.clearfix a.card.c4(href="/docs/#{current.path[1]}/#{current.path[2]}/quickstart.html") h2.text-headline.text-uppercase Quickstart p A short beginner guide explaining the basic concepts of Angular footer View Quickstart a.card.c4(href="/docs/#{current.path[1]}/#{current.path[2]}/guide/") h2.text-headline.text-uppercase Developer Guide p An intermediate development guide covering all major features of Angular footer View Guide a.card.c4(href="/docs/#{current.path[1]}/#{current.path[2]}/api/") h2.text-headline.text-uppercase API Reference p An advanced reference of all Angular Classes, Methods, etc. footer View API div.c12.l-space-top-3 .alert.is-helpful. Not using Angular 2 yet? Perhaps you need the API docs for the original AngularDart.