/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import * as ts from 'typescript'; import {createLanguageService} from '../src/language_service'; import {Completions, LanguageService} from '../src/types'; import {TypeScriptServiceHost} from '../src/typescript_host'; import {toh} from './test_data'; import {MockTypescriptHost} from './test_utils'; describe('service without angular', () => { let mockHost = new MockTypescriptHost(['/app/main.ts', '/app/parsing-cases.ts'], toh); mockHost.forgetAngular(); let service = ts.createLanguageService(mockHost); let ngHost = new TypeScriptServiceHost(mockHost, service); let ngService = createLanguageService(ngHost); const fileName = '/app/test.ng'; let position = mockHost.getMarkerLocations(fileName) !['h1-content']; it('should not crash a get template references', () => expect(() => ngService.getTemplateReferences())); it('should not crash a get dianostics', () => expect(() => ngService.getDiagnostics(fileName)).not.toThrow()); it('should not crash a completion', () => expect(() => ngService.getCompletionsAt(fileName, position)).not.toThrow()); it('should not crash a get defintion', () => expect(() => ngService.getDefinitionAt(fileName, position)).not.toThrow()); it('should not crash a hover', () => expect(() => ngService.getHoverAt(fileName, position))); });