/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import '../../lib/rxjs/rxjs-fake-async'; import {Observable} from 'rxjs'; import {delay} from 'rxjs/operators'; import {isNode, patchMacroTask, zoneSymbol} from '../../lib/common/utils'; import {ifEnvSupports} from '../test-util'; function supportNode() { return isNode; } (supportNode as any).message = 'support node'; function supportClock() { const _global: any = typeof window === 'undefined' ? global : window; return typeof jasmine.clock === 'function' && _global[zoneSymbol('fakeAsyncAutoFakeAsyncWhenClockPatched')]; } (supportClock as any).message = 'support patch clock'; describe('FakeAsyncTestZoneSpec', () => { let FakeAsyncTestZoneSpec = (Zone as any)['FakeAsyncTestZoneSpec']; let testZoneSpec: any; let fakeAsyncTestZone: Zone; beforeEach(() => { testZoneSpec = new FakeAsyncTestZoneSpec('name'); fakeAsyncTestZone = Zone.current.fork(testZoneSpec); }); it('sets the FakeAsyncTestZoneSpec property', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { expect(Zone.current.get('FakeAsyncTestZoneSpec')).toEqual(testZoneSpec); }); }); describe('synchronous code', () => { it('should run', () => { let ran = false; fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { ran = true; }); expect(ran).toEqual(true); }); it('should throw the error in the code', () => { expect(() => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { throw new Error('sync'); }); }).toThrowError('sync'); }); it('should throw error on Rejected promise', () => { expect(() => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { Promise.reject('myError'); testZoneSpec.flushMicrotasks(); }); }).toThrowError('Uncaught (in promise): myError'); }); }); describe('asynchronous code', () => { it('should run', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let thenRan = false; Promise.resolve(null).then((_) => { thenRan = true; }); expect(thenRan).toEqual(false); testZoneSpec.flushMicrotasks(); expect(thenRan).toEqual(true); }); }); it('should rethrow the exception on flushMicroTasks for error thrown in Promise callback', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { Promise.resolve(null).then((_) => { throw new Error('async'); }); expect(() => { testZoneSpec.flushMicrotasks(); }).toThrowError(/Uncaught \(in promise\): Error: async/); }); }); it('should run chained thens', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let log: number[] = []; Promise.resolve(null).then((_) => log.push(1)).then((_) => log.push(2)); expect(log).toEqual([]); testZoneSpec.flushMicrotasks(); expect(log).toEqual([1, 2]); }); }); it('should run Promise created in Promise', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let log: number[] = []; Promise.resolve(null).then((_) => { log.push(1); Promise.resolve(null).then((_) => log.push(2)); }); expect(log).toEqual([]); testZoneSpec.flushMicrotasks(); expect(log).toEqual([1, 2]); }); }); }); describe('timers', () => { it('should run queued zero duration timer on zero tick', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let ran = false; setTimeout(() => { ran = true; }, 0); expect(ran).toEqual(false); testZoneSpec.tick(); expect(ran).toEqual(true); }); }); it('should run queued immediate timer on zero tick', ifEnvSupports('setImmediate', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let ran = false; setImmediate(() => { ran = true; }); expect(ran).toEqual(false); testZoneSpec.tick(); expect(ran).toEqual(true); }); })); it('should default to processNewMacroTasksSynchronously if providing other flags', () => { function nestedTimer(callback: () => any): void { setTimeout(() => setTimeout(() => callback())); } fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { const callback = jasmine.createSpy('callback'); nestedTimer(callback); expect(callback).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); testZoneSpec.tick(0, null, {}); expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); it('should not queue new macro task on tick with processNewMacroTasksSynchronously=false', () => { function nestedTimer(callback: () => any): void { setTimeout(() => setTimeout(() => callback())); } fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { const callback = jasmine.createSpy('callback'); nestedTimer(callback); expect(callback).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); testZoneSpec.tick(0, null, {processNewMacroTasksSynchronously: false}); expect(callback).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); testZoneSpec.flush(); expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); it('should run queued timer after sufficient clock ticks', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let ran = false; setTimeout(() => { ran = true; }, 10); testZoneSpec.tick(6); expect(ran).toEqual(false); testZoneSpec.tick(4); expect(ran).toEqual(true); }); }); it('should run doTick callback even if no work ran', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let totalElapsed = 0; function doTick(elapsed: number) { totalElapsed += elapsed; } setTimeout(() => {}, 10); testZoneSpec.tick(6, doTick); expect(totalElapsed).toEqual(6); testZoneSpec.tick(6, doTick); expect(totalElapsed).toEqual(12); testZoneSpec.tick(6, doTick); expect(totalElapsed).toEqual(18); }); }); it('should run queued timer created by timer callback', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let counter = 0; const startCounterLoop = () => { counter++; setTimeout(startCounterLoop, 10); }; startCounterLoop(); expect(counter).toEqual(1); testZoneSpec.tick(10); expect(counter).toEqual(2); testZoneSpec.tick(10); expect(counter).toEqual(3); testZoneSpec.tick(30); expect(counter).toEqual(6); }); }); it('should run queued timer only once', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let cycles = 0; setTimeout(() => { cycles++; }, 10); testZoneSpec.tick(10); expect(cycles).toEqual(1); testZoneSpec.tick(10); expect(cycles).toEqual(1); testZoneSpec.tick(10); expect(cycles).toEqual(1); }); expect(testZoneSpec.pendingTimers.length).toBe(0); }); it('should not run cancelled timer', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let ran = false; let id: any = setTimeout(() => { ran = true; }, 10); clearTimeout(id); testZoneSpec.tick(10); expect(ran).toEqual(false); }); }); it('should pass arguments to times', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let value = 'genuine value'; let id = setTimeout((arg1, arg2) => { value = arg1 + arg2; }, 0, 'expected', ' value'); testZoneSpec.tick(); expect(value).toEqual('expected value'); }); }); it('should pass arguments to setImmediate', ifEnvSupports('setImmediate', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let value = 'genuine value'; let id = setImmediate((arg1, arg2) => { value = arg1 + arg2; }, 'expected', ' value'); testZoneSpec.tick(); expect(value).toEqual('expected value'); }); })); it('should run periodic timers', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let cycles = 0; let id = setInterval(() => { cycles++; }, 10); expect(id).toBeGreaterThan(0); testZoneSpec.tick(10); expect(cycles).toEqual(1); testZoneSpec.tick(10); expect(cycles).toEqual(2); testZoneSpec.tick(10); expect(cycles).toEqual(3); testZoneSpec.tick(30); expect(cycles).toEqual(6); }); }); it('should pass arguments to periodic timers', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let value = 'genuine value'; let id = setInterval((arg1, arg2) => { value = arg1 + arg2; }, 10, 'expected', ' value'); testZoneSpec.tick(10); expect(value).toEqual('expected value'); }); }); it('should not run cancelled periodic timer', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let ran = false; let id = setInterval(() => { ran = true; }, 10); testZoneSpec.tick(10); expect(ran).toEqual(true); ran = false; clearInterval(id); testZoneSpec.tick(10); expect(ran).toEqual(false); }); }); it('should be able to cancel periodic timers from a callback', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let cycles = 0; let id: number; id = setInterval(() => { cycles++; clearInterval(id); }, 10) as any as number; testZoneSpec.tick(10); expect(cycles).toEqual(1); testZoneSpec.tick(10); expect(cycles).toEqual(1); }); }); it('should process microtasks before timers', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let log: string[] = []; Promise.resolve(null).then((_) => log.push('microtask')); setTimeout(() => log.push('timer'), 9); setInterval(() => log.push('periodic timer'), 10); expect(log).toEqual([]); testZoneSpec.tick(10); expect(log).toEqual(['microtask', 'timer', 'periodic timer']); }); }); it('should process micro-tasks created in timers before next timers', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let log: string[] = []; Promise.resolve(null).then((_) => log.push('microtask')); setTimeout(() => { log.push('timer'); Promise.resolve(null).then((_) => log.push('t microtask')); }, 9); let id = setInterval(() => { log.push('periodic timer'); Promise.resolve(null).then((_) => log.push('pt microtask')); }, 10); testZoneSpec.tick(10); expect(log).toEqual( ['microtask', 'timer', 't microtask', 'periodic timer', 'pt microtask']); testZoneSpec.tick(10); expect(log).toEqual([ 'microtask', 'timer', 't microtask', 'periodic timer', 'pt microtask', 'periodic timer', 'pt microtask' ]); }); }); it('should throw the exception from tick for error thrown in timer callback', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { setTimeout(() => { throw new Error('timer'); }, 10); expect(() => { testZoneSpec.tick(10); }).toThrowError('timer'); }); // There should be no pending timers after the error in timer callback. expect(testZoneSpec.pendingTimers.length).toBe(0); }); it('should throw the exception from tick for error thrown in periodic timer callback', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let count = 0; setInterval(() => { count++; throw new Error(count.toString()); }, 10); expect(() => { testZoneSpec.tick(10); }).toThrowError('1'); // Periodic timer is cancelled on first error. expect(count).toBe(1); testZoneSpec.tick(10); expect(count).toBe(1); }); // Periodic timer is removed from pending queue on error. expect(testZoneSpec.pendingPeriodicTimers.length).toBe(0); }); }); it('should be able to resume processing timer callbacks after handling an error', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let ran = false; setTimeout(() => { throw new Error('timer'); }, 10); setTimeout(() => { ran = true; }, 10); expect(() => { testZoneSpec.tick(10); }).toThrowError('timer'); expect(ran).toBe(false); // Restart timer queue processing. testZoneSpec.tick(0); expect(ran).toBe(true); }); // There should be no pending timers after the error in timer callback. expect(testZoneSpec.pendingTimers.length).toBe(0); }); describe('flushing all tasks', () => { it('should flush all pending timers', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let x = false; let y = false; let z = false; setTimeout(() => { x = true; }, 10); setTimeout(() => { y = true; }, 100); setTimeout(() => { z = true; }, 70); let elapsed = testZoneSpec.flush(); expect(elapsed).toEqual(100); expect(x).toBe(true); expect(y).toBe(true); expect(z).toBe(true); }); }); it('should flush nested timers', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let x = true; let y = true; setTimeout(() => { x = true; setTimeout(() => { y = true; }, 100); }, 200); let elapsed = testZoneSpec.flush(); expect(elapsed).toEqual(300); expect(x).toBe(true); expect(y).toBe(true); }); }); it('should advance intervals', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let x = false; let y = false; let z = 0; setTimeout(() => { x = true; }, 50); setTimeout(() => { y = true; }, 141); setInterval(() => { z++; }, 10); let elapsed = testZoneSpec.flush(); expect(elapsed).toEqual(141); expect(x).toBe(true); expect(y).toBe(true); expect(z).toEqual(14); }); }); it('should not wait for intervals', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let z = 0; setInterval(() => { z++; }, 10); let elapsed = testZoneSpec.flush(); expect(elapsed).toEqual(0); expect(z).toEqual(0); }); }); it('should process micro-tasks created in timers before next timers', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let log: string[] = []; Promise.resolve(null).then((_) => log.push('microtask')); setTimeout(() => { log.push('timer'); Promise.resolve(null).then((_) => log.push('t microtask')); }, 20); let id = setInterval(() => { log.push('periodic timer'); Promise.resolve(null).then((_) => log.push('pt microtask')); }, 10); testZoneSpec.flush(); expect(log).toEqual( ['microtask', 'periodic timer', 'pt microtask', 'timer', 't microtask']); }); }); it('should throw the exception from tick for error thrown in timer callback', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { setTimeout(() => { throw new Error('timer'); }, 10); expect(() => { testZoneSpec.flush(); }).toThrowError('timer'); }); // There should be no pending timers after the error in timer callback. expect(testZoneSpec.pendingTimers.length).toBe(0); }); it('should do something reasonable with polling timeouts', () => { expect(() => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let z = 0; let poll = () => { setTimeout(() => { z++; poll(); }, 10); }; poll(); testZoneSpec.flush(); }); }) .toThrowError( 'flush failed after reaching the limit of 20 tasks. Does your code use a polling timeout?'); }); it('accepts a custom limit', () => { expect(() => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let z = 0; let poll = () => { setTimeout(() => { z++; poll(); }, 10); }; poll(); testZoneSpec.flush(10); }); }) .toThrowError( 'flush failed after reaching the limit of 10 tasks. Does your code use a polling timeout?'); }); it('can flush periodic timers if flushPeriodic is true', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let x = 0; setInterval(() => { x++; }, 10); let elapsed = testZoneSpec.flush(20, true); expect(elapsed).toEqual(10); expect(x).toEqual(1); }); }); it('can flush multiple periodic timers if flushPeriodic is true', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let x = 0; let y = 0; setInterval(() => { x++; }, 10); setInterval(() => { y++; }, 100); let elapsed = testZoneSpec.flush(20, true); expect(elapsed).toEqual(100); expect(x).toEqual(10); expect(y).toEqual(1); }); }); it('can flush till the last periodic task is processed', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let x = 0; let y = 0; setInterval(() => { x++; }, 10); // This shouldn't cause the flush to throw an exception even though // it would require 100 iterations of the shorter timer. setInterval(() => { y++; }, 1000); let elapsed = testZoneSpec.flush(20, true); // Should stop right after the longer timer has been processed. expect(elapsed).toEqual(1000); expect(x).toEqual(100); expect(y).toEqual(1); }); }); }); describe('outside of FakeAsync Zone', () => { it('calling flushMicrotasks should throw exception', () => { expect(() => { testZoneSpec.flushMicrotasks(); }).toThrowError('The code should be running in the fakeAsync zone to call this function'); }); it('calling tick should throw exception', () => { expect(() => { testZoneSpec.tick(); }).toThrowError('The code should be running in the fakeAsync zone to call this function'); }); }); describe('requestAnimationFrame', () => { const functions = ['requestAnimationFrame', 'webkitRequestAnimationFrame', 'mozRequestAnimationFrame']; functions.forEach((fnName) => { describe(fnName, ifEnvSupports(fnName, () => { it('should schedule a requestAnimationFrame with timeout of 16ms', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let ran = false; requestAnimationFrame(() => { ran = true; }); testZoneSpec.tick(6); expect(ran).toEqual(false); testZoneSpec.tick(10); expect(ran).toEqual(true); }); }); it('does not count as a pending timer', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { requestAnimationFrame(() => {}); }); expect(testZoneSpec.pendingTimers.length).toBe(0); expect(testZoneSpec.pendingPeriodicTimers.length).toBe(0); }); it('should cancel a scheduled requestAnimatiomFrame', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let ran = false; const id = requestAnimationFrame(() => { ran = true; }); testZoneSpec.tick(6); expect(ran).toEqual(false); cancelAnimationFrame(id); testZoneSpec.tick(10); expect(ran).toEqual(false); }); }); it('is not flushed when flushPeriodic is false', () => { let ran = false; fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { requestAnimationFrame(() => { ran = true; }); testZoneSpec.flush(20); expect(ran).toEqual(false); }); }); it('is flushed when flushPeriodic is true', () => { let ran = false; fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { requestAnimationFrame(() => { ran = true; }); const elapsed = testZoneSpec.flush(20, true); expect(elapsed).toEqual(16); expect(ran).toEqual(true); }); }); it('should pass timestamp as parameter', () => { let timestamp = 0; let timestamp1 = 0; fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { requestAnimationFrame((ts) => { timestamp = ts; requestAnimationFrame(ts1 => { timestamp1 = ts1; }); }); const elapsed = testZoneSpec.flush(20, true); const elapsed1 = testZoneSpec.flush(20, true); expect(elapsed).toEqual(16); expect(elapsed1).toEqual(16); expect(timestamp).toEqual(16); expect(timestamp1).toEqual(32); }); }); })); }); }); describe( 'XHRs', ifEnvSupports('XMLHttpRequest', () => { it('should throw an exception if an XHR is initiated in the zone', () => { expect(() => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let finished = false; let req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.onreadystatechange = () => { if (req.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { finished = true; } }; req.open('GET', '/test', true); req.send(); }); }).toThrowError('Cannot make XHRs from within a fake async test. Request URL: /test'); }); })); describe('node process', ifEnvSupports(supportNode, () => { it('should be able to schedule microTask with additional arguments', () => { const process = global['process']; const nextTick = process && process['nextTick']; if (!nextTick) { return; } fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let tickRun = false; let cbArgRun = false; nextTick( (strArg: string, cbArg: Function) => { tickRun = true; expect(strArg).toEqual('stringArg'); cbArg(); }, 'stringArg', () => { cbArgRun = true; }); expect(tickRun).toEqual(false); testZoneSpec.flushMicrotasks(); expect(tickRun).toEqual(true); expect(cbArgRun).toEqual(true); }); }); })); describe('should allow user define which macroTask fakeAsyncTest', () => { let FakeAsyncTestZoneSpec = (Zone as any)['FakeAsyncTestZoneSpec']; let testZoneSpec: any; let fakeAsyncTestZone: Zone; it('should support custom non perodic macroTask', () => { testZoneSpec = new FakeAsyncTestZoneSpec( 'name', false, [{source: 'TestClass.myTimeout', callbackArgs: ['test']}]); class TestClass { myTimeout(callback: Function) {} } fakeAsyncTestZone = Zone.current.fork(testZoneSpec); fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let ran = false; patchMacroTask( TestClass.prototype, 'myTimeout', (self: any, args: any[]) => ({name: 'TestClass.myTimeout', target: self, cbIdx: 0, args: args})); const testClass = new TestClass(); testClass.myTimeout(function(callbackArgs: any) { ran = true; expect(callbackArgs).toEqual('test'); }); expect(ran).toEqual(false); testZoneSpec.tick(); expect(ran).toEqual(true); }); }); it('should support custom non perodic macroTask by global flag', () => { testZoneSpec = new FakeAsyncTestZoneSpec('name'); class TestClass { myTimeout(callback: Function) {} } fakeAsyncTestZone = Zone.current.fork(testZoneSpec); fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let ran = false; patchMacroTask( TestClass.prototype, 'myTimeout', (self: any, args: any[]) => ({name: 'TestClass.myTimeout', target: self, cbIdx: 0, args: args})); const testClass = new TestClass(); testClass.myTimeout(() => { ran = true; }); expect(ran).toEqual(false); testZoneSpec.tick(); expect(ran).toEqual(true); }); }); it('should support custom perodic macroTask', () => { testZoneSpec = new FakeAsyncTestZoneSpec( 'name', false, [{source: 'TestClass.myInterval', isPeriodic: true}]); fakeAsyncTestZone = Zone.current.fork(testZoneSpec); fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let cycle = 0; class TestClass { myInterval(callback: Function, interval: number): any { return null; } } patchMacroTask( TestClass.prototype, 'myInterval', (self: any, args: any[]) => ({name: 'TestClass.myInterval', target: self, cbIdx: 0, args: args})); const testClass = new TestClass(); const id = testClass.myInterval(() => { cycle++; }, 10); expect(cycle).toEqual(0); testZoneSpec.tick(10); expect(cycle).toEqual(1); testZoneSpec.tick(10); expect(cycle).toEqual(2); clearInterval(id); }); }); }); describe('return promise', () => { let log: string[]; beforeEach(() => { log = []; }); it('should wait for promise to resolve', () => { return new Promise((res, _) => { setTimeout(() => { log.push('resolved'); res(); }, 100); }); }); afterEach(() => { expect(log).toEqual(['resolved']); }); }); describe('fakeAsyncTest should patch Date', () => { let FakeAsyncTestZoneSpec = (Zone as any)['FakeAsyncTestZoneSpec']; let testZoneSpec: any; let fakeAsyncTestZone: Zone; beforeEach(() => { testZoneSpec = new FakeAsyncTestZoneSpec('name', false); fakeAsyncTestZone = Zone.current.fork(testZoneSpec); }); it('should get date diff correctly', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { const start = Date.now(); testZoneSpec.tick(100); const end = Date.now(); expect(end - start).toBe(100); }); }); it('should check date type correctly', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { const d: any = new Date(); expect(d instanceof Date).toBe(true); }); }); it('should new Date with parameter correctly', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { const d: Date = new Date(0); expect(d.getFullYear()).toBeLessThan(1971); const d1: Date = new Date('December 17, 1995 03:24:00'); expect(d1.getFullYear()).toEqual(1995); const d2: Date = new Date(1995, 11, 17, 3, 24, 0); expect(d2.getFullYear()).toEqual(1995); d2.setFullYear(1985); expect(isNaN(d2.getTime())).toBeFalsy(); expect(d2.getFullYear()).toBe(1985); expect(d2.getMonth()).toBe(11); expect(d2.getDate()).toBe(17); }); }); it('should get Date.UTC() correctly', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { const utcDate = new Date(Date.UTC(96, 11, 1, 0, 0, 0)); expect(utcDate.getFullYear()).toBe(1996); }); }); it('should call Date.parse() correctly', () => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { const unixTimeZero = Date.parse('01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT'); expect(unixTimeZero).toBe(0); }); }); }); describe( 'fakeAsyncTest should work without patch jasmine.clock', ifEnvSupports( () => { return !supportClock() && supportNode(); }, () => { const fakeAsync = (Zone as any)[Zone.__symbol__('fakeAsyncTest')].fakeAsync; let spy: any; beforeEach(() => { spy = jasmine.createSpy('timer'); jasmine.clock().install(); }); afterEach(() => { jasmine.clock().uninstall(); }); it('should check date type correctly', fakeAsync(() => { const d: any = new Date(); expect(d instanceof Date).toBe(true); })); it('should check date type correctly without fakeAsync', () => { const d: any = new Date(); expect(d instanceof Date).toBe(true); }); it('should tick correctly', fakeAsync(() => { jasmine.clock().mockDate(); const start = Date.now(); jasmine.clock().tick(100); const end = Date.now(); expect(end - start).toBe(100); })); it('should tick correctly without fakeAsync', () => { jasmine.clock().mockDate(); const start = Date.now(); jasmine.clock().tick(100); const end = Date.now(); expect(end - start).toBe(100); }); it('should mock date correctly', fakeAsync(() => { const baseTime = new Date(2013, 9, 23); jasmine.clock().mockDate(baseTime); const start = Date.now(); expect(start).toBe(baseTime.getTime()); jasmine.clock().tick(100); const end = Date.now(); expect(end - start).toBe(100); expect(end).toBe(baseTime.getTime() + 100); expect(new Date().getFullYear()).toEqual(2013); })); it('should mock date correctly without fakeAsync', () => { const baseTime = new Date(2013, 9, 23); jasmine.clock().mockDate(baseTime); const start = Date.now(); expect(start).toBe(baseTime.getTime()); jasmine.clock().tick(100); const end = Date.now(); expect(end - start).toBe(100); expect(end).toBe(baseTime.getTime() + 100); expect(new Date().getFullYear()).toEqual(2013); }); it('should handle new Date correctly', fakeAsync(() => { const baseTime = new Date(2013, 9, 23); jasmine.clock().mockDate(baseTime); const start = new Date(); expect(start.getTime()).toBe(baseTime.getTime()); jasmine.clock().tick(100); const end = new Date(); expect(end.getTime() - start.getTime()).toBe(100); expect(end.getTime()).toBe(baseTime.getTime() + 100); })); it('should handle new Date correctly without fakeAsync', () => { const baseTime = new Date(2013, 9, 23); jasmine.clock().mockDate(baseTime); const start = new Date(); expect(start.getTime()).toBe(baseTime.getTime()); jasmine.clock().tick(100); const end = new Date(); expect(end.getTime() - start.getTime()).toBe(100); expect(end.getTime()).toBe(baseTime.getTime() + 100); }); it('should handle setTimeout correctly', fakeAsync(() => { setTimeout(spy, 100); expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); jasmine.clock().tick(100); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled(); })); it('should handle setTimeout correctly without fakeAsync', () => { setTimeout(spy, 100); expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); jasmine.clock().tick(100); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); })); describe('fakeAsyncTest should patch jasmine.clock', ifEnvSupports(supportClock, () => { let spy: any; beforeEach(() => { spy = jasmine.createSpy('timer'); jasmine.clock().install(); }); afterEach(() => { jasmine.clock().uninstall(); }); it('should check date type correctly', () => { const d: any = new Date(); expect(d instanceof Date).toBe(true); }); it('should get date diff correctly', () => { const start = Date.now(); jasmine.clock().tick(100); const end = Date.now(); expect(end - start).toBe(100); }); it('should tick correctly', () => { const start = Date.now(); jasmine.clock().tick(100); const end = Date.now(); expect(end - start).toBe(100); }); it('should mock date correctly', () => { const baseTime = new Date(2013, 9, 23); jasmine.clock().mockDate(baseTime); const start = Date.now(); expect(start).toBe(baseTime.getTime()); jasmine.clock().tick(100); const end = Date.now(); expect(end - start).toBe(100); expect(end).toBe(baseTime.getTime() + 100); }); it('should handle new Date correctly', () => { const baseTime = new Date(2013, 9, 23); jasmine.clock().mockDate(baseTime); const start = new Date(); expect(start.getTime()).toBe(baseTime.getTime()); jasmine.clock().tick(100); const end = new Date(); expect(end.getTime() - start.getTime()).toBe(100); expect(end.getTime()).toBe(baseTime.getTime() + 100); }); it('should handle setTimeout correctly', () => { setTimeout(spy, 100); expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); jasmine.clock().tick(100); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); })); describe('fakeAsyncTest should patch rxjs scheduler', ifEnvSupports(supportClock, () => { let FakeAsyncTestZoneSpec = (Zone as any)['FakeAsyncTestZoneSpec']; let testZoneSpec: any; let fakeAsyncTestZone: Zone; beforeEach(() => { testZoneSpec = new FakeAsyncTestZoneSpec('name', false); fakeAsyncTestZone = Zone.current.fork(testZoneSpec); }); it('should get date diff correctly', (done) => { fakeAsyncTestZone.run(() => { let result: any = null; const observable = new Observable((subscribe: any) => { subscribe.next('hello'); subscribe.complete(); }); observable.pipe(delay(1000)).subscribe((v: any) => { result = v; }); expect(result).toBe(null); testZoneSpec.tick(1000); expect(result).toBe('hello'); done(); }); }); })); }); class Log { logItems: any[]; constructor() { this.logItems = []; } add(value: any /** TODO #9100 */): void { this.logItems.push(value); } fn(value: any /** TODO #9100 */) { return (a1: any = null, a2: any = null, a3: any = null, a4: any = null, a5: any = null) => { this.logItems.push(value); }; } clear(): void { this.logItems = []; } result(): string { return this.logItems.join('; '); } } const resolvedPromise = Promise.resolve(null); const ProxyZoneSpec: {assertPresent: () => void} = (Zone as any)['ProxyZoneSpec']; const fakeAsyncTestModule = (Zone as any)[Zone.__symbol__('fakeAsyncTest')]; const {fakeAsync, tick, discardPeriodicTasks, flush, flushMicrotasks} = fakeAsyncTestModule; { describe('fake async', () => { it('should run synchronous code', () => { let ran = false; fakeAsync(() => { ran = true; })(); expect(ran).toEqual(true); }); it('should pass arguments to the wrapped function', () => { fakeAsync((foo: any /** TODO #9100 */, bar: any /** TODO #9100 */) => { expect(foo).toEqual('foo'); expect(bar).toEqual('bar'); })('foo', 'bar'); }); it('should throw on nested calls', () => { expect(() => { fakeAsync(() => { fakeAsync((): any /** TODO #9100 */ => null)(); })(); }).toThrowError('fakeAsync() calls can not be nested'); }); it('should flush microtasks before returning', () => { let thenRan = false; fakeAsync(() => { resolvedPromise.then(_ => { thenRan = true; }); })(); expect(thenRan).toEqual(true); }); it('should propagate the return value', () => { expect(fakeAsync(() => 'foo')()).toEqual('foo'); }); describe('Promise', () => { it('should run asynchronous code', fakeAsync(() => { let thenRan = false; resolvedPromise.then((_) => { thenRan = true; }); expect(thenRan).toEqual(false); flushMicrotasks(); expect(thenRan).toEqual(true); })); it('should run chained thens', fakeAsync(() => { const log = new Log(); resolvedPromise.then((_) => log.add(1)).then((_) => log.add(2)); expect(log.result()).toEqual(''); flushMicrotasks(); expect(log.result()).toEqual('1; 2'); })); it('should run Promise created in Promise', fakeAsync(() => { const log = new Log(); resolvedPromise.then((_) => { log.add(1); resolvedPromise.then((_) => log.add(2)); }); expect(log.result()).toEqual(''); flushMicrotasks(); expect(log.result()).toEqual('1; 2'); })); it('should complain if the test throws an exception during async calls', () => { expect(() => { fakeAsync(() => { resolvedPromise.then((_) => { throw new Error('async'); }); flushMicrotasks(); })(); }).toThrowError(/Uncaught \(in promise\): Error: async/); }); it('should complain if a test throws an exception', () => { expect(() => { fakeAsync(() => { throw new Error('sync'); })(); }).toThrowError('sync'); }); }); describe('timers', () => { it('should run queued zero duration timer on zero tick', fakeAsync(() => { let ran = false; setTimeout(() => { ran = true; }, 0); expect(ran).toEqual(false); tick(); expect(ran).toEqual(true); })); it('should run queued timer after sufficient clock ticks', fakeAsync(() => { let ran = false; setTimeout(() => { ran = true; }, 10); tick(6); expect(ran).toEqual(false); tick(6); expect(ran).toEqual(true); })); it('should run queued timer only once', fakeAsync(() => { let cycles = 0; setTimeout(() => { cycles++; }, 10); tick(10); expect(cycles).toEqual(1); tick(10); expect(cycles).toEqual(1); tick(10); expect(cycles).toEqual(1); })); it('should not run cancelled timer', fakeAsync(() => { let ran = false; const id = setTimeout(() => { ran = true; }, 10); clearTimeout(id); tick(10); expect(ran).toEqual(false); })); it('should throw an error on dangling timers', () => { expect(() => { fakeAsync(() => { setTimeout(() => {}, 10); })(); }).toThrowError('1 timer(s) still in the queue.'); }); it('should throw an error on dangling periodic timers', () => { expect(() => { fakeAsync(() => { setInterval(() => {}, 10); })(); }).toThrowError('1 periodic timer(s) still in the queue.'); }); it('should run periodic timers', fakeAsync(() => { let cycles = 0; const id = setInterval(() => { cycles++; }, 10); tick(10); expect(cycles).toEqual(1); tick(10); expect(cycles).toEqual(2); tick(10); expect(cycles).toEqual(3); clearInterval(id); })); it('should not run cancelled periodic timer', fakeAsync(() => { let ran = false; const id = setInterval(() => { ran = true; }, 10); clearInterval(id); tick(10); expect(ran).toEqual(false); })); it('should be able to cancel periodic timers from a callback', fakeAsync(() => { let cycles = 0; let id: any /** TODO #9100 */; id = setInterval(() => { cycles++; clearInterval(id); }, 10); tick(10); expect(cycles).toEqual(1); tick(10); expect(cycles).toEqual(1); })); it('should clear periodic timers', fakeAsync(() => { let cycles = 0; const id = setInterval(() => { cycles++; }, 10); tick(10); expect(cycles).toEqual(1); discardPeriodicTasks(); // Tick once to clear out the timer which already started. tick(10); expect(cycles).toEqual(2); tick(10); // Nothing should change expect(cycles).toEqual(2); })); it('should process microtasks before timers', fakeAsync(() => { const log = new Log(); resolvedPromise.then((_) => log.add('microtask')); setTimeout(() => log.add('timer'), 9); const id = setInterval(() => log.add('periodic timer'), 10); expect(log.result()).toEqual(''); tick(10); expect(log.result()).toEqual('microtask; timer; periodic timer'); clearInterval(id); })); it('should process micro-tasks created in timers before next timers', fakeAsync(() => { const log = new Log(); resolvedPromise.then((_) => log.add('microtask')); setTimeout(() => { log.add('timer'); resolvedPromise.then((_) => log.add('t microtask')); }, 9); const id = setInterval(() => { log.add('periodic timer'); resolvedPromise.then((_) => log.add('pt microtask')); }, 10); tick(10); expect(log.result()) .toEqual('microtask; timer; t microtask; periodic timer; pt microtask'); tick(10); expect(log.result()) .toEqual( 'microtask; timer; t microtask; periodic timer; pt microtask; periodic timer; pt microtask'); clearInterval(id); })); it('should flush tasks', fakeAsync(() => { let ran = false; setTimeout(() => { ran = true; }, 10); flush(); expect(ran).toEqual(true); })); it('should flush multiple tasks', fakeAsync(() => { let ran = false; let ran2 = false; setTimeout(() => { ran = true; }, 10); setTimeout(() => { ran2 = true; }, 30); let elapsed = flush(); expect(ran).toEqual(true); expect(ran2).toEqual(true); expect(elapsed).toEqual(30); })); it('should move periodic tasks', fakeAsync(() => { let ran = false; let count = 0; setInterval(() => { count++; }, 10); setTimeout(() => { ran = true; }, 35); let elapsed = flush(); expect(count).toEqual(3); expect(ran).toEqual(true); expect(elapsed).toEqual(35); discardPeriodicTasks(); })); }); describe('outside of the fakeAsync zone', () => { it('calling flushMicrotasks should throw', () => { expect(() => { flushMicrotasks(); }).toThrowError('The code should be running in the fakeAsync zone to call this function'); }); it('calling tick should throw', () => { expect(() => { tick(); }).toThrowError('The code should be running in the fakeAsync zone to call this function'); }); it('calling flush should throw', () => { expect(() => { flush(); }).toThrowError('The code should be running in the fakeAsync zone to call this function'); }); it('calling discardPeriodicTasks should throw', () => { expect(() => { discardPeriodicTasks(); }).toThrowError('The code should be running in the fakeAsync zone to call this function'); }); }); describe('only one `fakeAsync` zone per test', () => { let zoneInBeforeEach: Zone; let zoneInTest1: Zone; beforeEach(fakeAsync(() => { zoneInBeforeEach = Zone.current; })); it('should use the same zone as in beforeEach', fakeAsync(() => { zoneInTest1 = Zone.current; expect(zoneInTest1).toBe(zoneInBeforeEach); })); }); describe('fakeAsync should work with Date', () => { it('should get date diff correctly', fakeAsync(() => { const start = Date.now(); tick(100); const end = Date.now(); expect(end - start).toBe(100); })); it('should check date type correctly', fakeAsync(() => { const d: any = new Date(); expect(d instanceof Date).toBe(true); })); it('should new Date with parameter correctly', fakeAsync(() => { const d: Date = new Date(0); expect(d.getFullYear()).toBeLessThan(1971); const d1: Date = new Date('December 17, 1995 03:24:00'); expect(d1.getFullYear()).toEqual(1995); const d2: Date = new Date(1995, 11, 17, 3, 24, 0); expect(isNaN(d2.getTime())).toBeFalsy(); expect(d2.getFullYear()).toEqual(1995); d2.setFullYear(1985); expect(d2.getFullYear()).toBe(1985); expect(d2.getMonth()).toBe(11); expect(d2.getDate()).toBe(17); })); it('should get Date.UTC() correctly', fakeAsync(() => { const utcDate = new Date(Date.UTC(96, 11, 1, 0, 0, 0)); expect(utcDate.getFullYear()).toBe(1996); })); it('should call Date.parse() correctly', fakeAsync(() => { const unixTimeZero = Date.parse('01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT'); expect(unixTimeZero).toBe(0); })); }); }); describe('ProxyZone', () => { beforeEach(() => { ProxyZoneSpec.assertPresent(); }); afterEach(() => { ProxyZoneSpec.assertPresent(); }); it('should allow fakeAsync zone to retroactively set a zoneSpec outside of fakeAsync', () => { ProxyZoneSpec.assertPresent(); let state: string = 'not run'; const testZone = Zone.current.fork({name: 'test-zone'}); (fakeAsync(() => { testZone.run(() => { Promise.resolve('works').then((v) => state = v); expect(state).toEqual('not run'); flushMicrotasks(); expect(state).toEqual('works'); }); }))(); expect(state).toEqual('works'); }); }); }