/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {HtmlParser} from '@angular/compiler/src/ml_parser/html_parser'; import {serializeNodes} from './util/util'; { describe('Node serializer', () => { let parser: HtmlParser; beforeEach(() => { parser = new HtmlParser(); }); it('should support element', () => { const html = '<p></p>'; const ast = parser.parse(html, 'url'); expect(serializeNodes(ast.rootNodes)).toEqual([html]); }); it('should support attributes', () => { const html = '<p k="value"></p>'; const ast = parser.parse(html, 'url'); expect(serializeNodes(ast.rootNodes)).toEqual([html]); }); it('should support text', () => { const html = 'some text'; const ast = parser.parse(html, 'url'); expect(serializeNodes(ast.rootNodes)).toEqual([html]); }); it('should support expansion', () => { const html = '{number, plural, =0 {none} =1 {one} other {many}}'; const ast = parser.parse(html, 'url', {tokenizeExpansionForms: true}); expect(serializeNodes(ast.rootNodes)).toEqual([html]); }); it('should support comment', () => { const html = '<!--comment-->'; const ast = parser.parse(html, 'url', {tokenizeExpansionForms: true}); expect(serializeNodes(ast.rootNodes)).toEqual([html]); }); it('should support nesting', () => { const html = `<div i18n="meaning|desc"> <span>{{ interpolation }}</span> <!--comment--> <p expansion="true"> {number, plural, =0 {{sex, select, other {<b>?</b>}}}} </p> </div>`; const ast = parser.parse(html, 'url', {tokenizeExpansionForms: true}); expect(serializeNodes(ast.rootNodes)).toEqual([html]); }); }); }