/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {Lexer, Token} from '@angular/compiler/src/expression_parser/lexer'; function lex(text: string): any[] { return new Lexer().tokenize(text); } function expectToken(token: any, index: number, end: number) { expect(token instanceof Token).toBe(true); expect(token.index).toEqual(index); expect(token.end).toEqual(end); } function expectCharacterToken(token: any, index: number, end: number, character: string) { expect(character.length).toBe(1); expectToken(token, index, end); expect(token.isCharacter(character.charCodeAt(0))).toBe(true); } function expectOperatorToken(token: any, index: number, end: number, operator: string) { expectToken(token, index, end); expect(token.isOperator(operator)).toBe(true); } function expectNumberToken(token: any, index: number, end: number, n: number) { expectToken(token, index, end); expect(token.isNumber()).toBe(true); expect(token.toNumber()).toEqual(n); } function expectStringToken(token: any, index: number, end: number, str: string) { expectToken(token, index, end); expect(token.isString()).toBe(true); expect(token.toString()).toEqual(str); } function expectIdentifierToken(token: any, index: number, end: number, identifier: string) { expectToken(token, index, end); expect(token.isIdentifier()).toBe(true); expect(token.toString()).toEqual(identifier); } function expectKeywordToken(token: any, index: number, end: number, keyword: string) { expectToken(token, index, end); expect(token.isKeyword()).toBe(true); expect(token.toString()).toEqual(keyword); } function expectErrorToken(token: Token, index: any, end: number, message: string) { expectToken(token, index, end); expect(token.isError()).toBe(true); expect(token.toString()).toEqual(message); } { describe('lexer', () => { describe('token', () => { it('should tokenize a simple identifier', () => { const tokens: number[] = lex('j'); expect(tokens.length).toEqual(1); expectIdentifierToken(tokens[0], 0, 1, 'j'); }); it('should tokenize "this"', () => { const tokens: number[] = lex('this'); expect(tokens.length).toEqual(1); expectKeywordToken(tokens[0], 0, 4, 'this'); }); it('should tokenize a dotted identifier', () => { const tokens: number[] = lex('j.k'); expect(tokens.length).toEqual(3); expectIdentifierToken(tokens[0], 0, 1, 'j'); expectCharacterToken(tokens[1], 1, 2, '.'); expectIdentifierToken(tokens[2], 2, 3, 'k'); }); it('should tokenize an operator', () => { const tokens: number[] = lex('j-k'); expect(tokens.length).toEqual(3); expectOperatorToken(tokens[1], 1, 2, '-'); }); it('should tokenize an indexed operator', () => { const tokens: number[] = lex('j[k]'); expect(tokens.length).toEqual(4); expectCharacterToken(tokens[1], 1, 2, '['); expectCharacterToken(tokens[3], 3, 4, ']'); }); it('should tokenize numbers', () => { const tokens: number[] = lex('88'); expect(tokens.length).toEqual(1); expectNumberToken(tokens[0], 0, 2, 88); }); it('should tokenize numbers within index ops', () => { expectNumberToken(lex('a[22]')[2], 2, 4, 22); }); it('should tokenize simple quoted strings', () => { expectStringToken(lex('"a"')[0], 0, 3, 'a'); }); it('should tokenize quoted strings with escaped quotes', () => { expectStringToken(lex('"a\\""')[0], 0, 5, 'a"'); }); it('should tokenize a string', () => { const tokens: Token[] = lex('j-a.bc[22]+1.3|f:\'a\\\'c\':"d\\"e"'); expectIdentifierToken(tokens[0], 0, 1, 'j'); expectOperatorToken(tokens[1], 1, 2, '-'); expectIdentifierToken(tokens[2], 2, 3, 'a'); expectCharacterToken(tokens[3], 3, 4, '.'); expectIdentifierToken(tokens[4], 4, 6, 'bc'); expectCharacterToken(tokens[5], 6, 7, '['); expectNumberToken(tokens[6], 7, 9, 22); expectCharacterToken(tokens[7], 9, 10, ']'); expectOperatorToken(tokens[8], 10, 11, '+'); expectNumberToken(tokens[9], 11, 14, 1.3); expectOperatorToken(tokens[10], 14, 15, '|'); expectIdentifierToken(tokens[11], 15, 16, 'f'); expectCharacterToken(tokens[12], 16, 17, ':'); expectStringToken(tokens[13], 17, 23, 'a\'c'); expectCharacterToken(tokens[14], 23, 24, ':'); expectStringToken(tokens[15], 24, 30, 'd"e'); }); it('should tokenize undefined', () => { const tokens: Token[] = lex('undefined'); expectKeywordToken(tokens[0], 0, 9, 'undefined'); expect(tokens[0].isKeywordUndefined()).toBe(true); }); it('should ignore whitespace', () => { const tokens: Token[] = lex('a \t \n \r b'); expectIdentifierToken(tokens[0], 0, 1, 'a'); expectIdentifierToken(tokens[1], 8, 9, 'b'); }); it('should tokenize quoted string', () => { const str = '[\'\\\'\', "\\""]'; const tokens: Token[] = lex(str); expectStringToken(tokens[1], 1, 5, '\''); expectStringToken(tokens[3], 7, 11, '"'); }); it('should tokenize escaped quoted string', () => { const str = '"\\"\\n\\f\\r\\t\\v\\u00A0"'; const tokens: Token[] = lex(str); expect(tokens.length).toEqual(1); expect(tokens[0].toString()).toEqual('"\n\f\r\t\v\u00A0'); }); it('should tokenize unicode', () => { const tokens: Token[] = lex('"\\u00A0"'); expect(tokens.length).toEqual(1); expect(tokens[0].toString()).toEqual('\u00a0'); }); it('should tokenize relation', () => { const tokens: Token[] = lex('! == != < > <= >= === !=='); expectOperatorToken(tokens[0], 0, 1, '!'); expectOperatorToken(tokens[1], 2, 4, '=='); expectOperatorToken(tokens[2], 5, 7, '!='); expectOperatorToken(tokens[3], 8, 9, '<'); expectOperatorToken(tokens[4], 10, 11, '>'); expectOperatorToken(tokens[5], 12, 14, '<='); expectOperatorToken(tokens[6], 15, 17, '>='); expectOperatorToken(tokens[7], 18, 21, '==='); expectOperatorToken(tokens[8], 22, 25, '!=='); }); it('should tokenize statements', () => { const tokens: Token[] = lex('a;b;'); expectIdentifierToken(tokens[0], 0, 1, 'a'); expectCharacterToken(tokens[1], 1, 2, ';'); expectIdentifierToken(tokens[2], 2, 3, 'b'); expectCharacterToken(tokens[3], 3, 4, ';'); }); it('should tokenize function invocation', () => { const tokens: Token[] = lex('a()'); expectIdentifierToken(tokens[0], 0, 1, 'a'); expectCharacterToken(tokens[1], 1, 2, '('); expectCharacterToken(tokens[2], 2, 3, ')'); }); it('should tokenize simple method invocations', () => { const tokens: Token[] = lex('a.method()'); expectIdentifierToken(tokens[2], 2, 8, 'method'); }); it('should tokenize method invocation', () => { const tokens: Token[] = lex('a.b.c (d) - e.f()'); expectIdentifierToken(tokens[0], 0, 1, 'a'); expectCharacterToken(tokens[1], 1, 2, '.'); expectIdentifierToken(tokens[2], 2, 3, 'b'); expectCharacterToken(tokens[3], 3, 4, '.'); expectIdentifierToken(tokens[4], 4, 5, 'c'); expectCharacterToken(tokens[5], 6, 7, '('); expectIdentifierToken(tokens[6], 7, 8, 'd'); expectCharacterToken(tokens[7], 8, 9, ')'); expectOperatorToken(tokens[8], 10, 11, '-'); expectIdentifierToken(tokens[9], 12, 13, 'e'); expectCharacterToken(tokens[10], 13, 14, '.'); expectIdentifierToken(tokens[11], 14, 15, 'f'); expectCharacterToken(tokens[12], 15, 16, '('); expectCharacterToken(tokens[13], 16, 17, ')'); }); it('should tokenize number', () => { expectNumberToken(lex('0.5')[0], 0, 3, 0.5); }); it('should tokenize number with exponent', () => { let tokens: Token[] = lex('0.5E-10'); expect(tokens.length).toEqual(1); expectNumberToken(tokens[0], 0, 7, 0.5E-10); tokens = lex('0.5E+10'); expectNumberToken(tokens[0], 0, 7, 0.5E+10); }); it('should return exception for invalid exponent', () => { expectErrorToken( lex('0.5E-')[0], 4, 5, 'Lexer Error: Invalid exponent at column 4 in expression [0.5E-]'); expectErrorToken( lex('0.5E-A')[0], 4, 5, 'Lexer Error: Invalid exponent at column 4 in expression [0.5E-A]'); }); it('should tokenize number starting with a dot', () => { expectNumberToken(lex('.5')[0], 0, 2, 0.5); }); it('should throw error on invalid unicode', () => { expectErrorToken( lex('\'\\u1\'\'bla\'')[0], 2, 2, 'Lexer Error: Invalid unicode escape [\\u1\'\'b] at column 2 in expression [\'\\u1\'\'bla\']'); }); it('should tokenize hash as operator', () => { expectOperatorToken(lex('#')[0], 0, 1, '#'); }); it('should tokenize ?. as operator', () => { expectOperatorToken(lex('?.')[0], 0, 2, '?.'); }); }); }); }