/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import * as html from '../../src/ml_parser/ast'; import {HtmlParser} from '../../src/ml_parser/html_parser'; import {PRESERVE_WS_ATTR_NAME, removeWhitespaces} from '../../src/ml_parser/html_whitespaces'; import {TokenizeOptions} from '../../src/ml_parser/lexer'; import {humanizeDom} from './ast_spec_utils'; { describe('removeWhitespaces', () => { function parseAndRemoveWS(template: string, options?: TokenizeOptions): any[] { return humanizeDom(removeWhitespaces(new HtmlParser().parse(template, 'TestComp', options))); } it('should remove blank text nodes', () => { expect(parseAndRemoveWS(' ')).toEqual([]); expect(parseAndRemoveWS('\n')).toEqual([]); expect(parseAndRemoveWS('\t')).toEqual([]); expect(parseAndRemoveWS(' \t \n ')).toEqual([]); }); it('should remove whitespaces (space, tab, new line) between elements', () => { expect(parseAndRemoveWS('

')).toEqual([ [html.Element, 'br', 0], [html.Element, 'br', 0], [html.Element, 'br', 0], [html.Element, 'br', 0], ]); }); it('should remove whitespaces from child text nodes', () => { expect(parseAndRemoveWS('
')).toEqual([ [html.Element, 'div', 0], [html.Element, 'span', 1], ]); }); it('should remove whitespaces from the beginning and end of a template', () => { expect(parseAndRemoveWS(`
\t`)).toEqual([ [html.Element, 'br', 0], ]); }); it('should convert &ngsp; to a space and preserve it', () => { expect(parseAndRemoveWS('
')).toEqual([ [html.Element, 'div', 0], [html.Element, 'span', 1], [html.Text, 'foo', 2], [html.Text, ' ', 1], [html.Element, 'span', 1], [html.Text, 'bar', 2], ]); }); it('should replace multiple whitespaces with one space', () => { expect(parseAndRemoveWS('\n\n\nfoo\t\t\t')).toEqual([[html.Text, ' foo ', 0]]); expect(parseAndRemoveWS(' \n foo \t ')).toEqual([[html.Text, ' foo ', 0]]); }); it('should not replace  ', () => { expect(parseAndRemoveWS(' ')).toEqual([[html.Text, '\u00a0', 0]]); }); it('should not replace sequences of  ', () => { expect(parseAndRemoveWS('  foo  ')).toEqual([ [html.Text, '\u00a0\u00a0foo\u00a0\u00a0', 0] ]); }); it('should not replace single tab and newline with spaces', () => { expect(parseAndRemoveWS('\nfoo')).toEqual([[html.Text, '\nfoo', 0]]); expect(parseAndRemoveWS('\tfoo')).toEqual([[html.Text, '\tfoo', 0]]); }); it('should preserve single whitespaces between interpolations', () => { expect(parseAndRemoveWS(`{{fooExp}} {{barExp}}`)).toEqual([ [html.Text, '{{fooExp}} {{barExp}}', 0], ]); expect(parseAndRemoveWS(`{{fooExp}}\t{{barExp}}`)).toEqual([ [html.Text, '{{fooExp}}\t{{barExp}}', 0], ]); expect(parseAndRemoveWS(`{{fooExp}}\n{{barExp}}`)).toEqual([ [html.Text, '{{fooExp}}\n{{barExp}}', 0], ]); }); it('should preserve whitespaces around interpolations', () => { expect(parseAndRemoveWS(` {{exp}} `)).toEqual([ [html.Text, ' {{exp}} ', 0], ]); }); it('should preserve whitespaces around ICU expansions', () => { expect(parseAndRemoveWS(` {a, b, =4 {c}} `, {tokenizeExpansionForms: true})) .toEqual([ [html.Element, 'span', 0], [html.Text, ' ', 1], [html.Expansion, 'a', 'b', 1], [html.ExpansionCase, '=4', 2], [html.Text, ' ', 1], ]); }); it('should preserve whitespaces inside
 elements', () => {
`)).toEqual([ [html.Element, 'pre', 0], [html.Element, 'strong', 1], [html.Text, 'foo', 2], [html.Text, '\n', 1], [html.Element, 'strong', 1], [html.Text, 'bar', 2], ]); }); it('should skip whitespace trimming in `)).toEqual([ [html.Element, 'textarea', 0], [html.Text, 'foo\n\n bar', 1], ]); }); it(`should preserve whitespaces inside elements annotated with ${PRESERVE_WS_ATTR_NAME}`, () => { expect(parseAndRemoveWS(`
`)).toEqual([ [html.Element, 'div', 0], [html.Element, 'img', 1], [html.Text, ' ', 1], [html.Element, 'img', 1], ]); }); }); }