/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ describe('Microtasks', function() { if (!global.Promise) return; function scheduleFn(task: Task) { Promise.resolve().then(task.invoke); } it('should execute microtasks enqueued in the root zone', function(done) { const log: number[] = []; Zone.current.scheduleMicroTask('test', () => log.push(1), undefined, scheduleFn); Zone.current.scheduleMicroTask('test', () => log.push(2), undefined, scheduleFn); Zone.current.scheduleMicroTask('test', () => log.push(3), undefined, scheduleFn); setTimeout(function() { expect(log).toEqual([1, 2, 3]); done(); }, 10); }); it('should correctly scheduleMacroTask microtasks vs macrotasks', function(done) { const log = ['+root']; Zone.current.scheduleMicroTask('test', () => log.push('root.mit'), undefined, scheduleFn); setTimeout(function() { log.push('+mat1'); Zone.current.scheduleMicroTask('test', () => log.push('mat1.mit'), undefined, scheduleFn); log.push('-mat1'); }, 10); setTimeout(function() { log.push('mat2'); }, 30); setTimeout(function() { expect(log).toEqual(['+root', '-root', 'root.mit', '+mat1', '-mat1', 'mat1.mit', 'mat2']); done(); }, 40); log.push('-root'); }); it('should execute Promise wrapCallback in the zone where they are scheduled', function(done) { const resolvedPromise = Promise.resolve(null); const testZone = Zone.current.fork({name: ''}); testZone.run(function() { resolvedPromise.then(function() { expect(Zone.current.name).toBe(testZone.name); done(); }); }); }); it('should execute Promise wrapCallback in the zone where they are scheduled even if resolved ' + 'in different zone.', function(done) { let resolve: Function; const promise = new Promise(function(rs) { resolve = rs; }); const testZone = Zone.current.fork({name: 'test'}); testZone.run(function() { promise.then(function() { expect(Zone.current).toBe(testZone); done(); }); }); Zone.current.fork({name: 'test'}).run(function() { resolve(null); }); }); describe('Promise', function() { it('should go through scheduleTask', function(done) { let called = false; const testZone = Zone.current.fork({ name: 'test', onScheduleTask: function(delegate: ZoneDelegate, current: Zone, target: Zone, task: Task): Task { called = true; delegate.scheduleTask(target, task); return task; } }); testZone.run(function() { Promise.resolve('value').then(function() { expect(called).toEqual(true); done(); }); }); }); }); });