import { ComponentFixture, AsyncTestCompleter, TestComponentBuilder, beforeEach, ddescribe, xdescribe, describe, el, expect, iit, inject, beforeEachProviders, it, xit } from 'angular2/testing_internal'; import {DefaultRouterUrlParser} from 'angular2/src/alt_router/router_url_parser'; import {UrlSegment} from 'angular2/src/alt_router/segments'; import {DEFAULT_OUTLET_NAME} from 'angular2/src/alt_router/constants'; export function main() { describe('url parsing', () => { let parser = new DefaultRouterUrlParser(); it('should throw on an empty urls', () => { expect(() => parser.parse("")).toThrow(); }); it('should parse the root url', () => { let tree = parser.parse("/"); expectSegment(tree.root, ""); }); it('should parse non-empty urls', () => { let tree = parser.parse("one/two"); expectSegment(tree.firstChild(tree.root), "one"); expectSegment(tree.firstChild(tree.firstChild(tree.root)), "two"); }); it("should parse multiple aux routes", () => { let tree = parser.parse("/one/two(/three//right:four)/five"); let c = tree.children(tree.firstChild(tree.root)); expectSegment(c[0], "two"); expectSegment(c[1], "aux:three"); expectSegment(c[2], "right:four"); expectSegment(tree.firstChild(c[0]), "five"); }); it("should parse aux routes that have aux routes", () => { let tree = parser.parse("/one(/two(/three))"); let c = tree.children(tree.root); expectSegment(c[0], "one"); expectSegment(c[1], "aux:two"); expectSegment(c[2], "aux:three"); }); it("should parse aux routes that have children", () => { let tree = parser.parse("/one(/two/three)"); let c = tree.children(tree.root); expectSegment(c[0], "one"); expectSegment(c[1], "aux:two"); expectSegment(tree.firstChild(c[1]), "three"); }); it("should parse an empty aux route definition", () => { let tree = parser.parse("/one()"); let c = tree.children(tree.root); expectSegment(c[0], "one"); expect(tree.children(c[0]).length).toEqual(0); }); it("should parse key-value matrix params", () => { let tree = parser.parse("/one;a=11a;b=11b(/two;c=22//right:three;d=33)"); let c = tree.children(tree.root); expectSegment(c[0], "one;a=11a;b=11b"); expectSegment(c[1], "aux:two;c=22"); expectSegment(c[2], "right:three;d=33"); }); it("should parse key only matrix params", () => { let tree = parser.parse("/one;a"); let c = tree.children(tree.root); expectSegment(c[0], "one;a=true"); }); it("should parse key-value query params", () => { let tree = parser.parse("/one?a=1&b=2"); expect(tree.root).toEqual(new UrlSegment("", {'a': '1', 'b': '2'}, DEFAULT_OUTLET_NAME)); }); it("should parse key only query params", () => { let tree = parser.parse("/one?a"); expect(tree.root).toEqual(new UrlSegment("", {'a': "true"}, DEFAULT_OUTLET_NAME)); }); it("should parse a url with only query params", () => { let tree = parser.parse("?a"); expect(tree.root).toEqual(new UrlSegment("", {'a': "true"}, DEFAULT_OUTLET_NAME)); }); it("should allow slashes within query params", () => { let tree = parser.parse("?a=http://boo"); expect(tree.root).toEqual(new UrlSegment("", {'a': "http://boo"}, DEFAULT_OUTLET_NAME)); }); }); } function expectSegment(segment: UrlSegment, expected: string): void { expect(segment.toString()).toEqual(expected); }