import {ListWrapper} from '../src/facade/collection'; import {getDOM} from '../src/dom/dom_adapter'; import {isPresent, isString, RegExpWrapper, StringWrapper, RegExp} from '../src/facade/lang'; export class BrowserDetection { private _overrideUa: string; private get _ua(): string { if (isPresent(this._overrideUa)) { return this._overrideUa; } else { return isPresent(getDOM()) ? getDOM().getUserAgent() : ''; } } static setup() { browserDetection = new BrowserDetection(null); } constructor(ua: string) { this._overrideUa = ua; } get isFirefox(): boolean { return this._ua.indexOf('Firefox') > -1; } get isAndroid(): boolean { return this._ua.indexOf('Mozilla/5.0') > -1 && this._ua.indexOf('Android') > -1 && this._ua.indexOf('AppleWebKit') > -1 && this._ua.indexOf('Chrome') == -1; } get isEdge(): boolean { return this._ua.indexOf('Edge') > -1; } get isIE(): boolean { return this._ua.indexOf('Trident') > -1; } get isWebkit(): boolean { return this._ua.indexOf('AppleWebKit') > -1 && this._ua.indexOf('Edge') == -1; } get isIOS7(): boolean { return this._ua.indexOf('iPhone OS 7') > -1 || this._ua.indexOf('iPad OS 7') > -1; } get isSlow(): boolean { return this.isAndroid || this.isIE || this.isIOS7; } // The Intl API is only properly supported in recent Chrome and Opera. // Note: Edge is disguised as Chrome 42, so checking the "Edge" part is needed, // see get supportsIntlApi(): boolean { return this._ua.indexOf('Chrome/4') > -1 && this._ua.indexOf('Edge') == -1; } } export function dispatchEvent(element, eventType): void { getDOM().dispatchEvent(element, getDOM().createEvent(eventType)); } export function el(html: string): HTMLElement { return getDOM().firstChild(getDOM().content(getDOM().createTemplate(html))); } export function normalizeCSS(css: string): string { css = StringWrapper.replaceAll(css, /\s+/g, ' '); css = StringWrapper.replaceAll(css, /:\s/g, ':'); css = StringWrapper.replaceAll(css, /'/g, '"'); css = StringWrapper.replaceAll(css, / }/g, '}'); css = StringWrapper.replaceAllMapped(css, /url\((\"|\s)(.+)(\"|\s)\)(\s*)/g, (match) => `url("${match[2]}")`); css = StringWrapper.replaceAllMapped(css, /\[(.+)=([^"\]]+)\]/g, (match) => `[${match[1]}="${match[2]}"]`); return css; } var _singleTagWhitelist = ['br', 'hr', 'input']; export function stringifyElement(el): string { var result = ''; if (getDOM().isElementNode(el)) { var tagName = getDOM().tagName(el).toLowerCase(); // Opening tag result += `<${tagName}`; // Attributes in an ordered way var attributeMap = getDOM().attributeMap(el); var keys = []; attributeMap.forEach((v, k) => keys.push(k)); ListWrapper.sort(keys); for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var key = keys[i]; var attValue = attributeMap.get(key); if (!isString(attValue)) { result += ` ${key}`; } else { result += ` ${key}="${attValue}"`; } } result += '>'; // Children var childrenRoot = getDOM().templateAwareRoot(el); var children = isPresent(childrenRoot) ? getDOM().childNodes(childrenRoot) : []; for (let j = 0; j < children.length; j++) { result += stringifyElement(children[j]); } // Closing tag if (!ListWrapper.contains(_singleTagWhitelist, tagName)) { result += ``; } } else if (getDOM().isCommentNode(el)) { result += ``; } else { result += getDOM().getText(el); } return result; } export var browserDetection: BrowserDetection = new BrowserDetection(null);