#!/bin/bash set -eu -o pipefail logFile=/var/log/aio/verify-setup.log previewServerLogFile=/var/log/aio/preview-server-verify-setup.log exec 3>&1 exec >> $logFile exec 2>&1 echo "[`date`] - Starting verification..." # Helpers function countdown { message=$1 secs=$2 while [ $secs -gt 0 ]; do echo -ne "$message in $secs...\033[0K\r" sleep 1 : $((secs--)) done echo -ne "\033[0K\r" } function onExit { echo -e "Stopping Test Server" aio-preview-server-test stop echo -e "Full logs in '$logFile'.\n" > /dev/fd/3 } # Setup EXIT trap trap 'onExit' EXIT # Start an preview-server instance for testing echo -e "Starting Test Server" aio-preview-server-test start --log $previewServerLogFile # Give the preview-server some time to start :( countdown "Starting" 5 > /dev/fd/3 # Run the tests echo Running the tests source aio-test-env node $AIO_SCRIPTS_JS_DIR/dist/lib/verify-setup | tee /dev/fd/3