactUrl(buildNum, 'some/path/1'); expect(artifactUrl).toEqual('https://url/1'); request.done(); }); it('should throw an error if the request fails', async () => { const api = new CircleCiApi(ORG, REPO, TOKEN); const buildNum = 12345; const errorMessage = 'Invalid request'; const request = nock(BASE_URL).get(`/${buildNum}/artifacts?circle-token=${TOKEN}`); try { request.replyWithError(errorMessage); await api.getBuildArtifactUrl(buildNum, 'some/path/1'); throw new Error('Exception Expected'); } catch (err) { expect(err.message).toEqual( `CircleCI artifact URL request failed ` + `(request to ${BASE_URL}/${buildNum}/artifacts?circle-token=${TOKEN} failed, reason: ${errorMessage})`); } try { request.reply(404, errorMessage); await api.getBuildArtifactUrl(buildNum, 'some/path/1'); throw new Error('Exception Expected'); } catch (err) { expect(err.message).toEqual( `CircleCI artifact URL request failed ` + `(request to ${BASE_URL}/${buildNum}/artifacts?circle-token=${TOKEN} failed, reason: ${errorMessage})`); } }); it('should throw an error if the response does not contain the specified artifact', async () => { const api = new CircleCiApi(ORG, REPO, TOKEN); const buildNum = 12345; const artifact0: any = { path: 'some/path/0', url: 'https://url/0' }; const artifact1: any = { path: 'some/path/1', url: 'https://url/1' }; const artifact2: any = { path: 'some/path/2', url: 'https://url/2' }; nock(BASE_URL) .get(`/${buildNum}/artifacts?circle-token=${TOKEN}`) .reply(200, [artifact0, artifact1, artifact2]); try { await api.getBuildArtifactUrl(buildNum, 'some/path/3'); throw new Error('Exception Expected'); } catch (err) { expect(err.message).toEqual( `CircleCI artifact URL request failed ` + `(Missing artifact (some/path/3) for CircleCI build: ${buildNum})`); } }); }); });