/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {GeneratedFile} from '@angular/compiler'; import {NodeFlags} from '@angular/core/src/view/index'; import {async} from '@angular/core/testing'; import {MetadataBundler, MetadataCollector, ModuleMetadata, privateEntriesToIndex} from '@angular/tsc-wrapped'; import * as ts from 'typescript'; import {extractSourceMap, originalPositionFor} from '../output/source_map_util'; import {EmittingCompilerHost, MockData, MockDirectory, MockMetadataBundlerHost, arrayToMockDir, arrayToMockMap, compile, expectNoDiagnostics, settings, setup, toMockFileArray} from './test_util'; describe('compiler (unbundled Angular)', () => { let angularFiles = setup(); describe('Quickstart', () => { it('should compile', async(() => compile([QUICKSTART, angularFiles]).then(({genFiles}) => { expect(genFiles.find(f => /app\.component\.ngfactory\.ts/.test(f.genFileUrl))) .toBeDefined(); expect(genFiles.find(f => /app\.module\.ngfactory\.ts/.test(f.genFileUrl))).toBeDefined(); }))); }); describe('aot source mapping', () => { const componentPath = '/app/app.component.ts'; const ngComponentPath = 'ng:///app/app.component.ts' let rootDir: MockDirectory; let appDir: MockDirectory; beforeEach(() => { appDir = { 'app.module.ts': ` import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { AppComponent } from './app.component'; @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent ], bootstrap: [ AppComponent ] }) export class AppModule { } ` }; rootDir = {'app': appDir}; }); function compileApp(): Promise { return compile([rootDir, angularFiles]) .then( ({genFiles}) => {return genFiles.find( genFile => genFile.srcFileUrl === componentPath && genFile.genFileUrl.endsWith('.ts'))}); } function findLineAndColumn( file: string, token: string): {line: number | null, column: number | null} { const index = file.indexOf(token); if (index === -1) { return {line: null, column: null}; } const linesUntilToken = file.slice(0, index).split('\n'); const line = linesUntilToken.length; const column = linesUntilToken[linesUntilToken.length - 1].length; return {line, column}; } function createComponentSource(componentDecorator: string) { return ` import { NgModule, Component } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ ${componentDecorator} }) export class AppComponent { someMethod() {} } `; } describe('inline templates', () => { const ngUrl = `${ngComponentPath}.AppComponent.html`; function templateDecorator(template: string) { return `template: \`${template}\`,`; } declareTests({ngUrl, templateDecorator}); }); describe('external templates', () => { const ngUrl = 'ng:///app/app.component.html'; const templateUrl = '/app/app.component.html'; function templateDecorator(template: string) { appDir['app.component.html'] = template; return `templateUrl: 'app.component.html',`; } declareTests({ngUrl, templateDecorator}); }); function declareTests({ngUrl, templateDecorator}: {ngUrl: string, templateDecorator: (template: string) => string}) { it('should use the right source url in html parse errors', async(() => { appDir['app.component.ts'] = createComponentSource(templateDecorator('
\n ')); expectPromiseToThrow( compileApp(), new RegExp(`Template parse errors[\\s\\S]*${ngUrl}@1:2`)); })); it('should use the right source url in template parse errors', async(() => { appDir['app.component.ts'] = createComponentSource( templateDecorator('
')); expectPromiseToThrow( compileApp(), new RegExp(`Template parse errors[\\s\\S]*${ngUrl}@1:7`)); })); it('should create a sourceMap for the template', async(() => { const template = 'Hello World!'; appDir['app.component.ts'] = createComponentSource(templateDecorator(template)); compileApp().then((genFile) => { const sourceMap = extractSourceMap(genFile.source) !; expect(sourceMap.file).toEqual(genFile.genFileUrl); // the generated file contains code that is not mapped to // the template but rather to the original source file (e.g. import statements, ...) const templateIndex = sourceMap.sources.indexOf(ngUrl); expect(sourceMap.sourcesContent[templateIndex]).toEqual(template); // for the mapping to the original source file we don't store the source code // as we want to keep whatever TypeScript / ... produced for them. const sourceIndex = sourceMap.sources.indexOf(ngComponentPath); expect(sourceMap.sourcesContent[sourceIndex]).toBe(' '); }); })); it('should map elements correctly to the source', async(() => { const template = '
'; appDir['app.component.ts'] = createComponentSource(templateDecorator(template)); compileApp().then((genFile) => { const sourceMap = extractSourceMap(genFile.source) !; expect(originalPositionFor(sourceMap, findLineAndColumn(genFile.source, `'span'`))) .toEqual({line: 2, column: 3, source: ngUrl}); }); })); it('should map bindings correctly to the source', async(() => { const template = `
`; appDir['app.component.ts'] = createComponentSource(templateDecorator(template)); compileApp().then((genFile) => { const sourceMap = extractSourceMap(genFile.source) !; expect( originalPositionFor(sourceMap, findLineAndColumn(genFile.source, `someMethod()`))) .toEqual({line: 2, column: 9, source: ngUrl}); }); })); it('should map events correctly to the source', async(() => { const template = `
`; appDir['app.component.ts'] = createComponentSource(templateDecorator(template)); compileApp().then((genFile) => { const sourceMap = extractSourceMap(genFile.source) !; expect( originalPositionFor(sourceMap, findLineAndColumn(genFile.source, `someMethod()`))) .toEqual({line: 2, column: 9, source: ngUrl}); }); })); it('should map non template parts to the source file', async(() => { appDir['app.component.ts'] = createComponentSource(templateDecorator('Hello World!')); compileApp().then((genFile) => { const sourceMap = extractSourceMap(genFile.source) !; expect(originalPositionFor(sourceMap, {line: 1, column: 0})) .toEqual({line: 1, column: 0, source: ngComponentPath}); }); })); } }); describe('errors', () => { it('should only warn if not all arguments of an @Injectable class can be resolved', async(() => { const FILES: MockDirectory = { app: { 'app.ts': ` import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; @Injectable() export class MyService { constructor(a: boolean) {} } ` } }; const warnSpy = spyOn(console, 'warn'); compile([FILES, angularFiles]).then(() => { expect(warnSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `Warning: Can't resolve all parameters for MyService in /app/app.ts: (?). This will become an error in Angular v5.x`); }); })); it('should be able to supress a null access', async(() => { const FILES: MockDirectory = { app: { 'app.ts': ` import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; interface Person { name: string; } @Component({ selector: 'my-comp', template: '{{maybe_person!.name}}' }) export class MyComp { maybe_person?: Person; } @NgModule({ declarations: [MyComp] }) export class MyModule {} ` } }; compile([FILES, angularFiles], {postCompile: expectNoDiagnostics}); })); }); it('should add the preamble to generated files', async(() => { const FILES: MockDirectory = { app: { 'app.ts': ` import { NgModule, Component } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ template: '' }) export class AppComponent {} @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent ] }) export class AppModule { } ` } }; const genFilePreamble = '/* Hello world! */'; compile([FILES, angularFiles], {genFilePreamble}).then(({genFiles}) => { const genFile = genFiles.find(gf => gf.srcFileUrl === '/app/app.ts' && gf.genFileUrl.endsWith('.ts')); expect(genFile.source.startsWith(genFilePreamble)).toBe(true); }); })); describe('ComponentFactories', () => { it('should include inputs, outputs and ng-content selectors in the component factory', async(() => { const FILES: MockDirectory = { app: { 'app.ts': ` import {Component, NgModule, Input, Output} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'my-comp', template: '' }) export class MyComp { @Input('aInputName') aInputProp: string; @Output('aOutputName') aOutputProp: any; } @NgModule({ declarations: [MyComp] }) export class MyModule {} ` } }; compile([FILES, angularFiles]).then(({genFiles}) => { const genFile = genFiles.find(genFile => genFile.srcFileUrl === '/app/app.ts'); const createComponentFactoryCall = /ɵccf\([^)]*\)/m.exec(genFile.source) ![0].replace(/\s*/g, ''); // selector expect(createComponentFactoryCall).toContain('my-comp'); // inputs expect(createComponentFactoryCall).toContain(`{aInputProp:'aInputName'}`); // outputs expect(createComponentFactoryCall).toContain(`{aOutputProp:'aOutputName'}`); // ngContentSelectors expect(createComponentFactoryCall).toContain(`['*','child']`); }); })); }); describe('generated templates', () => { it('should not call `check` for directives without bindings nor ngDoCheck/ngOnInit', async(() => { const FILES: MockDirectory = { app: { 'app.ts': ` import { NgModule, Component } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ template: '' }) export class AppComponent {} @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent ] }) export class AppModule { } ` } }; compile([FILES, angularFiles]).then(({genFiles}) => { const genFile = genFiles.find( gf => gf.srcFileUrl === '/app/app.ts' && gf.genFileUrl.endsWith('.ts')); expect(genFile.source).not.toContain('check('); }); })); }); describe('inheritance with summaries', () => { function compileParentAndChild( {parentClassDecorator, parentModuleDecorator, childClassDecorator, childModuleDecorator}: { parentClassDecorator: string, parentModuleDecorator: string, childClassDecorator: string, childModuleDecorator: string }) { const libInput: MockDirectory = { 'lib': { 'base.ts': ` import {Injectable, Pipe, Directive, Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; ${parentClassDecorator} export class Base {} ${parentModuleDecorator} export class BaseModule {} ` } }; const appInput: MockDirectory = { 'app': { 'main.ts': ` import {Injectable, Pipe, Directive, Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {Base} from '../lib/base'; ${childClassDecorator} export class Extends extends Base {} ${childModuleDecorator} export class MyModule {} ` } }; return compile([libInput, angularFiles], {useSummaries: true}) .then(({outDir}) => compile([outDir, appInput, angularFiles], {useSummaries: true})) .then(({genFiles}) => genFiles.find(gf => gf.srcFileUrl === '/app/main.ts')); } it('should inherit ctor and lifecycle hooks from classes in other compilation units', async(() => { const libInput: MockDirectory = { 'lib': { 'base.ts': ` export class AParam {} export class Base { constructor(a: AParam) {} ngOnDestroy() {} } ` } }; const appInput: MockDirectory = { 'app': { 'main.ts': ` import {NgModule, Component} from '@angular/core'; import {Base} from '../lib/base'; @Component({template: ''}) export class Extends extends Base {} @NgModule({ declarations: [Extends] }) export class MyModule {} ` } }; compile([libInput, angularFiles], {useSummaries: true}) .then(({outDir}) => compile([outDir, appInput, angularFiles], {useSummaries: true})) .then(({genFiles}) => { const mainNgFactory = genFiles.find(gf => gf.srcFileUrl === '/app/main.ts'); const flags = NodeFlags.TypeDirective | NodeFlags.Component | NodeFlags.OnDestroy; expect(mainNgFactory.source) .toContain(`${flags},(null as any),0,import1.Extends,[import2.AParam]`); }); })); it('should inherit ctor and lifecycle hooks from classes in other compilation units over 2 levels', async(() => { const lib1Input: MockDirectory = { 'lib1': { 'base.ts': ` export class AParam {} export class Base { constructor(a: AParam) {} ngOnDestroy() {} } ` } }; const lib2Input: MockDirectory = { 'lib2': { 'middle.ts': ` import {Base} from '../lib1/base'; export class Middle extends Base {} ` } }; const appInput: MockDirectory = { 'app': { 'main.ts': ` import {NgModule, Component} from '@angular/core'; import {Middle} from '../lib2/middle'; @Component({template: ''}) export class Extends extends Middle {} @NgModule({ declarations: [Extends] }) export class MyModule {} ` } }; compile([lib1Input, angularFiles], {useSummaries: true}) .then(({outDir}) => compile([outDir, lib2Input, angularFiles], {useSummaries: true})) .then(({outDir}) => compile([outDir, appInput, angularFiles], {useSummaries: true})) .then(({genFiles}) => { const mainNgFactory = genFiles.find(gf => gf.srcFileUrl === '/app/main.ts'); const flags = NodeFlags.TypeDirective | NodeFlags.Component | NodeFlags.OnDestroy; expect(mainNgFactory.source) .toContain(`${flags},(null as any),0,import1.Extends,[import2.AParam_2]`); }); })); describe('Injectable', () => { it('should allow to inherit', async(() => { compileParentAndChild({ parentClassDecorator: '@Injectable()', parentModuleDecorator: '@NgModule({providers: [Base]})', childClassDecorator: '@Injectable()', childModuleDecorator: '@NgModule({providers: [Extends]})', }).then((mainNgFactory) => { expect(mainNgFactory).toBeTruthy(); }); })); it('should error if the child class has no matching decorator', async(() => { compileParentAndChild({ parentClassDecorator: '@Injectable()', parentModuleDecorator: '@NgModule({providers: [Base]})', childClassDecorator: '', childModuleDecorator: '@NgModule({providers: [Extends]})', }).then(fail, (e) => { expect(e.message).toContain( 'Class Extends in /app/main.ts extends from a Injectable in another compilation unit without duplicating the decorator. ' + 'Please add a Injectable or Pipe or Directive or Component or NgModule decorator to the class.'); }); })); }); describe('Component', () => { it('should allow to inherit', async(() => { compileParentAndChild({ parentClassDecorator: `@Component({template: ''})`, parentModuleDecorator: '@NgModule({declarations: [Base]})', childClassDecorator: `@Component({template: ''})`, childModuleDecorator: '@NgModule({declarations: [Extends]})', }).then((mainNgFactory) => { expect(mainNgFactory).toBeTruthy(); }); })); it('should error if the child class has no matching decorator', async(() => { compileParentAndChild({ parentClassDecorator: `@Component({template: ''})`, parentModuleDecorator: '@NgModule({declarations: [Base]})', childClassDecorator: '', childModuleDecorator: '@NgModule({declarations: [Extends]})', }).then(fail, (e) => { expect(e.message).toContain( 'Class Extends in /app/main.ts extends from a Directive in another compilation unit without duplicating the decorator. ' + 'Please add a Directive or Component decorator to the class.'); }); })); }); describe('Directive', () => { it('should allow to inherit', async(() => { compileParentAndChild({ parentClassDecorator: `@Directive({selector: '[someDir]'})`, parentModuleDecorator: '@NgModule({declarations: [Base]})', childClassDecorator: `@Directive({selector: '[someDir]'})`, childModuleDecorator: '@NgModule({declarations: [Extends]})', }).then((mainNgFactory) => { expect(mainNgFactory).toBeTruthy(); }); })); it('should error if the child class has no matching decorator', async(() => { compileParentAndChild({ parentClassDecorator: `@Directive({selector: '[someDir]'})`, parentModuleDecorator: '@NgModule({declarations: [Base]})', childClassDecorator: '', childModuleDecorator: '@NgModule({declarations: [Extends]})', }).then(fail, (e) => { expect(e.message).toContain( 'Class Extends in /app/main.ts extends from a Directive in another compilation unit without duplicating the decorator. ' + 'Please add a Directive or Component decorator to the class.'); }); })); }); describe('Pipe', () => { it('should allow to inherit', async(() => { compileParentAndChild({ parentClassDecorator: `@Pipe({name: 'somePipe'})`, parentModuleDecorator: '@NgModule({declarations: [Base]})', childClassDecorator: `@Pipe({name: 'somePipe'})`, childModuleDecorator: '@NgModule({declarations: [Extends]})', }).then((mainNgFactory) => { expect(mainNgFactory).toBeTruthy(); }); })); it('should error if the child class has no matching decorator', async(() => { compileParentAndChild({ parentClassDecorator: `@Pipe({name: 'somePipe'})`, parentModuleDecorator: '@NgModule({declarations: [Base]})', childClassDecorator: '', childModuleDecorator: '@NgModule({declarations: [Extends]})', }).then(fail, (e) => { expect(e.message).toContain( 'Class Extends in /app/main.ts extends from a Pipe in another compilation unit without duplicating the decorator. ' + 'Please add a Pipe decorator to the class.'); }); })); }); describe('NgModule', () => { it('should allow to inherit', async(() => { compileParentAndChild({ parentClassDecorator: `@NgModule()`, parentModuleDecorator: '', childClassDecorator: `@NgModule()`, childModuleDecorator: '', }).then((mainNgFactory) => { expect(mainNgFactory).toBeTruthy(); }); })); it('should error if the child class has no matching decorator', async(() => { compileParentAndChild({ parentClassDecorator: `@NgModule()`, parentModuleDecorator: '', childClassDecorator: '', childModuleDecorator: '', }).then(fail, (e) => { expect(e.message).toContain( 'Class Extends in /app/main.ts extends from a NgModule in another compilation unit without duplicating the decorator. ' + 'Please add a NgModule decorator to the class.'); }); })); }); }); }); describe('compiler (bundled Angular)', () => { setup({compileAngular: false}); let angularFiles: Map; beforeAll(() => { const emittingHost = new EmittingCompilerHost(['@angular/core/index'], {emitMetadata: false}); // Create the metadata bundled const indexModule = emittingHost.effectiveName('@angular/core/index'); const bundler = new MetadataBundler( indexModule, '@angular/core', new MockMetadataBundlerHost(emittingHost)); const bundle = bundler.getMetadataBundle(); const metadata = JSON.stringify(bundle.metadata, null, ' '); const bundleIndexSource = privateEntriesToIndex('./index', bundle.privates); emittingHost.override('@angular/core/bundle_index.ts', bundleIndexSource); emittingHost.addWrittenFile( '@angular/core/package.json', JSON.stringify({typings: 'bundle_index.d.ts'})); emittingHost.addWrittenFile('@angular/core/bundle_index.metadata.json', metadata); // Emit the sources const bundleIndexName = emittingHost.effectiveName('@angular/core/bundle_index.ts'); const emittingProgram = ts.createProgram([bundleIndexName], settings, emittingHost); emittingProgram.emit(); angularFiles = emittingHost.writtenAngularFiles(); }); describe('Quickstart', () => { it('should compile', async(() => compile([QUICKSTART, angularFiles]).then(({genFiles}) => { expect(genFiles.find(f => /app\.component\.ngfactory\.ts/.test(f.genFileUrl))) .toBeDefined(); expect(genFiles.find(f => /app\.module\.ngfactory\.ts/.test(f.genFileUrl))).toBeDefined(); }))); }); describe('Bundled library', () => { let libraryFiles: MockDirectory; beforeAll(() => { // Emit the library bundle const emittingHost = new EmittingCompilerHost(['/bolder/index.ts'], {emitMetadata: false, mockData: LIBRARY}); // Create the metadata bundled const indexModule = '/bolder/public-api'; const bundler = new MetadataBundler(indexModule, 'bolder', new MockMetadataBundlerHost(emittingHost)); const bundle = bundler.getMetadataBundle(); const metadata = JSON.stringify(bundle.metadata, null, ' '); const bundleIndexSource = privateEntriesToIndex('./public-api', bundle.privates); emittingHost.override('/bolder/index.ts', bundleIndexSource); emittingHost.addWrittenFile('/bolder/index.metadata.json', metadata); // Emit the sources const emittingProgram = ts.createProgram(['/bolder/index.ts'], settings, emittingHost); emittingProgram.emit(); const libFiles = emittingHost.written; // Copy the .html file const htmlFileName = '/bolder/src/bolder.component.html'; libFiles.set(htmlFileName, emittingHost.readFile(htmlFileName)); libraryFiles = arrayToMockDir(toMockFileArray(libFiles).map( ({fileName, content}) => ({fileName: `/node_modules${fileName}`, content}))); }); it('should compile', async(() => compile([LIBRARY_USING_APP, libraryFiles, angularFiles]))); }); }); const QUICKSTART: MockDirectory = { quickstart: { app: { 'app.component.ts': ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ template: '

Hello {{name}}

' }) export class AppComponent { name = 'Angular'; } `, 'app.module.ts': ` import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { toString } from './utils'; import { AppComponent } from './app.component'; @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent ], bootstrap: [ AppComponent ] }) export class AppModule { } `, // #15420 'utils.ts': ` export function toString(value: any): string { return ''; } ` } } }; const LIBRARY: MockDirectory = { bolder: { 'public-api.ts': ` export * from './src/bolder.component'; export * from './src/bolder.module'; `, src: { 'bolder.component.ts': ` import {Component, Input} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'bolder', templateUrl: './bolder.component.html' }) export class BolderComponent { @Input() data: string; } `, 'bolder.component.html': ` {{data}} `, 'bolder.module.ts': ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {BolderComponent} from './bolder.component'; @NgModule({ declarations: [BolderComponent], exports: [BolderComponent] }) export class BolderModule {} ` } } }; const LIBRARY_USING_APP_MODULE = ['/lib-user/app/app.module.ts']; const LIBRARY_USING_APP: MockDirectory = { 'lib-user': { app: { 'app.component.ts': ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ template: '


' }) export class AppComponent { name = 'Angular'; } `, 'app.module.ts': ` import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { BolderModule } from 'bolder'; import { AppComponent } from './app.component'; @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent ], bootstrap: [ AppComponent ], imports: [ BolderModule ] }) export class AppModule { } ` } } }; function expectPromiseToThrow(p: Promise, msg: RegExp) { p.then( () => { throw new Error('Expected to throw'); }, (e) => { expect(e.message).toMatch(msg); }); }