/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {spawn} from 'child_process'; import {existsSync, mkdirSync, writeFileSync} from 'fs'; import {TSC, TscWatch, reportError} from './tsc_watch'; export * from './tsc_watch'; import 'reflect-metadata'; const OFFLINE_COMPILE = ['output/output_emitter_codegen_untyped', 'output/output_emitter_codegen_typed']; function processOutputEmitterCodeGen(): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const outDir = 'dist/all/@angular/compiler/test/'; const promises: Promise[] = []; console.log('Processing codegen...'); OFFLINE_COMPILE.forEach((file: string) => { const codegen = require('../../all/@angular/compiler/test/' + file + '.js'); if (codegen.emit) { console.log(` ${file} has changed, regenerating...`); promises.push(Promise.resolve(codegen.emit()).then((code) => { writeFileSync(outDir + file + '.ts', code); })); } }); if (promises.length) { Promise.all(promises) .then(() => { const args = ['--project', 'tools/cjs-jasmine/tsconfig-output_emitter_codegen.json']; console.log(' compiling changes: tsc ' + args.join(' ')); const tsc = spawn(TSC, args, {stdio: 'pipe'}); tsc.stdout.on('data', (data: any) => process.stdout.write(data)); tsc.stderr.on('data', (data: any) => process.stderr.write(data)); tsc.on( 'close', (code: any) => code ? reject('Tsc exited with: ' + code) : resolve(code)); }) .catch(reportError); } else { resolve(0); } }) .catch(reportError); } function md(dir: string, folders: string[]) { if (folders.length) { const next = folders.shift(); const path = dir + '/' + next; if (!existsSync(path)) { mkdirSync(path); } md(path, folders); } } let tscWatch: TscWatch = null; const platform = process.argv.length >= 3 ? process.argv[2] : null; const runMode: string = process.argv.length >= 4 ? process.argv[3] : null; const BaseConfig = { start: 'File change detected. Starting incremental compilation...', error: 'error', complete: 'Compilation complete. Watching for file changes.' }; if (platform == 'node') { tscWatch = new TscWatch(Object.assign( { tsconfig: 'modules/tsconfig.json', onChangeCmds: [ processOutputEmitterCodeGen, [ 'node', 'dist/tools/cjs-jasmine', '--', '@angular/**/*_spec.js', '@angular/compiler-cli/test/**/*_spec.js', '@angular/benchpress/test/**/*_spec.js' ] ] }, BaseConfig)); } else if (platform == 'browser') { tscWatch = new TscWatch(Object.assign( { tsconfig: 'modules/tsconfig.json', onStartCmds: [ [ 'node', 'node_modules/karma/bin/karma', 'start', '--no-auto-watch', '--port=9876', 'karma-js.conf.js' ], [ 'node', 'node_modules/karma/bin/karma', 'start', '--no-auto-watch', '--port=9877', 'modules/@angular/router/karma.conf.js' ], ], onChangeCmds: [ ['node', 'node_modules/karma/bin/karma', 'run', 'karma-js.conf.js', '--port=9876'], ['node', 'node_modules/karma/bin/karma', 'run', '--port=9877'], ] }, BaseConfig)); } else if (platform == 'router') { tscWatch = new TscWatch(Object.assign( { tsconfig: 'modules/tsconfig.json', onStartCmds: [ [ 'node', 'node_modules/karma/bin/karma', 'start', '--no-auto-watch', '--port=9877', 'modules/@angular/router/karma.conf.js' ], ], onChangeCmds: [ ['node', 'node_modules/karma/bin/karma', 'run', '--port=9877'], ] }, BaseConfig)); } else if (platform == 'browserNoRouter') { tscWatch = new TscWatch(Object.assign( { tsconfig: 'modules/tsconfig.json', onStartCmds: [[ 'node', 'node_modules/karma/bin/karma', 'start', '--no-auto-watch', '--port=9876', 'karma-js.conf.js' ]], onChangeCmds: [ ['node', 'node_modules/karma/bin/karma', 'run', 'karma-js.conf.js', '--port=9876'], ] }, BaseConfig)); } else if (platform == 'tools') { tscWatch = new TscWatch(Object.assign( { tsconfig: 'tools/tsconfig.json', onChangeCmds: [[ 'node', 'dist/tools/cjs-jasmine/index-tools', '--', '@angular/tsc-wrapped/**/*{_,.}spec.js' ]] }, BaseConfig)); } else { throw new Error(`unknown platform: ${platform}`); } if (runMode === 'watch') { tscWatch.watch(); } else if (runMode === 'runCmdsOnly') { tscWatch.runCmdsOnly(); } else { tscWatch.run(); }