/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import fetch from 'node-fetch'; import * as semver from 'semver'; import {promptConfirm, red, warn, yellow} from '../../../utils/console'; import {InvalidTargetBranchError} from '../target-label'; import {getVersionOfBranch, GithubRepo} from './branches'; /** * Number of months a major version in Angular is actively supported. See: * https://angular.io/guide/releases#support-policy-and-schedule. */ const majorActiveSupportDuration = 6; /** * Number of months a major version has active long-term support. See: * https://angular.io/guide/releases#support-policy-and-schedule. */ const majorActiveTermSupportDuration = 12; /** * Asserts that the given branch corresponds to an active LTS version-branch that can receive * backported fixes. Throws an error if LTS expired or an invalid branch is selected. */ export async function assertActiveLtsBranch(repo: GithubRepo, branchName: string) { const version = await getVersionOfBranch(repo, branchName); const {'dist-tags': distTags, time} = await (await fetch(`https://registry.npmjs.org/${repo.npmPackageName}`)).json(); // LTS versions should be tagged in NPM in the following format: `v{major}-lts`. const ltsVersion = semver.parse(distTags[`v${version.major}-lts`]); // Ensure that there is a LTS version tagged for the given version-branch major. e.g. // if the version branch is `9.2.x` then we want to make sure that there is a LTS // version tagged in NPM for `v9`, following the `v{major}-lts` tag convention. if (ltsVersion === null) { throw new InvalidTargetBranchError(`No LTS version tagged for v${version.major} in NPM.`); } // Ensure that the correct branch is used for the LTS version. We do not want to merge // changes to older minor version branches that do not reflect the current LTS version. if (branchName !== `${ltsVersion.major}.${ltsVersion.minor}.x`) { throw new InvalidTargetBranchError( `Not using last-minor branch for v${version.major} LTS version. PR ` + `should be updated to target: ${ltsVersion.major}.${ltsVersion.minor}.x`); } const today = new Date(); const releaseDate = new Date(time[`${version.major}.0.0`]); const ltsEndDate = new Date( releaseDate.getFullYear(), releaseDate.getMonth() + majorActiveSupportDuration + majorActiveTermSupportDuration, releaseDate.getDate(), releaseDate.getHours(), releaseDate.getMinutes(), releaseDate.getSeconds(), releaseDate.getMilliseconds()); // Check if LTS has already expired for the targeted major version. If so, we do not // allow the merge as per our LTS guarantees. Can be forcibly overridden if desired. // See: https://angular.io/guide/releases#support-policy-and-schedule. if (today > ltsEndDate) { const ltsEndDateText = ltsEndDate.toLocaleDateString(); warn(red(`Long-term support ended for v${version.major} on ${ltsEndDateText}.`)); warn(yellow( `Merging of pull requests for this major is generally not ` + `desired, but can be forcibly ignored.`)); if (await promptConfirm('Do you want to forcibly proceed with merging?')) { return; } throw new InvalidTargetBranchError( `Long-term supported ended for v${version.major} on ${ltsEndDateText}. ` + `Pull request cannot be merged into the ${branchName} branch.`); } }