/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {beforeEach, describe, expect, it} from '../../../core/testing/src/testing_internal'; import {CssAst, CssAstVisitor, CssAtRulePredicateAst, CssBlockAst, CssDefinitionAst, CssInlineRuleAst, CssKeyframeDefinitionAst, CssKeyframeRuleAst, CssMediaQueryRuleAst, CssPseudoSelectorAst, CssRuleAst, CssSelectorAst, CssSelectorRuleAst, CssSimpleSelectorAst, CssStyleSheetAst, CssStyleValueAst, CssStylesBlockAst, CssUnknownRuleAst, CssUnknownTokenListAst} from '../../src/css_parser/css_ast'; import {BlockType, CssParseError, CssParser, CssToken} from '../../src/css_parser/css_parser'; function _assertTokens(tokens: CssToken[], valuesArr: string[]): void { expect(tokens.length).toEqual(valuesArr.length); for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { expect(tokens[i].strValue == valuesArr[i]); } } class MyVisitor implements CssAstVisitor { captures: {[key: string]: any[]} = {}; /** * @internal */ _capture(method: string, ast: CssAst, context: any) { this.captures[method] = this.captures[method] || []; this.captures[method].push([ast, context]); } constructor(ast: CssStyleSheetAst, context: any) { ast.visit(this, context); } visitCssValue(ast: CssStyleValueAst, context: any): void { this._capture('visitCssValue', ast, context); } visitCssInlineRule(ast: CssInlineRuleAst, context: any): void { this._capture('visitCssInlineRule', ast, context); } visitCssAtRulePredicate(ast: CssAtRulePredicateAst, context: any): void { this._capture('visitCssAtRulePredicate', ast, context); } visitCssKeyframeRule(ast: CssKeyframeRuleAst, context: any): void { this._capture('visitCssKeyframeRule', ast, context); ast.block.visit(this, context); } visitCssKeyframeDefinition(ast: CssKeyframeDefinitionAst, context: any): void { this._capture('visitCssKeyframeDefinition', ast, context); ast.block.visit(this, context); } visitCssMediaQueryRule(ast: CssMediaQueryRuleAst, context: any): void { this._capture('visitCssMediaQueryRule', ast, context); ast.query.visit(this, context); ast.block.visit(this, context); } visitCssSelectorRule(ast: CssSelectorRuleAst, context: any): void { this._capture('visitCssSelectorRule', ast, context); ast.selectors.forEach((selAst: CssSelectorAst) => { selAst.visit(this, context); }); ast.block.visit(this, context); } visitCssSelector(ast: CssSelectorAst, context: any): void { this._capture('visitCssSelector', ast, context); ast.selectorParts.forEach( (simpleAst: CssSimpleSelectorAst) => { simpleAst.visit(this, context); }); } visitCssSimpleSelector(ast: CssSimpleSelectorAst, context: any): void { this._capture('visitCssSimpleSelector', ast, context); ast.pseudoSelectors.forEach( (pseudoAst: CssPseudoSelectorAst) => { pseudoAst.visit(this, context); }); } visitCssDefinition(ast: CssDefinitionAst, context: any): void { this._capture('visitCssDefinition', ast, context); ast.value.visit(this, context); } visitCssBlock(ast: CssBlockAst, context: any): void { this._capture('visitCssBlock', ast, context); ast.entries.forEach((entryAst: CssAst) => { entryAst.visit(this, context); }); } visitCssStylesBlock(ast: CssStylesBlockAst, context: any): void { this._capture('visitCssStylesBlock', ast, context); ast.definitions.forEach( (definitionAst: CssDefinitionAst) => { definitionAst.visit(this, context); }); } visitCssStyleSheet(ast: CssStyleSheetAst, context: any): void { this._capture('visitCssStyleSheet', ast, context); ast.rules.forEach((ruleAst: CssRuleAst) => { ruleAst.visit(this, context); }); } visitCssUnknownRule(ast: CssUnknownRuleAst, context: any): void { this._capture('visitCssUnknownRule', ast, context); } visitCssUnknownTokenList(ast: CssUnknownTokenListAst, context: any): void { this._capture('visitCssUnknownTokenList', ast, context); } visitCssPseudoSelector(ast: CssPseudoSelectorAst, context: any): void { this._capture('visitCssPseudoSelector', ast, context); } } function _getCaptureAst(capture: any[], index = 0): CssAst { return capture[index][0]; } (function(){ function parse(cssCode: string, ignoreErrors: boolean = false) { const output = new CssParser().parse(cssCode, 'some-fake-css-file.css'); const errors = output.errors; if (errors.length > 0 && !ignoreErrors) { throw new Error(errors.map((error: CssParseError) => error.msg).join(', ')); } return output.ast; } describe('CSS parsing and visiting', () => { let ast: CssStyleSheetAst; const context = {}; beforeEach(() => { const cssCode = ` .rule1 { prop1: value1 } .rule2 { prop2: value2 } @media all (max-width: 100px) { #id { prop3 :value3; } } @import url(file.css); @keyframes rotate { from { prop4: value4; } 50%, 100% { prop5: value5; } } `; ast = parse(cssCode); }); it('should parse and visit a stylesheet', () => { const visitor = new MyVisitor(ast, context); const captures = visitor.captures['visitCssStyleSheet']; expect(captures.length).toEqual(1); const capture = captures[0]; expect(capture[0]).toEqual(ast); expect(capture[1]).toEqual(context); }); it('should parse and visit each of the stylesheet selectors', () => { const visitor = new MyVisitor(ast, context); const captures = visitor.captures['visitCssSelectorRule']; expect(captures.length).toEqual(3); const rule1 = _getCaptureAst(captures, 0); expect(rule1).toEqual(ast.rules[0]); const firstSelector = rule1.selectors[0]; const firstSimpleSelector = firstSelector.selectorParts[0]; _assertTokens(firstSimpleSelector.tokens, ['.', 'rule1']); const rule2 = _getCaptureAst(captures, 1); expect(rule2).toEqual(ast.rules[1]); const secondSelector = rule2.selectors[0]; const secondSimpleSelector = secondSelector.selectorParts[0]; _assertTokens(secondSimpleSelector.tokens, ['.', 'rule2']); const rule3 = _getCaptureAst(captures, 2); expect(rule3).toEqual((ast.rules[2]).block.entries[0]); const thirdSelector = rule3.selectors[0]; const thirdSimpleSelector = thirdSelector.selectorParts[0]; _assertTokens(thirdSimpleSelector.tokens, ['#', 'rule3']); }); it('should parse and visit each of the stylesheet style key/value definitions', () => { const visitor = new MyVisitor(ast, context); const captures = visitor.captures['visitCssDefinition']; expect(captures.length).toEqual(5); const def1 = _getCaptureAst(captures, 0); expect(def1.property.strValue).toEqual('prop1'); expect(def1.value.tokens[0].strValue).toEqual('value1'); const def2 = _getCaptureAst(captures, 1); expect(def2.property.strValue).toEqual('prop2'); expect(def2.value.tokens[0].strValue).toEqual('value2'); const def3 = _getCaptureAst(captures, 2); expect(def3.property.strValue).toEqual('prop3'); expect(def3.value.tokens[0].strValue).toEqual('value3'); const def4 = _getCaptureAst(captures, 3); expect(def4.property.strValue).toEqual('prop4'); expect(def4.value.tokens[0].strValue).toEqual('value4'); const def5 = _getCaptureAst(captures, 4); expect(def5.property.strValue).toEqual('prop5'); expect(def5.value.tokens[0].strValue).toEqual('value5'); }); it('should parse and visit the associated media query values', () => { const visitor = new MyVisitor(ast, context); const captures = visitor.captures['visitCssMediaQueryRule']; expect(captures.length).toEqual(1); const query1 = _getCaptureAst(captures, 0); _assertTokens(query1.query.tokens, ['all', 'and', '(', 'max-width', '100', 'px', ')']); expect(query1.block.entries.length).toEqual(1); }); it('should capture the media query predicate', () => { const visitor = new MyVisitor(ast, context); const captures = visitor.captures['visitCssAtRulePredicate']; expect(captures.length).toEqual(1); const predicate = _getCaptureAst(captures, 0); expect(predicate.strValue).toEqual('@media all (max-width: 100px)'); }); it('should parse and visit the associated "@inline" rule values', () => { const visitor = new MyVisitor(ast, context); const captures = visitor.captures['visitCssInlineRule']; expect(captures.length).toEqual(1); const inline1 = _getCaptureAst(captures, 0); expect(inline1.type).toEqual(BlockType.Import); _assertTokens(inline1.value.tokens, ['url', '(', 'file.css', ')']); }); it('should parse and visit the keyframe blocks', () => { const visitor = new MyVisitor(ast, context); const captures = visitor.captures['visitCssKeyframeRule']; expect(captures.length).toEqual(1); const keyframe1 = _getCaptureAst(captures, 0); expect(keyframe1.name !.strValue).toEqual('rotate'); expect(keyframe1.block.entries.length).toEqual(2); }); it('should parse and visit the associated keyframe rules', () => { const visitor = new MyVisitor(ast, context); const captures = visitor.captures['visitCssKeyframeDefinition']; expect(captures.length).toEqual(2); const def1 = _getCaptureAst(captures, 0); _assertTokens(def1.steps, ['from']); expect(def1.block.entries.length).toEqual(1); const def2 = _getCaptureAst(captures, 1); _assertTokens(def2.steps, ['50%', '100%']); expect(def2.block.entries.length).toEqual(1); }); it('should visit an unknown `@` rule', () => { const cssCode = ` @someUnknownRule param { one two three } `; ast = parse(cssCode, true); const visitor = new MyVisitor(ast, context); const captures = visitor.captures['visitCssUnknownRule']; expect(captures.length).toEqual(1); const rule = _getCaptureAst(captures, 0); expect(rule.ruleName).toEqual('@someUnknownRule'); _assertTokens(rule.tokens, ['param', '{', 'one', 'two', 'three', '}']); }); it('should collect an invalid list of tokens before a valid selector', () => { const cssCode = 'one two three four five; selector { }'; ast = parse(cssCode, true); const visitor = new MyVisitor(ast, context); const captures = visitor.captures['visitCssUnknownTokenList']; expect(captures.length).toEqual(1); const rule = _getCaptureAst(captures, 0); _assertTokens(rule.tokens, ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five']); }); it('should collect an invalid list of tokens after a valid selector', () => { const cssCode = 'selector { } six seven eight'; ast = parse(cssCode, true); const visitor = new MyVisitor(ast, context); const captures = visitor.captures['visitCssUnknownTokenList']; expect(captures.length).toEqual(1); const rule = _getCaptureAst(captures, 0); _assertTokens(rule.tokens, ['six', 'seven', 'eight']); }); }); })();