/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {Component, ComponentFactoryResolver, ComponentRef, Directive, ElementRef, HostBinding, Input, NgModule, Renderer2, ViewChild, ViewContainerRef} from '@angular/core'; import {getDebugNode} from '@angular/core/src/render3/util/discovery_utils'; import {ngDevModeResetPerfCounters} from '@angular/core/src/util/ng_dev_mode'; import {TestBed} from '@angular/core/testing'; import {By, DomSanitizer, SafeStyle} from '@angular/platform-browser'; import {expect} from '@angular/platform-browser/testing/src/matchers'; import {ivyEnabled, onlyInIvy} from '@angular/private/testing'; describe('styling', () => { beforeEach(ngDevModeResetPerfCounters); it('should render inline style and class attribute values on the element before a directive is instantiated', () => { @Component({ template: `
` }) class Cmp { } @Directive({selector: '[directive-expecting-styling]'}) class DirectiveExpectingStyling { constructor(elm: ElementRef) { const native = elm.nativeElement; native.setAttribute('data-captured-width', native.style.width); native.setAttribute('data-captured-classes', native.className); } } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp, DirectiveExpectingStyling]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); fixture.detectChanges(); const element = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('div'); expect(element.style.width).toEqual('200px'); expect(element.getAttribute('data-captured-width')).toEqual('200px'); expect(element.className.trim()).toEqual('abc xyz'); expect(element.getAttribute('data-captured-classes')).toEqual('abc xyz'); }); it('should only render the same initial styling values once before a directive runs', () => { @Component({ template: `
` }) class Cmp { } @Directive({selector: '[directive-expecting-styling]'}) class DirectiveExpectingStyling { constructor(elm: ElementRef) { const native = elm.nativeElement; native.style.width = '300px'; native.classList.remove('abc'); } } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp, DirectiveExpectingStyling]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); fixture.detectChanges(); const element = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('div'); expect(element.style.width).toEqual('300px'); expect(element.classList.contains('abc')).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should ensure that static classes are assigned to ng-container elements and picked up for content projection', () => { @Component({ template: ` outer inner ` }) class MyApp { } @Component({ selector: 'project', template: `
` }) class ProjectCmp { } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [MyApp, ProjectCmp]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyApp); const element = fixture.nativeElement; fixture.detectChanges(); const inner = element.querySelector('.inner-area'); expect(inner.textContent.trim()).toEqual('inner'); const outer = element.querySelector('.outer-area'); expect(outer.textContent.trim()).toEqual('outer'); }); it('should render initial styling for repeated nodes that a component host', () => { @Component({ selector: '[comp]', template: '', }) class Comp { } @Component({ template: `


` }) class App { items = [1, 2, 3]; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({ declarations: [App, Comp], }); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(App); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('.a')).length).toBe(3); }); it('should do nothing for empty style bindings', () => { @Component({template: '
'}) class App { } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [App]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(App); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(fixture.nativeElement.innerHTML).toBe('
'); }); it('should do nothing for empty class bindings', () => { @Component({template: '
'}) class App { } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [App]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(App); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(fixture.nativeElement.innerHTML).toBe('
'); }); it('should be able to bind zero', () => { @Component({template: '
'}) class App { @ViewChild('div') div !: ElementRef; opacity = 0; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [App]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(App); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(fixture.componentInstance.div.nativeElement.style.opacity).toBe('0'); }); it('should be able to bind a SafeValue to backgroundImage', () => { @Component({template: '
'}) class Cmp { image !: SafeStyle; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); const sanitizer: DomSanitizer = TestBed.inject(DomSanitizer); fixture.componentInstance.image = sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustStyle('url("#test")'); fixture.detectChanges(); const div = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('div') as HTMLDivElement; expect(div.style.backgroundImage).toBe('url("#test")'); onlyInIvy('perf counters').expectPerfCounters({ styleProp: 2, stylePropCacheMiss: 1, tNode: 3, }); }); it('should not throw if host style binding is on a template node', () => { // This ex is a bit contrived. In real apps, you might have a shared class that is extended both // by components with host elements and by directives on template nodes. In that case, the host // styles for the template directives should just be ignored. @Directive({selector: 'ng-template[styleDir]', host: {'[style.display]': 'display'}}) class StyleDir { display = 'block'; } @Component({selector: 'app-comp', template: ``}) class MyApp { } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [MyApp, StyleDir]}); expect(() => { const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyApp); fixture.detectChanges(); }).not.toThrow(); }); it('should be able to bind a SafeValue to clip-path', () => { @Component({template: '
'}) class Cmp { path !: SafeStyle; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); const sanitizer: DomSanitizer = TestBed.inject(DomSanitizer); fixture.componentInstance.path = sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustStyle('url("#test")'); fixture.detectChanges(); const html = fixture.nativeElement.innerHTML; // Note that check the raw HTML, because (at the time of writing) the Node-based renderer // that we use to run tests doesn't support `clip-path` in `CSSStyleDeclaration`. expect(html).toMatch(/style=["|']clip-path:\s*url\(.*#test.*\)/); }); it('should support interpolations inside a class binding', () => { @Component({ template: `
` }) class Cmp { one = 'one'; two = 'two'; three = 'three'; four = 'four'; five = 'five'; six = 'six'; seven = 'seven'; eight = 'eight'; nine = 'nine'; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); const instance = fixture.componentInstance; fixture.detectChanges(); const divs = fixture.nativeElement.querySelectorAll('div'); expect(divs[0].getAttribute('class')).toBe('aonebtwocthreedfourefivefsixgsevenheightininej'); expect(divs[1].getAttribute('class')).toBe('aonebtwocthreedfourefivefsixgsevenheighti'); expect(divs[2].getAttribute('class')).toBe('aonebtwocthreedfourefivefsixgsevenh'); expect(divs[3].getAttribute('class')).toBe('aonebtwocthreedfourefivefsixg'); expect(divs[4].getAttribute('class')).toBe('aonebtwocthreedfourefivef'); expect(divs[5].getAttribute('class')).toBe('aonebtwocthreedfoure'); expect(divs[6].getAttribute('class')).toBe('aonebtwocthreed'); expect(divs[7].getAttribute('class')).toBe('aonebtwoc'); expect(divs[8].getAttribute('class')).toBe('aoneb'); expect(divs[9].getAttribute('class')).toBe('one'); instance.one = instance.two = instance.three = instance.four = instance.five = instance.six = instance.seven = instance.eight = instance.nine = ''; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(divs[0].getAttribute('class')).toBe('abcdefghij'); expect(divs[1].getAttribute('class')).toBe('abcdefghi'); expect(divs[2].getAttribute('class')).toBe('abcdefgh'); expect(divs[3].getAttribute('class')).toBe('abcdefg'); expect(divs[4].getAttribute('class')).toBe('abcdef'); expect(divs[5].getAttribute('class')).toBe('abcde'); expect(divs[6].getAttribute('class')).toBe('abcd'); expect(divs[7].getAttribute('class')).toBe('abc'); expect(divs[8].getAttribute('class')).toBe('ab'); expect(divs[9].getAttribute('class')).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should support interpolations inside a class binding when other classes are present', () => { @Component({template: '
'}) class Cmp { one = 'one'; two = 'two'; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); fixture.detectChanges(); const classList = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('div').classList; expect(classList).toContain('zero'); expect(classList).toContain('i-one'); expect(classList).toContain('two'); expect(classList).toContain('three'); fixture.componentInstance.one = fixture.componentInstance.two = ''; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(classList).toContain('zero'); expect(classList).toContain('i-'); expect(classList).toContain('three'); expect(classList).not.toContain('i-one'); expect(classList).not.toContain('two'); }); it('should support interpolations inside a style property binding', () => { @Component({ template: `
` }) class Cmp { singleBinding: string|null = '1337px'; one = 1; two = 2; three = 3; four = 4; five = 5; six = 6; seven = 7; eight = 8; nine = 9; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); const instance = fixture.componentInstance; fixture.detectChanges(); const divs: NodeListOf = fixture.nativeElement.querySelectorAll('div'); expect(divs[0].style.fontFamily).toBe('f123456789'); expect(divs[1].style.fontFamily).toBe('f12345678'); expect(divs[2].style.fontFamily).toBe('f1234567'); expect(divs[3].style.fontFamily).toBe('f123456'); expect(divs[4].style.fontFamily).toBe('f12345'); expect(divs[5].style.fontFamily).toBe('f1234'); expect(divs[6].style.fontFamily).toBe('f123'); expect(divs[7].style.fontFamily).toBe('f12'); expect(divs[8].style.fontFamily).toBe('f1'); expect(divs[9].style.width).toBe('1337px'); instance.singleBinding = null; instance.one = instance.two = instance.three = instance.four = instance.five = instance.six = instance.seven = instance.eight = instance.nine = 1; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(divs[0].style.fontFamily).toBe('f111111111'); expect(divs[1].style.fontFamily).toBe('f11111111'); expect(divs[2].style.fontFamily).toBe('f1111111'); expect(divs[3].style.fontFamily).toBe('f111111'); expect(divs[4].style.fontFamily).toBe('f11111'); expect(divs[5].style.fontFamily).toBe('f1111'); expect(divs[6].style.fontFamily).toBe('f111'); expect(divs[7].style.fontFamily).toBe('f11'); expect(divs[8].style.fontFamily).toBe('f1'); expect(divs[9].style.width).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should support interpolations when a style property has a unit suffix', () => { @Component({template: '
'}) class Cmp { one = 1; three = 3; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); fixture.detectChanges(); const div = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('div'); expect(div.style.width).toBe('1337px'); fixture.componentInstance.one = 2; fixture.componentInstance.three = 6; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(div.style.width).toBe('2667px'); }); it('should not write to a `class` input binding in the event that there is no static class value', () => { let capturedClassBindingCount = 0; let capturedClassBindingValue: string|null|undefined = undefined; let capturedMyClassBindingCount = 0; let capturedMyClassBindingValue: string|null|undefined = undefined; @Component({template: '
'}) class Cmp { c: any = null; x = 'foo'; } @Directive({selector: '[my-class-dir]'}) class MyClassDir { @Input('class') set classVal(v: string) { capturedClassBindingCount++; capturedClassBindingValue = v; } @Input('my-class-dir') set myClassVal(v: string) { capturedMyClassBindingCount++; capturedMyClassBindingValue = v; } } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp, MyClassDir]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(capturedClassBindingCount).toEqual(1); expect(capturedClassBindingValue as any).toEqual(null); expect(capturedMyClassBindingCount).toEqual(1); expect(capturedMyClassBindingValue !).toEqual('foo'); fixture.componentInstance.c = 'dynamic-value'; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(capturedClassBindingCount).toEqual(2); expect(capturedClassBindingValue !).toEqual('dynamic-value'); expect(capturedMyClassBindingCount).toEqual(1); expect(capturedMyClassBindingValue !).toEqual('foo'); fixture.componentInstance.c = null; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(capturedClassBindingCount).toEqual(3); expect(capturedClassBindingValue as any).toEqual(null); expect(capturedMyClassBindingCount).toEqual(1); expect(capturedMyClassBindingValue !).toEqual('foo'); fixture.componentInstance.c = ''; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(capturedClassBindingCount).toEqual(4); expect(capturedClassBindingValue as any).toEqual(''); expect(capturedMyClassBindingCount).toEqual(1); expect(capturedMyClassBindingValue !).toEqual('foo'); }); it('should write to [class] binding during `update` mode if there is an instantiation-level value', () => { let capturedClassBindingCount = 0; let capturedClassBindingValue: string|null|undefined = undefined; @Component({template: '
'}) class Cmp { c: any = 'bar'; } @Directive({selector: '[my-class-dir]'}) class MyClassDir { @Input('class') set classVal(v: string) { capturedClassBindingCount++; capturedClassBindingValue = v; } } // Ivy does an extra `[class]` write with a falsy value since the value // is applied during creation mode. This is a deviation from VE and should // be (Jira Issue = FW-1467). let totalWrites = ivyEnabled ? 1 : 0; TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp, MyClassDir]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); expect(capturedClassBindingCount).toEqual(totalWrites++); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(capturedClassBindingCount).toEqual(totalWrites++); expect(capturedClassBindingValue as any).toEqual('bar'); fixture.componentInstance.c = 'dynamic-bar'; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(capturedClassBindingCount).toEqual(totalWrites++); expect(capturedClassBindingValue !).toEqual('dynamic-bar'); }); it('should write to a `class` input binding if there is a static class value', () => { let capturedClassBindingCount = 0; let capturedClassBindingValue: string|null = null; let capturedMyClassBindingCount = 0; let capturedMyClassBindingValue: string|null = null; @Component({template: '
'}) class Cmp { x = 'foo'; } @Directive({selector: '[my-class-dir]'}) class MyClassDir { @Input('class') set classVal(v: string) { capturedClassBindingCount++; capturedClassBindingValue = v; } @Input('my-class-dir') set myClassVal(v: string) { capturedMyClassBindingCount++; capturedMyClassBindingValue = v; } } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp, MyClassDir]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(capturedClassBindingValue !).toEqual('static-val'); expect(capturedClassBindingCount).toEqual(1); expect(capturedMyClassBindingValue !).toEqual('foo'); expect(capturedMyClassBindingCount).toEqual(1); }); it('should write to a `className` input binding', () => { @Component({ selector: 'comp', template: `{{className}}`, }) class Comp { @Input() className: string = ''; } @Component({ template: ``, }) class App { } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Comp, App]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(App); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(fixture.debugElement.nativeElement.firstChild.innerHTML).toBe('my-className'); }); onlyInIvy('only ivy combines static and dynamic class-related attr values') .it('should write to a `className` input binding, when static `class` is present', () => { @Component({ selector: 'comp', template: `{{className}}`, }) class Comp { @Input() className: string = ''; } @Component({ template: ``, }) class App { } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Comp, App]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(App); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(fixture.debugElement.nativeElement.firstChild.innerHTML).toBe('static my-className'); }); onlyInIvy('in Ivy [class] and [className] bindings on the same element are not allowed') .it('should throw an error in case [class] and [className] bindings are used on the same element', () => { @Component({ selector: 'comp', template: `{{class}} - {{className}}`, }) class Comp { @Input() class: string = ''; @Input() className: string = ''; } @Component({ template: ``, }) class App { } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Comp, App]}); expect(() => { const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(App); fixture.detectChanges(); }) .toThrowError( '[class] and [className] bindings cannot be used on the same element simultaneously'); }); onlyInIvy('only ivy persists static class/style attrs with their binding counterparts') .it('should write to a `class` input binding if there is a static class value and there is a binding value', () => { let capturedClassBindingCount = 0; let capturedClassBindingValue: string|null = null; let capturedMyClassBindingCount = 0; let capturedMyClassBindingValue: string|null = null; @Component({template: '
'}) class Cmp { c: any = null; x: any = 'foo'; } @Directive({selector: '[my-class-dir]'}) class MyClassDir { @Input('class') set classVal(v: string) { capturedClassBindingCount++; capturedClassBindingValue = v; } @Input('my-class-dir') set myClassVal(v: string) { capturedMyClassBindingCount++; capturedMyClassBindingValue = v; } } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp, MyClassDir]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(capturedClassBindingCount).toEqual(1); expect(capturedClassBindingValue !).toEqual('static-val'); expect(capturedMyClassBindingCount).toEqual(1); expect(capturedMyClassBindingValue !).toEqual('foo'); fixture.componentInstance.c = 'dynamic-val'; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(capturedClassBindingCount).toEqual(2); expect(capturedClassBindingValue !).toEqual('static-val dynamic-val'); expect(capturedMyClassBindingCount).toEqual(1); expect(capturedMyClassBindingValue !).toEqual('foo'); }); onlyInIvy('only ivy balances styling across directives and component host bindings') .it('should allow multiple directives to set dynamic and static classes independent of one another', () => { @Component({ template: `
` }) class Cmp { } @Directive({selector: '[dir-one]', host: {'[class.dir-one]': 'dirOneExp'}}) class DirOne { dirOneExp = true; } @Directive({selector: '[dir-two]', host: {'class': 'dir-two'}}) class DirTwo { } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp, DirOne, DirTwo]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); fixture.detectChanges(); const element = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('div'); expect(element.classList.contains('dir-one')).toBeTruthy(); expect(element.classList.contains('dir-two')).toBeTruthy(); }); describe('NgClass', () => { // We had a bug where NgClass would not allocate sufficient slots for host bindings, // so it would overwrite information about other directives nearby. This test checks // that TestDir's injector is not overwritten by NgClass, so TestDir should still // be found by DI when ChildDir is instantiated. it('should not overwrite other directive info when using NgClass', () => { @Directive({selector: '[test-dir]'}) class TestDir { } @Directive({selector: '[child-dir]'}) class ChildDir { constructor(public parent: TestDir) {} } @Component({ selector: 'app', template: `
` }) class AppComponent { classMap = {'with-button': true}; showing = false; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [AppComponent, TestDir, ChildDir]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent); fixture.detectChanges(); const testDirDiv = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement.querySelector('div'); expect(testDirDiv.classList).toContain('with-button'); expect(fixture.debugElement.nativeElement.textContent).not.toContain('Hello'); fixture.componentInstance.classMap = {'with-button': false}; fixture.componentInstance.showing = true; fixture.detectChanges(); const childDir = fixture.debugElement.query(By.directive(ChildDir)).injector.get(ChildDir); expect(childDir.parent).toBeAnInstanceOf(TestDir); expect(testDirDiv.classList).not.toContain('with-button'); expect(fixture.debugElement.nativeElement.textContent).toContain('Hello'); }); }); it('should be able to name inputs starting with `class` or `style`', () => { @Directive({selector: '[dir]'}) class Dir { @Input('classesInSchool') classes = ''; @Input('styleOfClothing') style = ''; } @Component({ template: '', }) class App { @ViewChild(Dir) dir !: Dir; classes = 'math'; style = '80s'; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [App, Dir]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(App); fixture.detectChanges(); const directive = fixture.componentInstance.dir; expect(directive.classes).toBe('math'); expect(directive.style).toBe('80s'); }); it('should be able to bind to `className`', () => { @Component({template: ''}) class App { @HostBinding('className') klass = 'one two'; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [App]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(App); fixture.detectChanges(); const classList = fixture.nativeElement.classList; expect(classList.contains('one')).toBe(true); expect(classList.contains('two')).toBe(true); }); onlyInIvy('ivy resolves styling across directives, components and templates in unison') .it('should apply single property styles/classes to the element and default to any static styling values', () => { @Component({ template: `
` }) class Cmp { w: string|null = '100px'; h: string|null = '100px'; o: string|null = '0.5'; abc = true; xyz = false; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); fixture.detectChanges(); const element = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('div'); expect(element.style.width).toEqual('100px'); expect(element.style.height).toEqual('100px'); expect(element.style.opacity).toEqual('0.5'); expect(element.classList.contains('abc')).toBeTruthy(); expect(element.classList.contains('xyz')).toBeFalsy(); fixture.componentInstance.w = null; fixture.componentInstance.h = null; fixture.componentInstance.o = null; fixture.componentInstance.abc = false; fixture.componentInstance.xyz = true; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(element.style.width).toEqual('200px'); expect(element.style.height).toEqual('200px'); expect(element.style.opacity).toBeFalsy(); expect(element.classList.contains('abc')).toBeFalsy(); expect(element.classList.contains('xyz')).toBeTruthy(); }); onlyInIvy('ivy resolves styling across directives, components and templates in unison') .it('should apply single style/class across the template and directive host bindings', () => { @Directive({selector: '[dir-that-sets-width]'}) class DirThatSetsWidthDirective { @Input('dir-that-sets-width') @HostBinding('style.width') public width: string = ''; } @Directive({selector: '[another-dir-that-sets-width]', host: {'[style.width]': 'width'}}) class AnotherDirThatSetsWidthDirective { @Input('another-dir-that-sets-width') public width: string = ''; } @Component({ template: `
` }) class Cmp { w0: string|null = null; w1: string|null = null; w2: string|null = null; } TestBed.configureTestingModule( {declarations: [Cmp, DirThatSetsWidthDirective, AnotherDirThatSetsWidthDirective]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); fixture.componentInstance.w0 = '100px'; fixture.componentInstance.w1 = '200px'; fixture.componentInstance.w2 = '300px'; fixture.detectChanges(); const element = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('div'); expect(element.style.width).toEqual('100px'); fixture.componentInstance.w0 = null; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(element.style.width).toEqual('200px'); fixture.componentInstance.w1 = null; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(element.style.width).toEqual('300px'); fixture.componentInstance.w2 = null; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(element.style.width).toBeFalsy(); fixture.componentInstance.w2 = '400px'; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(element.style.width).toEqual('400px'); fixture.componentInstance.w1 = '500px'; fixture.componentInstance.w0 = '600px'; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(element.style.width).toEqual('600px'); }); onlyInIvy('ivy resolves styling across directives, components and templates in unison') .it('should only run stylingFlush once when there are no collisions between styling properties', () => { @Directive({selector: '[dir-with-styling]'}) class DirWithStyling { @HostBinding('style.font-size') public fontSize = '100px'; } @Component({selector: 'comp-with-styling'}) class CompWithStyling { @HostBinding('style.width') public width = '900px'; @HostBinding('style.height') public height = '900px'; } @Component({ template: ` ... ` }) class Cmp { opacity: string|null = '0.5'; @ViewChild(CompWithStyling, {static: true}) compWithStyling: CompWithStyling|null = null; @ViewChild(DirWithStyling, {static: true}) dirWithStyling: DirWithStyling|null = null; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp, DirWithStyling, CompWithStyling]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); fixture.detectChanges(); const component = fixture.componentInstance; const element = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('comp-with-styling'); const node = getDebugNode(element) !; const styles = node.styles !; const config = styles.context.config; expect(config.hasCollisions).toBeFalsy(); expect(config.hasMapBindings).toBeFalsy(); expect(config.hasPropBindings).toBeTruthy(); expect(config.allowDirectStyling).toBeTruthy(); expect(element.style.opacity).toEqual('0.5'); expect(element.style.width).toEqual('900px'); expect(element.style.height).toEqual('900px'); expect(element.style.fontSize).toEqual('100px'); // once for the template flush and again for the host bindings expect(ngDevMode !.flushStyling).toEqual(2); ngDevModeResetPerfCounters(); component.opacity = '0.6'; component.compWithStyling !.height = '100px'; component.compWithStyling !.width = '100px'; component.dirWithStyling !.fontSize = '50px'; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(element.style.opacity).toEqual('0.6'); expect(element.style.width).toEqual('100px'); expect(element.style.height).toEqual('100px'); expect(element.style.fontSize).toEqual('50px'); // there is no need to flush styling since the styles are applied directly expect(ngDevMode !.flushStyling).toEqual(0); }); onlyInIvy('ivy resolves styling across directives, components and templates in unison') .it('should combine all styling across the template, directive and component host bindings', () => { @Directive({selector: '[dir-with-styling]'}) class DirWithStyling { @HostBinding('style.color') public color = 'red'; @HostBinding('style.font-size') public fontSize = '100px'; @HostBinding('class.dir') public dirClass = true; } @Component({selector: 'comp-with-styling'}) class CompWithStyling { @HostBinding('style.width') public width = '900px'; @HostBinding('style.height') public height = '900px'; @HostBinding('class.comp') public compClass = true; } @Component({ template: ` ... ` }) class Cmp { opacity: string|null = '0.5'; width: string|null = 'auto'; tplClass = true; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp, DirWithStyling, CompWithStyling]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); fixture.detectChanges(); const element = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('comp-with-styling'); const node = getDebugNode(element) !; const styles = node.styles !; const classes = node.classes !; expect(styles.values).toEqual({ 'color': 'red', 'width': 'auto', 'opacity': '0.5', 'height': '900px', 'font-size': '100px' }); expect(classes.values).toEqual({ 'dir': true, 'comp': true, 'tpl': true, }); fixture.componentInstance.width = null; fixture.componentInstance.opacity = null; fixture.componentInstance.tplClass = false; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(styles.values).toEqual({ 'color': 'red', 'width': '900px', 'opacity': null, 'height': '900px', 'font-size': '100px' }); expect(classes.values).toEqual({ 'dir': true, 'comp': true, 'tpl': false, }); }); onlyInIvy('ivy resolves styling across directives, components and templates in unison') .it('should properly apply styling across sub and super class directive host bindings', () => { @Directive({selector: '[super-class-dir]'}) class SuperClassDirective { @HostBinding('style.width') public w1 = '100px'; } @Component({selector: '[sub-class-dir]'}) class SubClassDirective extends SuperClassDirective { @HostBinding('style.width') public w2 = '200px'; } @Component({ template: `
` }) class Cmp { w3: string|null = '300px'; } TestBed.configureTestingModule( {declarations: [Cmp, SuperClassDirective, SubClassDirective]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); fixture.detectChanges(); const element = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('div'); const node = getDebugNode(element) !; const styles = node.styles !; expect(styles.values).toEqual({ 'width': '300px', }); fixture.componentInstance.w3 = null; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(styles.values).toEqual({ 'width': '200px', }); }); onlyInIvy('only ivy has style/class bindings debugging support') .it('should support situations where there are more than 32 bindings', () => { const TOTAL_BINDINGS = 34; let bindingsHTML = ''; let bindingsArr: any[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < TOTAL_BINDINGS; i++) { bindingsHTML += `[style.prop${i}]="bindings[${i}]" `; bindingsArr.push(null); } @Component({template: `
`}) class Cmp { bindings = bindingsArr; updateBindings(value: string) { for (let i = 0; i < TOTAL_BINDINGS; i++) { this.bindings[i] = value + i; } } } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); let testValue = 'initial'; fixture.componentInstance.updateBindings('initial'); fixture.detectChanges(); const element = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('div'); const node = getDebugNode(element) !; const styles = node.styles !; let values = styles.values; let props = Object.keys(values); expect(props.length).toEqual(TOTAL_BINDINGS); for (let i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { const prop = props[i]; const value = values[prop] as string; const num = value.substr(testValue.length); expect(value).toEqual(`initial${num}`); } testValue = 'final'; fixture.componentInstance.updateBindings('final'); fixture.detectChanges(); values = styles.values; props = Object.keys(values); expect(props.length).toEqual(TOTAL_BINDINGS); for (let i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { const prop = props[i]; const value = values[prop] as string; const num = value.substr(testValue.length); expect(value).toEqual(`final${num}`); } }); onlyInIvy('only ivy has style debugging support') .it('should apply map-based style and class entries', () => { @Component({template: '
'}) class Cmp { public c: {[key: string]: any}|null = null; updateClasses(classes: string) { const c = this.c || (this.c = {}); Object.keys(this.c).forEach(className => { c[className] = false; }); classes.split(/\s+/).forEach(className => { c[className] = true; }); } public s: {[key: string]: any}|null = null; updateStyles(prop: string, value: string|number|null) { const s = this.s || (this.s = {}); Object.assign(s, {[prop]: value}); } reset() { this.s = null; this.c = null; } } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); const comp = fixture.componentInstance; comp.updateStyles('width', '100px'); comp.updateStyles('height', '200px'); comp.updateClasses('abc'); fixture.detectChanges(); const element = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('div'); const node = getDebugNode(element) !; let styles = node.styles !; let classes = node.classes !; let stylesSummary = styles.summary; let widthSummary = stylesSummary['width']; expect(widthSummary.prop).toEqual('width'); expect(widthSummary.value).toEqual('100px'); let heightSummary = stylesSummary['height']; expect(heightSummary.prop).toEqual('height'); expect(heightSummary.value).toEqual('200px'); let classesSummary = classes.summary; let abcSummary = classesSummary['abc']; expect(abcSummary.prop).toEqual('abc'); expect(abcSummary.value).toBeTruthy(); comp.reset(); comp.updateStyles('width', '500px'); comp.updateStyles('height', null); comp.updateClasses('def'); fixture.detectChanges(); styles = node.styles !; classes = node.classes !; stylesSummary = styles.summary; widthSummary = stylesSummary['width']; expect(widthSummary.value).toEqual('500px'); heightSummary = stylesSummary['height']; expect(heightSummary.value).toEqual(null); classesSummary = classes.summary; abcSummary = classesSummary['abc']; expect(abcSummary.prop).toEqual('abc'); expect(abcSummary.value).toBeFalsy(); let defSummary = classesSummary['def']; expect(defSummary.prop).toEqual('def'); expect(defSummary.value).toBeTruthy(); }); onlyInIvy('ivy resolves styling across directives, components and templates in unison') .it('should resolve styling collisions across templates, directives and components for prop and map-based entries', () => { @Directive({selector: '[dir-that-sets-styling]'}) class DirThatSetsStyling { @HostBinding('style') public map: any = {color: 'red', width: '777px'}; } @Component({ template: `
` }) class Cmp { map: any = {width: '111px', opacity: '0.5'}; width: string|null = '555px'; @ViewChild('dir', {read: DirThatSetsStyling, static: true}) dir !: DirThatSetsStyling; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp, DirThatSetsStyling]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); const comp = fixture.componentInstance; fixture.detectChanges(); const element = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('div'); const node = getDebugNode(element) !; const styles = node.styles !; expect(styles.values).toEqual({ 'width': '555px', 'color': 'red', 'font-size': '99px', 'opacity': '0.5', }); comp.width = null; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(styles.values).toEqual({ 'width': '111px', 'color': 'red', 'font-size': '99px', 'opacity': '0.5', }); comp.map = null; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(styles.values).toEqual({ 'width': '777px', 'color': 'red', 'font-size': '99px', 'opacity': null, }); comp.dir.map = null; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(styles.values).toEqual({ 'width': '200px', 'color': null, 'font-size': '99px', 'opacity': null, }); }); onlyInIvy('ivy resolves styling across directives, components and templates in unison') .it('should only apply each styling property once per CD across templates, components, directives', () => { @Directive({selector: '[dir-that-sets-styling]'}) class DirThatSetsStyling { @HostBinding('style') public map: any = {width: '999px', height: '999px'}; } @Component({ template: `
` }) class Cmp { width: string|null = '111px'; height: string|null = '111px'; map: any = {width: '555px', height: '555px'}; @ViewChild('dir', {read: DirThatSetsStyling, static: true}) dir !: DirThatSetsStyling; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp, DirThatSetsStyling]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); const comp = fixture.componentInstance; ngDevModeResetPerfCounters(); fixture.detectChanges(); const element = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('div'); // both are applied because this is the first pass assertStyleCounters(2, 0); assertStyle(element, 'width', '111px'); assertStyle(element, 'height', '111px'); comp.width = '222px'; ngDevModeResetPerfCounters(); fixture.detectChanges(); assertStyleCounters(1, 0); assertStyle(element, 'width', '222px'); assertStyle(element, 'height', '111px'); comp.height = '222px'; ngDevModeResetPerfCounters(); fixture.detectChanges(); assertStyleCounters(1, 0); assertStyle(element, 'width', '222px'); assertStyle(element, 'height', '222px'); comp.width = null; ngDevModeResetPerfCounters(); fixture.detectChanges(); assertStyleCounters(1, 0); assertStyle(element, 'width', '555px'); assertStyle(element, 'height', '222px'); comp.width = '123px'; comp.height = '123px'; ngDevModeResetPerfCounters(); fixture.detectChanges(); assertStyle(element, 'width', '123px'); assertStyle(element, 'height', '123px'); comp.map = {}; ngDevModeResetPerfCounters(); fixture.detectChanges(); // both are applied because the map was altered assertStyleCounters(2, 0); assertStyle(element, 'width', '123px'); assertStyle(element, 'height', '123px'); comp.width = null; ngDevModeResetPerfCounters(); fixture.detectChanges(); // the width is applied both in TEMPLATE and in HOST_BINDINGS mode assertStyleCounters(2, 0); assertStyle(element, 'width', '999px'); assertStyle(element, 'height', '123px'); comp.dir.map = null; ngDevModeResetPerfCounters(); fixture.detectChanges(); // the width is only applied once assertStyleCounters(1, 0); assertStyle(element, 'width', '0px'); assertStyle(element, 'height', '123px'); comp.dir.map = {width: '1000px', height: '1000px', color: 'red'}; ngDevModeResetPerfCounters(); fixture.detectChanges(); // only the width and color have changed assertStyleCounters(2, 0); assertStyle(element, 'width', '1000px'); assertStyle(element, 'height', '123px'); assertStyle(element, 'color', 'red'); comp.height = null; ngDevModeResetPerfCounters(); fixture.detectChanges(); // height gets applied twice and all other // values get applied assertStyleCounters(4, 0); assertStyle(element, 'width', '1000px'); assertStyle(element, 'height', '1000px'); assertStyle(element, 'color', 'red'); comp.map = {color: 'blue', width: '2000px', opacity: '0.5'}; ngDevModeResetPerfCounters(); fixture.detectChanges(); assertStyleCounters(5, 0); assertStyle(element, 'width', '2000px'); assertStyle(element, 'height', '1000px'); assertStyle(element, 'color', 'blue'); assertStyle(element, 'opacity', '0.5'); comp.map = {color: 'blue', width: '2000px'}; ngDevModeResetPerfCounters(); fixture.detectChanges(); // all four are applied because the map was altered assertStyleCounters(4, 1); assertStyle(element, 'width', '2000px'); assertStyle(element, 'height', '1000px'); assertStyle(element, 'color', 'blue'); assertStyle(element, 'opacity', ''); }); onlyInIvy('only ivy has style/class bindings debugging support') .it('should sanitize style values before writing them', () => { @Component({ template: `
` }) class Cmp { widthExp = ''; bgImageExp = ''; styleMapExp: any = {}; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); const comp = fixture.componentInstance; fixture.detectChanges(); const element = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('div'); const node = getDebugNode(element) !; const styles = node.styles !; const lastSanitizedProps: any[] = []; styles.overrideSanitizer((prop, value) => { lastSanitizedProps.push(prop); return value; }); comp.bgImageExp = '123'; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(styles.values).toEqual({ 'background-image': '123', 'width': null, }); expect(lastSanitizedProps).toEqual(['background-image']); lastSanitizedProps.length = 0; comp.styleMapExp = {'clip-path': '456'}; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(styles.values).toEqual({ 'background-image': '123', 'clip-path': '456', 'width': null, }); expect(lastSanitizedProps).toEqual(['background-image', 'clip-path']); lastSanitizedProps.length = 0; comp.widthExp = '789px'; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(styles.values).toEqual({ 'background-image': '123', 'clip-path': '456', 'width': '789px', }); expect(lastSanitizedProps).toEqual(['background-image', 'clip-path']); lastSanitizedProps.length = 0; }); onlyInIvy('only ivy has style/class bindings debugging support') .it('should apply a unit to a style before writing it', () => { @Component({ template: `
` }) class Cmp { widthExp: string|number|null = ''; heightExp: string|number|null = ''; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); const comp = fixture.componentInstance; fixture.detectChanges(); const element = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('div'); const node = getDebugNode(element) !; const styles = node.styles !; comp.widthExp = '200'; comp.heightExp = 10; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(styles.values).toEqual({ 'width': '200px', 'height': '10em', }); comp.widthExp = 0; comp.heightExp = null; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(styles.values).toEqual({ 'width': '0px', 'height': null, }); }); it('should be able to bind a SafeValue to clip-path', () => { @Component({template: '
'}) class Cmp { path !: SafeStyle; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); const sanitizer: DomSanitizer = TestBed.inject(DomSanitizer); fixture.componentInstance.path = sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustStyle('url("#test")'); fixture.detectChanges(); const html = fixture.nativeElement.innerHTML; // Note that check the raw HTML, because (at the time of writing) the Node-based renderer // that we use to run tests doesn't support `clip-path` in `CSSStyleDeclaration`. expect(html).toMatch(/style=["|']clip-path:\s*url\(.*#test.*\)/); }); onlyInIvy('only ivy has style/class bindings debugging support') .it('should evaluate follow-up [style] maps even if a former map is null', () => { @Directive({selector: '[dir-with-styling]'}) class DirWithStyleMap { @HostBinding('style') public styleMap: any = {color: 'red'}; } @Directive({selector: '[dir-with-styling-part2]'}) class DirWithStyleMapPart2 { @HostBinding('style') public styleMap: any = {width: '200px'}; } @Component({ template: `
` }) class Cmp { map: any = null; @ViewChild('div', {read: DirWithStyleMap, static: true}) dir1 !: DirWithStyleMap; @ViewChild('div', {read: DirWithStyleMapPart2, static: true}) dir2 !: DirWithStyleMapPart2; } TestBed.configureTestingModule( {declarations: [Cmp, DirWithStyleMap, DirWithStyleMapPart2]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); fixture.detectChanges(); const element = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('div'); const node = getDebugNode(element) !; const styles = node.styles !; const values = styles.values; const props = Object.keys(values).sort(); expect(props).toEqual(['color', 'width']); expect(values['width']).toEqual('200px'); expect(values['color']).toEqual('red'); }); onlyInIvy('only ivy has style/class bindings debugging support') .it('should evaluate initial style/class values on a list of elements that changes', () => { @Component({ template: `
{{ item }}
` }) class Cmp { items = [1, 2, 3]; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); const comp = fixture.componentInstance; fixture.detectChanges(); function getItemElements(): HTMLElement[] { return [].slice.call(fixture.nativeElement.querySelectorAll('div')); } function getItemClasses(): string[] { return getItemElements().map(e => e.className).sort().join(' ').split(' '); } expect(getItemElements().length).toEqual(3); expect(getItemClasses()).toEqual([ 'initial-class', 'item-1', 'initial-class', 'item-2', 'initial-class', 'item-3', ]); comp.items = [2, 4, 6, 8]; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(getItemElements().length).toEqual(4); expect(getItemClasses()).toEqual([ 'initial-class', 'item-2', 'initial-class', 'item-4', 'initial-class', 'item-6', 'initial-class', 'item-8', ]); }); onlyInIvy('only ivy has style/class bindings debugging support') .it('should create and update multiple class bindings across multiple elements in a template', () => { @Component({ template: `
{{ item }}
` }) class Cmp { items = [1, 2, 3]; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); const comp = fixture.componentInstance; fixture.detectChanges(); function getItemElements(): HTMLElement[] { return [].slice.call(fixture.nativeElement.querySelectorAll('div')); } function getItemClasses(): string[] { return getItemElements().map(e => e.className).sort().join(' ').split(' '); } const header = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('header'); expect(header.classList.contains('header')); const footer = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('footer'); expect(footer.classList.contains('footer')); expect(getItemElements().length).toEqual(3); expect(getItemClasses()).toEqual([ 'item', 'item-1', 'item', 'item-2', 'item', 'item-3', ]); }); onlyInIvy('only ivy has style/class bindings debugging support') .it('should understand multiple directives which contain initial classes', () => { @Directive({selector: 'dir-one'}) class DirOne { @HostBinding('class') public className = 'dir-one'; } @Directive({selector: 'dir-two'}) class DirTwo { @HostBinding('class') public className = 'dir-two'; } @Component({ template: `
` }) class Cmp { } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp, DirOne, DirTwo]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); fixture.detectChanges(); const dirOne = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('dir-one'); const div = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('div'); const dirTwo = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('dir-two'); expect(dirOne.classList.contains('dir-one')).toBeTruthy(); expect(dirTwo.classList.contains('dir-two')).toBeTruthy(); expect(div.classList.contains('initial')).toBeTruthy(); }); onlyInIvy('only ivy has style/class bindings debugging support') .it('should evaluate styling across the template directives when there are multiple elements/sources of styling', () => { @Directive({selector: '[one]'}) class DirOne { @HostBinding('class') public className = 'dir-one'; } @Directive({selector: '[two]'}) class DirTwo { @HostBinding('class') public className = 'dir-two'; } @Component({ template: `
` }) class Cmp { w = 100; h = 200; c = 'red'; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp, DirOne, DirTwo]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); fixture.detectChanges(); const divA = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('.a'); const divB = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('.b'); const divC = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('.c'); expect(divA.style.width).toEqual('100px'); expect(divB.style.height).toEqual('200px'); expect(divC.style.color).toEqual('red'); }); onlyInIvy('only ivy has style/class bindings debugging support') .it('should evaluate styling across the template and directives within embedded views', () => { @Directive({selector: '[some-dir-with-styling]'}) class SomeDirWithStyling { @HostBinding('style') public styles = { width: '200px', height: '500px', }; } @Component({ template: `
{{ item }}

` }) class Cmp { items: any[] = []; c = 'red'; w = 100; h = 100; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp, SomeDirWithStyling]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); const comp = fixture.componentInstance; comp.items = [1, 2, 3, 4]; fixture.detectChanges(); const items = fixture.nativeElement.querySelectorAll('.item'); expect(items.length).toEqual(4); const [a, b, c, d] = items; expect(a.style.height).toEqual('0px'); expect(b.style.height).toEqual('100px'); expect(c.style.height).toEqual('200px'); expect(d.style.height).toEqual('300px'); const section = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('section'); const p = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('p'); expect(section.style['width']).toEqual('100px'); expect(p.style['height']).toEqual('100px'); }); onlyInIvy('only ivy has style/class bindings debugging support') .it('should flush bindings even if any styling hasn\'t changed in a previous directive', () => { @Directive({selector: '[one]'}) class DirOne { @HostBinding('style.width') w = '100px'; @HostBinding('style.opacity') o = '0.5'; } @Directive({selector: '[two]'}) class DirTwo { @HostBinding('style.height') h = '200px'; @HostBinding('style.color') c = 'red'; } @Component({template: '
'}) class Cmp { @ViewChild('target', {read: DirOne, static: true}) one !: DirOne; @ViewChild('target', {read: DirTwo, static: true}) two !: DirTwo; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp, DirOne, DirTwo]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); const comp = fixture.componentInstance; fixture.detectChanges(); const div = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('div'); expect(div.style.opacity).toEqual('0.5'); expect(div.style.color).toEqual('red'); expect(div.style.width).toEqual('100px'); expect(div.style.height).toEqual('200px'); comp.two.h = '300px'; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(div.style.opacity).toEqual('0.5'); expect(div.style.color).toEqual('red'); expect(div.style.width).toEqual('100px'); expect(div.style.height).toEqual('300px'); }); it('should work with NO_CHANGE values if they are applied to bindings ', () => { @Component({ template: `
` }) class Cmp { w: any = null; h: any = null; o: any = null; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); const comp = fixture.componentInstance; comp.w = '100px'; comp.h = '200px'; comp.o = '0.5'; fixture.detectChanges(); const div = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('div'); expect(div.style.width).toEqual('100px'); expect(div.style.height).toEqual('200px'); expect(div.style.opacity).toEqual('0.5'); comp.w = '500px'; comp.o = '1'; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(div.style.width).toEqual('500px'); expect(div.style.height).toEqual('200px'); expect(div.style.opacity).toEqual('1'); }); it('should allow [ngStyle] and [ngClass] to be used together', () => { @Component({ template: `
` }) class Cmp { c: any = 'foo bar'; s: any = {width: '200px'}; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); fixture.detectChanges(); const div = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('div'); expect(div.style.width).toEqual('200px'); expect(div.classList.contains('foo')).toBeTruthy(); expect(div.classList.contains('bar')).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should allow to reset style property value defined using ngStyle', () => { @Component({ template: `
` }) class Cmp { s: any = {opacity: '1'}; clearStyle(): void { this.s = null; } } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); const comp = fixture.componentInstance; fixture.detectChanges(); const div = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('div'); expect(div.style.opacity).toEqual('1'); comp.clearStyle(); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(div.style.opacity).toEqual(''); }); it('should allow detectChanges to be run in a property change that causes additional styling to be rendered', () => { @Component({ selector: 'child', template: `
`, }) class ChildCmp { readyTpl = false; @HostBinding('class.ready-host') readyHost = false; } @Component({ selector: 'parent', template: `


`, host: { '[style.color]': 'color', }, }) class ParentCmp { private _prop = ''; @ViewChild('template', {read: ViewContainerRef}) vcr: ViewContainerRef = null !; private child: ComponentRef = null !; @Input() set prop(value: string) { this._prop = value; if (this.child && value === 'go') { this.child.instance.readyHost = true; this.child.instance.readyTpl = true; this.child.changeDetectorRef.detectChanges(); } } get prop() { return this._prop; } ngAfterViewInit() { const factory = this.componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(ChildCmp); this.child = this.vcr.createComponent(factory); } constructor(private componentFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver) {} } @Component({ template: ``, }) class App { prop = 'a'; } @NgModule({ entryComponents: [ChildCmp], declarations: [ChildCmp], }) class ChildCmpModule { } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [App, ParentCmp], imports: [ChildCmpModule]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(App); fixture.detectChanges(false); let readyHost = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('.ready-host'); let readyChild = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('.ready-child'); expect(readyHost).toBeFalsy(); expect(readyChild).toBeFalsy(); fixture.componentInstance.prop = 'go'; fixture.detectChanges(false); readyHost = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('.ready-host'); readyChild = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('.ready-child'); expect(readyHost).toBeTruthy(); expect(readyChild).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should allow detectChanges to be run in a hook that causes additional styling to be rendered', () => { @Component({ selector: 'child', template: `
`, }) class ChildCmp { readyTpl = false; @HostBinding('class.ready-host') readyHost = false; } @Component({ selector: 'parent', template: `


`, }) class ParentCmp { updateChild = false; @ViewChild('template', {read: ViewContainerRef}) vcr: ViewContainerRef = null !; private child: ComponentRef = null !; ngDoCheck() { if (this.updateChild) { this.child.instance.readyHost = true; this.child.instance.readyTpl = true; this.child.changeDetectorRef.detectChanges(); } } ngAfterViewInit() { const factory = this.componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(ChildCmp); this.child = this.vcr.createComponent(factory); } constructor(private componentFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver) {} } @Component({ template: ``, }) class App { @ViewChild('parent', {static: true}) public parent: ParentCmp|null = null; } @NgModule({ entryComponents: [ChildCmp], declarations: [ChildCmp], }) class ChildCmpModule { } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [App, ParentCmp], imports: [ChildCmpModule]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(App); fixture.detectChanges(false); let readyHost = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('.ready-host'); let readyChild = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('.ready-child'); expect(readyHost).toBeFalsy(); expect(readyChild).toBeFalsy(); const parent = fixture.componentInstance.parent !; parent.updateChild = true; fixture.detectChanges(false); readyHost = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('.ready-host'); readyChild = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('.ready-child'); expect(readyHost).toBeTruthy(); expect(readyChild).toBeTruthy(); }); onlyInIvy('only ivy allows for multiple styles/classes to be balanced across directives') .it('should allow various duplicate properties to be defined in various styling maps within the template and directive styling bindings', () => { @Component({ template: `
` }) class Cmp { h = '100px'; w = '100px'; s1: any = {border: '10px solid black', width: '200px'}; s2: any = {border: '10px solid red', width: '300px'}; } @Directive({selector: '[dir-with-styling]'}) class DirectiveExpectingStyling { @Input('dir-with-styling') @HostBinding('style') public styles: any = null; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp, DirectiveExpectingStyling]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); fixture.detectChanges(); const element = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('div'); expect(element.style.border).toEqual('10px solid black'); expect(element.style.width).toEqual('100px'); expect(element.style.height).toEqual('100px'); fixture.componentInstance.s1 = null; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(element.style.border).toEqual('10px solid red'); expect(element.style.width).toEqual('100px'); expect(element.style.height).toEqual('100px'); }); it('should retrieve styles set via Renderer2', () => { let dirInstance: any; @Directive({ selector: '[dir]', }) class Dir { constructor(public elementRef: ElementRef, public renderer: Renderer2) { dirInstance = this; } setStyles() { this.renderer.setStyle( this.elementRef.nativeElement, 'transform', 'translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)'); this.renderer.addClass(this.elementRef.nativeElement, 'my-class'); } } @Component({template: `
`}) class App { } TestBed.configureTestingModule({ declarations: [App, Dir], }); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(App); fixture.detectChanges(); dirInstance.setStyles(); const div = fixture.debugElement.children[0]; expect(div.styles.transform).toMatch(/translate3d\(0px\s*,\s*0px\s*,\s*0px\)/); expect(div.classes['my-class']).toBe(true); div.classes['other-class'] = true; div.styles['width'] = '200px'; expect(div.styles.width).toEqual('200px'); expect(div.classes['other-class']).toBe(true); if (ivyEnabled) { expect(div.nativeElement.classList.contains('other-class')).toBeTruthy(); expect(div.nativeElement.style['width']).toEqual('200px'); } }); it('should not set classes when falsy value is passed while a sanitizer is present', () => { @Component({ // Note that we use `background` here because it needs to be sanitized. template: `
`, }) class AppComponent { isDisabled = false; background = 'orange'; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [AppComponent]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent); fixture.detectChanges(); const span = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('span'); expect(span.classList).not.toContain('disabled'); // The issue we're testing for happens after the second change detection. fixture.detectChanges(); expect(span.classList).not.toContain('disabled'); }); it('should not set classes when falsy value is passed while a sanitizer from host bindings is present', () => { @Directive({selector: '[blockStyles]'}) class StylesDirective { @HostBinding('style.border') border = '1px solid red'; @HostBinding('style.background') background = 'white'; } @Component({ template: `
`, }) class AppComponent { isDisabled = false; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [AppComponent, StylesDirective]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent); fixture.detectChanges(); const div = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('div'); expect(div.classList.contains('disabled')).toBe(false); // The issue we're testing for happens after the second change detection. fixture.detectChanges(); expect(div.classList.contains('disabled')).toBe(false); }); it('should throw an error if a prop-based style/class binding value is changed during checkNoChanges', () => { @Component({ template: `
` }) class Cmp { color = 'red'; fooClass = true; ngAfterViewInit() { this.color = 'blue'; this.fooClass = false; } } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); expect(() => { fixture.detectChanges(); }).toThrowError(/ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError/); }); onlyInIvy('only ivy allows for map-based style AND class bindings') .it('should throw an error if a map-based style/class binding value is changed during checkNoChanges', () => { @Component({ template: `
` }) class Cmp { style: any = {width: '100px'}; klass: any = {foo: true, bar: false}; ngAfterViewInit() { this.style = {height: '200px'}; this.klass = {foo: false}; } } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); expect(() => { fixture.detectChanges(); }).toThrowError(/ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError/); }); it('should properly merge class interpolation with class-based directives', () => { @Component( {template: `
`}) class MyComp { one = 'one'; } const fixture = TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [MyComp]}).createComponent(MyComp); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(fixture.debugElement.nativeElement.innerHTML).toContain('zero'); expect(fixture.debugElement.nativeElement.innerHTML).toContain('one'); expect(fixture.debugElement.nativeElement.innerHTML).toContain('two'); expect(fixture.debugElement.nativeElement.innerHTML).toContain('three'); }); it('should allow to reset style property value defined using [style.prop.px] binding', () => { @Component({ template: '
', }) class MyComp { left = ''; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [MyComp]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComp); fixture.detectChanges(); const checks = [ ['15', '15px'], [undefined, ''], [null, ''], ['', ''], ['0', '0px'], ]; const div = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('div'); checks.forEach((check: any[]) => { const [fieldValue, expectedValue] = check; fixture.componentInstance.left = fieldValue; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(div.style.left).toBe(expectedValue); }); }); onlyInIvy('only ivy treats [class] in concert with other class bindings') .it('should retain classes added externally', () => { @Component({template: `
`}) class MyComp { exp = ''; } const fixture = TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [MyComp]}).createComponent(MyComp); fixture.detectChanges(); const div = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('div') !; div.className += ' abc'; expect(splitSortJoin(div.className)).toEqual('abc'); fixture.componentInstance.exp = '1 2 3'; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(splitSortJoin(div.className)).toEqual('1 2 3 abc'); fixture.componentInstance.exp = '4 5 6 7'; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(splitSortJoin(div.className)).toEqual('4 5 6 7 abc'); function splitSortJoin(s: string) { return s.split(/\s+/).sort().join(' ').trim(); } }); describe('ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError', () => { it('should not throw when bound to SafeValue', () => { @Component({template: `
`}) class MyComp { icon = 'https://i.imgur.com/4AiXzf8.jpg'; get iconSafe() { return this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustStyle(`url("${this.icon}")`); } constructor(private sanitizer: DomSanitizer) {} } const fixture = TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [MyComp]}).createComponent(MyComp); fixture.detectChanges(true /* Verify that check no changes does not cause an exception */); const div: HTMLElement = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('div'); expect(div.style.getPropertyValue('background-image')) .toEqual('url("https://i.imgur.com/4AiXzf8.jpg")'); }); }); }); function assertStyleCounters(countForSet: number, countForRemove: number) { expect(ngDevMode !.rendererSetStyle).toEqual(countForSet); expect(ngDevMode !.rendererRemoveStyle).toEqual(countForRemove); } function assertStyle(element: HTMLElement, prop: string, value: any) { expect((element.style as any)[prop]).toEqual(value); }