load("//tools:defaults.bzl", "jasmine_node_test", "karma_web_test_suite", "ts_library") load("//tools/circular_dependency_test:index.bzl", "circular_dependency_test") # Test that should only be run in node NODE_ONLY = [ "**/*_node_only_spec.ts", "aot/**/*.ts", ] UTILS = [ "aot/test_util.ts", ] circular_dependency_test( name = "circular_deps_test", entry_point = "angular/packages/compiler/index.js", deps = ["//packages/compiler"], ) ts_library( name = "test_utils", testonly = True, srcs = UTILS, visibility = [ "//packages/compiler-cli/test:__subpackages__", "//packages/compiler/test:__subpackages__", ], deps = [ "//packages:types", "//packages/compiler", "//packages/compiler-cli", "//packages/compiler-cli/test/helpers", "@npm//typescript", ], ) ts_library( name = "test_lib", testonly = True, srcs = glob( ["**/*.ts"], exclude = NODE_ONLY + UTILS, ), deps = [ "//packages:types", "//packages/common", "//packages/compiler", "//packages/compiler/test/expression_parser/utils", "//packages/compiler/test/ml_parser/util", "//packages/compiler/testing", "//packages/core", "//packages/core/src/compiler", "//packages/core/testing", "//packages/platform-browser", "//packages/platform-browser-dynamic", "//packages/platform-browser/testing", ], ) ts_library( name = "test_node_only_lib", testonly = True, srcs = glob( NODE_ONLY, exclude = UTILS, ), deps = [ ":test_lib", ":test_utils", "//packages/compiler", "//packages/compiler-cli", "//packages/compiler/test/expression_parser/utils", "//packages/compiler/testing", "//packages/core", "@npm//typescript", ], ) jasmine_node_test( name = "test", bootstrap = ["//tools/testing:node_es5"], data = [ "//packages/animations:npm_package", "//packages/common:npm_package", "//packages/core:npm_package", ], tags = [ # Disabled as these tests pertain to the old ngc compilation and are not relevant in Ivy. "no-ivy-aot", ], deps = [ ":test_lib", ":test_node_only_lib", "@npm//base64-js", "@npm//source-map", ], ) karma_web_test_suite( name = "test_web", tags = [ # Disabled as these tests pertain to the old ngc compilation and are not relevant in Ivy. "no-ivy-aot", ], deps = [ ":test_lib", ], )