load( "@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:defs.bzl", "jasmine_node_test", "node_modules_filegroup", "nodejs_binary", "npm_package", ) load("@build_bazel_rules_typescript//:defs.bzl", "ts_library") exports_files(["bin/ts-api-guardian"]) ts_library( name = "lib", srcs = glob(["lib/*.ts"]), module_name = "ts-api-guardian", node_modules = "@ts-api-guardian_runtime_deps//:node_modules", tsconfig = "//tools:tsconfig.json", visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) # Copy Angular's license to govern ts-api-guardian as well. # We use a genrule to put it in this package, so it will be in the right root directory. genrule( name = "license", srcs = ["//:LICENSE"], outs = ["LICENSE"], cmd = "cp $< $@", ) npm_package( name = "ts-api-guardian", srcs = [ "README.md", "bin/ts-api-guardian", "package.json", ], deps = [ ":lib", ":license", ], ) #######################################3 # Tests for this package ts_library( name = "test_lib", testonly = True, srcs = glob(["test/*.ts"]), tsconfig = "//tools:tsconfig.json", deps = [":lib"], ) jasmine_node_test( name = "tests", srcs = [":test_lib"], bootstrap = ["angular/tools/ts-api-guardian/test/bootstrap.js"], data = glob([ "test/fixtures/*.ts", "test/fixtures/*.patch", ]) + [ ":ts-api-guardian", ], node_modules = "@ts-api-guardian_runtime_deps//:node_modules", )