/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {zoneSymbol} from '../../lib/common/utils'; describe('Zone', function() { const rootZone = Zone.current; it('should have a name', function() { expect(Zone.current.name).toBeDefined(); }); describe('hooks', function() { it('should throw if onError is not defined', function() { expect(function() { Zone.current.run(throwError); }).toThrow(); }); it('should fire onError if a function run by a zone throws', function() { const errorSpy = jasmine.createSpy('error'); const myZone = Zone.current.fork({name: 'spy', onHandleError: errorSpy}); expect(errorSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(function() { myZone.runGuarded(throwError); }).not.toThrow(); expect(errorSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should send correct currentZone in hook method when in nested zone', function() { const zone = Zone.current; const zoneA = zone.fork({ name: 'A', onInvoke: function( parentDelegate, currentZone, targetZone, callback, applyThis, applyArgs, source) { expect(currentZone.name).toEqual('A'); return parentDelegate.invoke(targetZone, callback, applyThis, applyArgs, source); } }); const zoneB = zoneA.fork({ name: 'B', onInvoke: function( parentDelegate, currentZone, targetZone, callback, applyThis, applyArgs, source) { expect(currentZone.name).toEqual('B'); return parentDelegate.invoke(targetZone, callback, applyThis, applyArgs, source); } }); const zoneC = zoneB.fork({name: 'C'}); zoneC.run(function() {}); }); it('should send correct currentZone in hook method when in nested zone with empty implementation', function() { const zone = Zone.current; const zoneA = zone.fork({ name: 'A', onInvoke: function( parentDelegate, currentZone, targetZone, callback, applyThis, applyArgs, source) { expect(currentZone.name).toEqual('A'); return parentDelegate.invoke(targetZone, callback, applyThis, applyArgs, source); } }); const zoneB = zoneA.fork({name: 'B'}); const zoneC = zoneB.fork({name: 'C'}); zoneC.run(function() {}); }); }); it('should allow zones to be run from within another zone', function() { const zone = Zone.current; const zoneA = zone.fork({name: 'A'}); const zoneB = zone.fork({name: 'B'}); zoneA.run(function() { zoneB.run(function() { expect(Zone.current).toBe(zoneB); }); expect(Zone.current).toBe(zoneA); }); expect(Zone.current).toBe(zone); }); describe('wrap', function() { it('should throw if argument is not a function', function() { expect(function() { (Zone.current.wrap)(11); }).toThrowError('Expecting function got: 11'); }); }); describe('run out side of current zone', function() { it('should be able to get root zone', function() { Zone.current.fork({name: 'testZone'}).run(function() { expect(Zone.root.name).toEqual(''); }); }); it('should be able to get run under rootZone', function() { Zone.current.fork({name: 'testZone'}).run(function() { Zone.root.run(() => { expect(Zone.current.name).toEqual(''); }); }); }); it('should be able to get run outside of current zone', function() { Zone.current.fork({name: 'testZone'}).run(function() { Zone.root.fork({name: 'newTestZone'}).run(() => { expect(Zone.current.name).toEqual('newTestZone'); expect(Zone.current.parent !.name).toEqual(''); }); }); }); }); describe('get', function() { it('should store properties', function() { const testZone = Zone.current.fork({name: 'A', properties: {key: 'value'}}); expect(testZone.get('key')).toEqual('value'); expect(testZone.getZoneWith('key')).toEqual(testZone); const childZone = testZone.fork({name: 'B', properties: {key: 'override'}}); expect(testZone.get('key')).toEqual('value'); expect(testZone.getZoneWith('key')).toEqual(testZone); expect(childZone.get('key')).toEqual('override'); expect(childZone.getZoneWith('key')).toEqual(childZone); }); }); describe('task', () => { function noop() {} let log: any[]; const zone: Zone = Zone.current.fork({ name: 'parent', onHasTask: (delegate: ZoneDelegate, current: Zone, target: Zone, hasTaskState: HasTaskState): void => { (hasTaskState as any)['zone'] = target.name; log.push(hasTaskState); }, onScheduleTask: (delegate: ZoneDelegate, current: Zone, target: Zone, task: Task) => { // Do nothing to prevent tasks from being run on VM turn; // Tests run task explicitly. return task; } }); beforeEach(() => { log = []; }); it('task can only run in the zone of creation', () => { const task = zone.fork({name: 'createZone'}).scheduleMacroTask('test', noop, undefined, noop, noop); expect(() => { Zone.current.fork({name: 'anotherZone'}).runTask(task); }) .toThrowError( 'A task can only be run in the zone of creation! (Creation: createZone; Execution: anotherZone)'); task.zone.cancelTask(task); }); it('task can only cancel in the zone of creation', () => { const task = zone.fork({name: 'createZone'}).scheduleMacroTask('test', noop, undefined, noop, noop); expect(() => { Zone.current.fork({name: 'anotherZone'}).cancelTask(task); }) .toThrowError( 'A task can only be cancelled in the zone of creation! (Creation: createZone; Execution: anotherZone)'); task.zone.cancelTask(task); }); it('should prevent double cancellation', () => { const task = zone.scheduleMacroTask('test', () => log.push('macroTask'), undefined, noop, noop); zone.cancelTask(task); try { zone.cancelTask(task); } catch (e) { expect(e.message).toContain( 'macroTask \'test\': can not transition to \'canceling\', expecting state \'scheduled\' or \'running\', was \'notScheduled\'.'); } }); it('should not decrement counters on periodic tasks', () => { zone.run(() => { const task = zone.scheduleMacroTask( 'test', () => log.push('macroTask'), {isPeriodic: true}, noop, noop); zone.runTask(task); zone.runTask(task); zone.cancelTask(task); }); expect(log).toEqual([ {microTask: false, macroTask: true, eventTask: false, change: 'macroTask', zone: 'parent'}, 'macroTask', 'macroTask', { microTask: false, macroTask: false, eventTask: false, change: 'macroTask', zone: 'parent' } ]); }); it('should notify of queue status change', () => { zone.run(() => { const z = Zone.current; z.runTask(z.scheduleMicroTask('test', () => log.push('microTask'))); z.cancelTask( z.scheduleMacroTask('test', () => log.push('macroTask'), undefined, noop, noop)); z.cancelTask( z.scheduleEventTask('test', () => log.push('eventTask'), undefined, noop, noop)); }); expect(log).toEqual([ {microTask: true, macroTask: false, eventTask: false, change: 'microTask', zone: 'parent'}, 'microTask', {microTask: false, macroTask: false, eventTask: false, change: 'microTask', zone: 'parent'}, {microTask: false, macroTask: true, eventTask: false, change: 'macroTask', zone: 'parent'}, {microTask: false, macroTask: false, eventTask: false, change: 'macroTask', zone: 'parent'}, {microTask: false, macroTask: false, eventTask: true, change: 'eventTask', zone: 'parent'}, { microTask: false, macroTask: false, eventTask: false, change: 'eventTask', zone: 'parent' } ]); }); it('should notify of queue status change on parent task', () => { zone.fork({name: 'child'}).run(() => { const z = Zone.current; z.runTask(z.scheduleMicroTask('test', () => log.push('microTask'))); }); expect(log).toEqual([ {microTask: true, macroTask: false, eventTask: false, change: 'microTask', zone: 'child'}, {microTask: true, macroTask: false, eventTask: false, change: 'microTask', zone: 'parent'}, 'microTask', {microTask: false, macroTask: false, eventTask: false, change: 'microTask', zone: 'child'}, {microTask: false, macroTask: false, eventTask: false, change: 'microTask', zone: 'parent'}, ]); }); it('should allow rescheduling a task on a separate zone', () => { const log: any[] = []; const zone = Zone.current.fork({ name: 'test-root', onHasTask: (delegate: ZoneDelegate, current: Zone, target: Zone, hasTaskState: HasTaskState) => { (hasTaskState as any)['zone'] = target.name; log.push(hasTaskState); } }); const left = zone.fork({name: 'left'}); const right = zone.fork({ name: 'right', onScheduleTask: (delegate: ZoneDelegate, current: Zone, target: Zone, task: Task): Task => { log.push( {pos: 'before', method: 'onScheduleTask', zone: current.name, task: task.zone.name}); // Cancel the current scheduling of the task task.cancelScheduleRequest(); // reschedule on a different zone. task = left.scheduleTask(task); log.push( {pos: 'after', method: 'onScheduleTask', zone: current.name, task: task.zone.name}); return task; } }); const rchild = right.fork({ name: 'rchild', onScheduleTask: (delegate: ZoneDelegate, current: Zone, target: Zone, task: Task): Task => { log.push( {pos: 'before', method: 'onScheduleTask', zone: current.name, task: task.zone.name}); task = delegate.scheduleTask(target, task); log.push( {pos: 'after', method: 'onScheduleTask', zone: current.name, task: task.zone.name}); expect((task as any)._zoneDelegates.map((zd: ZoneDelegate) => zd.zone.name)).toEqual([ 'left', 'test-root', 'ProxyZone' ]); return task; } }); const task = rchild.scheduleMacroTask('testTask', () => log.push('WORK'), {}, noop, noop); expect(task.zone).toEqual(left); log.push(task.zone.name); task.invoke(); expect(log).toEqual([ {pos: 'before', method: 'onScheduleTask', zone: 'rchild', task: 'rchild'}, {pos: 'before', method: 'onScheduleTask', zone: 'right', task: 'rchild'}, {microTask: false, macroTask: true, eventTask: false, change: 'macroTask', zone: 'left'}, { microTask: false, macroTask: true, eventTask: false, change: 'macroTask', zone: 'test-root' }, {pos: 'after', method: 'onScheduleTask', zone: 'right', task: 'left'}, {pos: 'after', method: 'onScheduleTask', zone: 'rchild', task: 'left'}, 'left', 'WORK', {microTask: false, macroTask: false, eventTask: false, change: 'macroTask', zone: 'left'}, { microTask: false, macroTask: false, eventTask: false, change: 'macroTask', zone: 'test-root' } ]); }); it('period task should not transit to scheduled state after being cancelled in running state', () => { const zone = Zone.current.fork({name: 'testZone'}); const task = zone.scheduleMacroTask('testPeriodTask', () => { zone.cancelTask(task); }, {isPeriodic: true}, () => {}, () => {}); task.invoke(); expect(task.state).toBe('notScheduled'); }); it('event task should not transit to scheduled state after being cancelled in running state', () => { const zone = Zone.current.fork({name: 'testZone'}); const task = zone.scheduleEventTask( 'testEventTask', () => { zone.cancelTask(task); }, undefined, () => {}, () => {}); task.invoke(); expect(task.state).toBe('notScheduled'); }); describe('assert ZoneAwarePromise', () => { it('should not throw when all is OK', () => { Zone.assertZonePatched(); }); it('should keep ZoneAwarePromise has been patched', () => { class WrongPromise { static resolve(value: any) {} then() {} } const ZoneAwarePromise = global.Promise; const NativePromise = (global as any)[zoneSymbol('Promise')]; global.Promise = WrongPromise; try { expect(ZoneAwarePromise).toBeTruthy(); Zone.assertZonePatched(); expect(global.Promise).toBe(ZoneAwarePromise); } finally { // restore it. global.Promise = NativePromise; } Zone.assertZonePatched(); }); }); }); describe('invoking tasks', () => { let log: string[]; function noop() {} beforeEach(() => { log = []; }); it('should not drain the microtask queue too early', () => { const z = Zone.current; const event = z.scheduleEventTask('test', () => log.push('eventTask'), undefined, noop, noop); z.scheduleMicroTask('test', () => log.push('microTask')); const macro = z.scheduleMacroTask('test', () => { event.invoke(); // At this point, we should not have invoked the microtask. expect(log).toEqual(['eventTask']); }, undefined, noop, noop); macro.invoke(); }); it('should convert task to json without cyclic error', () => { const z = Zone.current; const event = z.scheduleEventTask('test', () => {}, undefined, noop, noop); const micro = z.scheduleMicroTask('test', () => {}); const macro = z.scheduleMacroTask('test', () => {}, undefined, noop, noop); expect(function() { JSON.stringify(event); }).not.toThrow(); expect(function() { JSON.stringify(micro); }).not.toThrow(); expect(function() { JSON.stringify(macro); }).not.toThrow(); }); it('should call onHandleError callback when zoneSpec onHasTask throw error', () => { const spy = jasmine.createSpy('error'); const hasTaskZone = Zone.current.fork({ name: 'hasTask', onHasTask: (delegate: ZoneDelegate, currentZone: Zone, targetZone: Zone, hasTasState: HasTaskState) => { throw new Error('onHasTask Error'); }, onHandleError: (delegate: ZoneDelegate, currentZone: Zone, targetZone: Zone, error: Error) => { spy(error.message); return delegate.handleError(targetZone, error); } }); const microTask = hasTaskZone.scheduleMicroTask('test', () => {}, undefined, () => {}); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('onHasTask Error'); }); }); }); function throwError() { throw new Error(); }