/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import * as ts from 'typescript'; import {ClassMemberKind, Import} from '../../../ngtsc/reflection'; import {Esm2015ReflectionHost} from '../../src/host/esm2015_host'; import {getDeclaration, makeTestBundleProgram, makeTestProgram} from '../helpers/utils'; const SOME_DIRECTIVE_FILE = { name: '/some_directive.js', contents: ` import { Directive, Inject, InjectionToken, Input, HostListener, HostBinding } from '@angular/core'; const INJECTED_TOKEN = new InjectionToken('injected'); const ViewContainerRef = {}; const TemplateRef = {}; class SomeDirective { constructor(_viewContainer, _template, injected) { this.instanceProperty = 'instance'; } instanceMethod() {} onClick() {} @HostBinding('class.foo') get isClassFoo() { return false; } static staticMethod() {} } SomeDirective.staticProperty = 'static'; SomeDirective.decorators = [ { type: Directive, args: [{ selector: '[someDirective]' },] } ]; SomeDirective.ctorParameters = () => [ { type: ViewContainerRef, }, { type: TemplateRef, }, { type: undefined, decorators: [{ type: Inject, args: [INJECTED_TOKEN,] },] }, ]; SomeDirective.propDecorators = { "input1": [{ type: Input },], "input2": [{ type: Input },], "target": [{ type: HostBinding, args: ['attr.target',] }, { type: Input },], "onClick": [{ type: HostListener, args: ['click',] },], }; `, }; const SIMPLE_CLASS_FILE = { name: '/simple_class.js', contents: ` class EmptyClass {} class NoDecoratorConstructorClass { constructor(foo) {} } `, }; const FOO_FUNCTION_FILE = { name: '/foo_function.js', contents: ` import { Directive } from '@angular/core'; function foo() {} foo.decorators = [ { type: Directive, args: [{ selector: '[ignored]' },] } ]; `, }; const INVALID_DECORATORS_FILE = { name: '/invalid_decorators.js', contents: ` import {Directive} from '@angular/core'; class NotArrayLiteral { } NotArrayLiteral.decorators = () => [ { type: Directive, args: [{ selector: '[ignored]' },] }, ]; class NotObjectLiteral { } NotObjectLiteral.decorators = [ "This is not an object literal", { type: Directive }, ]; class NoTypeProperty { } NoTypeProperty.decorators = [ { notType: Directive }, { type: Directive }, ]; class NotIdentifier { } NotIdentifier.decorators = [ { type: 'StringsLiteralsAreNotIdentifiers' }, { type: Directive }, ]; `, }; const INVALID_DECORATOR_ARGS_FILE = { name: '/invalid_decorator_args.js', contents: ` import {Directive} from '@angular/core'; class NoArgsProperty { } NoArgsProperty.decorators = [ { type: Directive }, ]; const args = [{ selector: '[ignored]' },]; class NoPropertyAssignment { } NoPropertyAssignment.decorators = [ { type: Directive, args }, ]; class NotArrayLiteral { } NotArrayLiteral.decorators = [ { type: Directive, args: () => [{ selector: '[ignored]' },] }, ]; `, }; const INVALID_PROP_DECORATORS_FILE = { name: '/invalid_prop_decorators.js', contents: ` import {Input} from '@angular/core'; class NotObjectLiteral { } NotObjectLiteral.propDecorators = () => ({ "prop": [{ type: Input },] }); class NotObjectLiteralProp { } NotObjectLiteralProp.propDecorators = { "prop": [ "This is not an object literal", { type: Input }, ] }; class NoTypeProperty { } NoTypeProperty.propDecorators = { "prop": [ { notType: Input }, { type: Input }, ] }; class NotIdentifier { } NotIdentifier.propDecorators = { "prop": [ { type: 'StringsLiteralsAreNotIdentifiers' }, { type: Input }, ] }; `, }; const INVALID_PROP_DECORATOR_ARGS_FILE = { name: '/invalid_prop_decorator_args.js', contents: ` import {Input} from '@angular/core'; class NoArgsProperty { } NoArgsProperty.propDecorators = { "prop": [{ type: Input },] }; const args = [{ selector: '[ignored]' },]; class NoPropertyAssignment { } NoPropertyAssignment.propDecorators = { "prop": [{ type: Input, args },] }; class NotArrayLiteral { } NotArrayLiteral.propDecorators = { "prop": [{ type: Input, args: () => [{ selector: '[ignored]' },] },], }; `, }; const INVALID_CTOR_DECORATORS_FILE = { name: '/invalid_ctor_decorators.js', contents: ` import {Inject} from '@angular/core'; class NoParameters { constructor() { } } const NotFromCoreDecorator = {}; class NotFromCore { constructor(arg1) { } } NotFromCore.ctorParameters = () => [ { type: 'ParamType', decorators: [{ type: NotFromCoreDecorator },] }, ] class NotArrowFunction { constructor(arg1) { } } NotArrowFunction.ctorParameters = function() { return { type: 'ParamType', decorators: [{ type: Inject },] }; }; class NotArrayLiteral { constructor(arg1) { } } NotArrayLiteral.ctorParameters = () => 'StringsAreNotArrayLiterals'; class NotObjectLiteral { constructor(arg1, arg2) { } } NotObjectLiteral.ctorParameters = () => [ "This is not an object literal", { type: 'ParamType', decorators: [{ type: Inject },] }, ]; class NoTypeProperty { constructor(arg1, arg2) { } } NoTypeProperty.ctorParameters = () => [ { type: 'ParamType', decorators: [ { notType: Inject }, { type: Inject }, ] }, ]; class NotIdentifier { constructor(arg1, arg2) { } } NotIdentifier.ctorParameters = () => [ { type: 'ParamType', decorators: [ { type: 'StringsLiteralsAreNotIdentifiers' }, { type: Inject }, ] }, ]; `, }; const INVALID_CTOR_DECORATOR_ARGS_FILE = { name: '/invalid_ctor_decorator_args.js', contents: ` import {Inject} from '@angular/core'; class NoArgsProperty { constructor(arg1) { } } NoArgsProperty.ctorParameters = () => [ { type: 'ParamType', decorators: [{ type: Inject },] }, ]; const args = [{ selector: '[ignored]' },]; class NoPropertyAssignment { constructor(arg1) { } } NoPropertyAssignment.ctorParameters = () => [ { type: 'ParamType', decorators: [{ type: Inject, args },] }, ]; class NotArrayLiteral { constructor(arg1) { } } NotArrayLiteral.ctorParameters = () => [ { type: 'ParamType', decorators: [{ type: Inject, args: () => [{ selector: '[ignored]' },] },] }, ]; `, }; const IMPORTS_FILES = [ { name: '/a.js', contents: ` export const a = 'a'; `, }, { name: '/b.js', contents: ` import {a} from './a.js'; import {a as foo} from './a.js'; const b = a; const c = foo; const d = b; `, }, ]; const EXPORTS_FILES = [ { name: '/a.js', contents: ` export const a = 'a'; `, }, { name: '/b.js', contents: ` import {Directive} from '@angular/core'; import {a} from './a'; import {a as foo} from './a'; export {Directive} from '@angular/core'; export {a} from './a'; export const b = a; export const c = foo; export const d = b; export const e = 'e'; export const DirectiveX = Directive; export class SomeClass {} `, }, ]; const FUNCTION_BODY_FILE = { name: '/function_body.js', contents: ` function foo(x) { return x; } function bar(x, y = 42) { return x + y; } function baz(x) { let y; if (y === void 0) { y = 42; } return x; } let y; function qux(x) { if (x === void 0) { y = 42; } return y; } function moo() { let x; if (x === void 0) { x = 42; } return x; } let x; function juu() { if (x === void 0) { x = 42; } return x; } ` }; const MARKER_FILE = { name: '/marker.js', contents: ` let compileNgModuleFactory = compileNgModuleFactory__PRE_R3__; function compileNgModuleFactory__PRE_R3__(injector, options, moduleType) { const compilerFactory = injector.get(CompilerFactory); const compiler = compilerFactory.createCompiler([options]); return compiler.compileModuleAsync(moduleType); } function compileNgModuleFactory__POST_R3__(injector, options, moduleType) { ngDevMode && assertNgModuleType(moduleType); return Promise.resolve(new R3NgModuleFactory(moduleType)); } ` }; const DECORATED_FILES = [ { name: '/primary.js', contents: ` import {Directive} from '@angular/core'; import {D} from '/secondary'; class A {} A.decorators = [ { type: Directive, args: [{ selector: '[a]' }] } ]; function x() {} function y() {} class B {} B.decorators = [ { type: Directive, args: [{ selector: '[b]' }] } ]; class C {} export { A, x, C }; ` }, { name: '/secondary.js', contents: ` import {Directive} from '@angular/core'; class D {} D.decorators = [ { type: Directive, args: [{ selector: '[d]' }] } ]; export {D}; ` } ]; const ARITY_CLASSES = [ { name: '/src/class.js', contents: ` export class NoTypeParam {} export class OneTypeParam {} export class TwoTypeParams {} `, }, { name: '/typings/class.d.ts', contents: ` export declare class NoTypeParam {} export declare class OneTypeParam {} export declare class TwoTypeParams {} `, }, ]; const TYPINGS_SRC_FILES = [ { name: '/src/index.js', contents: `import {InternalClass} from './internal'; export * from './class1'; export * from './class2';` }, {name: '/src/class1.js', contents: 'export class Class1 {}\nexport class MissingClass1 {}'}, {name: '/src/class2.js', contents: 'export class Class2 {}'}, {name: '/src/func1.js', contents: 'export function mooFn() {}'}, {name: '/src/internal.js', contents: 'export class InternalClass {}\nexport class Class2 {}'}, {name: '/src/missing-class.js', contents: 'export class MissingClass2 {}'}, { name: '/src/flat-file.js', contents: 'export class Class1 {}\nexport class MissingClass1 {}\nexport class MissingClass2 {}\class Class3 {}\nexport {Class3 as xClass3};', } ]; const TYPINGS_DTS_FILES = [ { name: '/typings/index.d.ts', contents: `import {InternalClass} from './internal'; export * from './class1'; export * from './class2';` }, { name: '/typings/class1.d.ts', contents: `export declare class Class1 {}\nexport declare class OtherClass {}` }, { name: '/typings/class2.d.ts', contents: `export declare class Class2 {}\nexport declare interface SomeInterface {}\nexport {Class3 as xClass3} from './class3';` }, {name: '/typings/func1.d.ts', contents: 'export declare function mooFn(): void;'}, { name: '/typings/internal.d.ts', contents: `export declare class InternalClass {}\nexport declare class Class2 {}` }, {name: '/typings/class3.d.ts', contents: `export declare class Class3 {}`}, ]; const MODULE_WITH_PROVIDERS_PROGRAM = [ { name: '/src/functions.js', contents: ` import {ExternalModule} from './module'; export class SomeService {} export class InternalModule {} export function aNumber() { return 42; } export function aString() { return 'foo'; } export function emptyObject() { return {}; } export function ngModuleIdentifier() { return { ngModule: InternalModule }; } export function ngModuleWithEmptyProviders() { return { ngModule: InternalModule, providers: [] }; } export function ngModuleWithProviders() { return { ngModule: InternalModule, providers: [SomeService] }; } export function onlyProviders() { return { providers: [SomeService] }; } export function ngModuleNumber() { return { ngModule: 42 }; } export function ngModuleString() { return { ngModule: 'foo' }; } export function ngModuleObject() { return { ngModule: { foo: 42 } }; } export function externalNgModule() { return { ngModule: ExternalModule }; } ` }, { name: '/src/methods.js', contents: ` import {ExternalModule} from './module'; export class SomeService {} export class InternalModule { static aNumber() { return 42; } static aString() { return 'foo'; } static emptyObject() { return {}; } static ngModuleIdentifier() { return { ngModule: InternalModule }; } static ngModuleWithEmptyProviders() { return { ngModule: InternalModule, providers: [] }; } static ngModuleWithProviders() { return { ngModule: InternalModule, providers: [SomeService] }; } static onlyProviders() { return { providers: [SomeService] }; } static ngModuleNumber() { return { ngModule: 42 }; } static ngModuleString() { return { ngModule: 'foo' }; } static ngModuleObject() { return { ngModule: { foo: 42 } }; } static externalNgModule() { return { ngModule: ExternalModule }; } instanceNgModuleIdentifier() { return { ngModule: InternalModule }; } instanceNgModuleWithEmptyProviders() { return { ngModule: InternalModule, providers: [] }; } instanceNgModuleWithProviders() { return { ngModule: InternalModule, providers: [SomeService] }; } instanceExternalNgModule() { return { ngModule: ExternalModule }; } } ` }, {name: '/src/module', contents: 'export class ExternalModule {}'}, ]; describe('Fesm2015ReflectionHost', () => { describe('getDecoratorsOfDeclaration()', () => { it('should find the decorators on a class', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(SOME_DIRECTIVE_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration(program, SOME_DIRECTIVE_FILE.name, 'SomeDirective', ts.isClassDeclaration); const decorators = host.getDecoratorsOfDeclaration(classNode) !; expect(decorators).toBeDefined(); expect(decorators.length).toEqual(1); const decorator = decorators[0]; expect(decorator.name).toEqual('Directive'); expect(decorator.import).toEqual({name: 'Directive', from: '@angular/core'}); expect(decorator.args !.map(arg => arg.getText())).toEqual([ '{ selector: \'[someDirective]\' }', ]); }); it('should return null if the symbol is not a class', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(FOO_FUNCTION_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const functionNode = getDeclaration(program, FOO_FUNCTION_FILE.name, 'foo', ts.isFunctionDeclaration); const decorators = host.getDecoratorsOfDeclaration(functionNode); expect(decorators).toBe(null); }); it('should return null if there are no decorators', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(SIMPLE_CLASS_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration(program, SIMPLE_CLASS_FILE.name, 'EmptyClass', ts.isClassDeclaration); const decorators = host.getDecoratorsOfDeclaration(classNode); expect(decorators).toBe(null); }); it('should ignore `decorators` if it is not an array literal', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(INVALID_DECORATORS_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration( program, INVALID_DECORATORS_FILE.name, 'NotArrayLiteral', ts.isClassDeclaration); const decorators = host.getDecoratorsOfDeclaration(classNode); expect(decorators).toEqual([]); }); it('should ignore decorator elements that are not object literals', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(INVALID_DECORATORS_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration( program, INVALID_DECORATORS_FILE.name, 'NotObjectLiteral', ts.isClassDeclaration); const decorators = host.getDecoratorsOfDeclaration(classNode) !; expect(decorators.length).toBe(1); expect(decorators[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({name: 'Directive'})); }); it('should ignore decorator elements that have no `type` property', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(INVALID_DECORATORS_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration( program, INVALID_DECORATORS_FILE.name, 'NoTypeProperty', ts.isClassDeclaration); const decorators = host.getDecoratorsOfDeclaration(classNode) !; expect(decorators.length).toBe(1); expect(decorators[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({name: 'Directive'})); }); it('should ignore decorator elements whose `type` value is not an identifier', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(INVALID_DECORATORS_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration( program, INVALID_DECORATORS_FILE.name, 'NotIdentifier', ts.isClassDeclaration); const decorators = host.getDecoratorsOfDeclaration(classNode) !; expect(decorators.length).toBe(1); expect(decorators[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({name: 'Directive'})); }); it('should use `getImportOfIdentifier()` to retrieve import info', () => { const mockImportInfo = { from: '@angular/core' } as Import; const spy = spyOn(Esm2015ReflectionHost.prototype, 'getImportOfIdentifier') .and.returnValue(mockImportInfo); const program = makeTestProgram(SOME_DIRECTIVE_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration(program, SOME_DIRECTIVE_FILE.name, 'SomeDirective', ts.isClassDeclaration); const decorators = host.getDecoratorsOfDeclaration(classNode) !; expect(decorators.length).toEqual(1); expect(decorators[0].import).toBe(mockImportInfo); const typeIdentifier = spy.calls.mostRecent().args[0] as ts.Identifier; expect(typeIdentifier.text).toBe('Directive'); }); describe('(returned decorators `args`)', () => { it('should be an empty array if decorator has no `args` property', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(INVALID_DECORATOR_ARGS_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration( program, INVALID_DECORATOR_ARGS_FILE.name, 'NoArgsProperty', ts.isClassDeclaration); const decorators = host.getDecoratorsOfDeclaration(classNode) !; expect(decorators.length).toBe(1); expect(decorators[0].name).toBe('Directive'); expect(decorators[0].args).toEqual([]); }); it('should be an empty array if decorator\'s `args` has no property assignment', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(INVALID_DECORATOR_ARGS_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration( program, INVALID_DECORATOR_ARGS_FILE.name, 'NoPropertyAssignment', ts.isClassDeclaration); const decorators = host.getDecoratorsOfDeclaration(classNode) !; expect(decorators.length).toBe(1); expect(decorators[0].name).toBe('Directive'); expect(decorators[0].args).toEqual([]); }); it('should be an empty array if `args` property value is not an array literal', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(INVALID_DECORATOR_ARGS_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration( program, INVALID_DECORATOR_ARGS_FILE.name, 'NotArrayLiteral', ts.isClassDeclaration); const decorators = host.getDecoratorsOfDeclaration(classNode) !; expect(decorators.length).toBe(1); expect(decorators[0].name).toBe('Directive'); expect(decorators[0].args).toEqual([]); }); }); }); describe('getMembersOfClass()', () => { it('should find decorated properties on a class', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(SOME_DIRECTIVE_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration(program, SOME_DIRECTIVE_FILE.name, 'SomeDirective', ts.isClassDeclaration); const members = host.getMembersOfClass(classNode); const input1 = members.find(member => member.name === 'input1') !; expect(input1.kind).toEqual(ClassMemberKind.Property); expect(input1.isStatic).toEqual(false); expect(input1.decorators !.map(d => d.name)).toEqual(['Input']); const input2 = members.find(member => member.name === 'input2') !; expect(input2.kind).toEqual(ClassMemberKind.Property); expect(input2.isStatic).toEqual(false); expect(input1.decorators !.map(d => d.name)).toEqual(['Input']); }); it('should find non decorated properties on a class', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(SOME_DIRECTIVE_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration(program, SOME_DIRECTIVE_FILE.name, 'SomeDirective', ts.isClassDeclaration); const members = host.getMembersOfClass(classNode); const instanceProperty = members.find(member => member.name === 'instanceProperty') !; expect(instanceProperty.kind).toEqual(ClassMemberKind.Property); expect(instanceProperty.isStatic).toEqual(false); expect(ts.isBinaryExpression(instanceProperty.implementation !)).toEqual(true); expect(instanceProperty.value !.getText()).toEqual(`'instance'`); }); it('should find static methods on a class', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(SOME_DIRECTIVE_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration(program, SOME_DIRECTIVE_FILE.name, 'SomeDirective', ts.isClassDeclaration); const members = host.getMembersOfClass(classNode); const staticMethod = members.find(member => member.name === 'staticMethod') !; expect(staticMethod.kind).toEqual(ClassMemberKind.Method); expect(staticMethod.isStatic).toEqual(true); expect(ts.isMethodDeclaration(staticMethod.implementation !)).toEqual(true); }); it('should find static properties on a class', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(SOME_DIRECTIVE_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration(program, SOME_DIRECTIVE_FILE.name, 'SomeDirective', ts.isClassDeclaration); const members = host.getMembersOfClass(classNode); const staticProperty = members.find(member => member.name === 'staticProperty') !; expect(staticProperty.kind).toEqual(ClassMemberKind.Property); expect(staticProperty.isStatic).toEqual(true); expect(ts.isPropertyAccessExpression(staticProperty.implementation !)).toEqual(true); expect(staticProperty.value !.getText()).toEqual(`'static'`); }); it('should throw if the symbol is not a class', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(FOO_FUNCTION_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const functionNode = getDeclaration(program, FOO_FUNCTION_FILE.name, 'foo', ts.isFunctionDeclaration); expect(() => { host.getMembersOfClass(functionNode); }).toThrowError(`Attempted to get members of a non-class: "function foo() {}"`); }); it('should return an empty array if there are no prop decorators', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(SIMPLE_CLASS_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration(program, SIMPLE_CLASS_FILE.name, 'EmptyClass', ts.isClassDeclaration); const members = host.getMembersOfClass(classNode); expect(members).toEqual([]); }); it('should not process decorated properties in `propDecorators` if it is not an object literal', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(INVALID_PROP_DECORATORS_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration( program, INVALID_PROP_DECORATORS_FILE.name, 'NotObjectLiteral', ts.isClassDeclaration); const members = host.getMembersOfClass(classNode); expect(members.map(member => member.name)).not.toContain('prop'); }); it('should ignore prop decorator elements that are not object literals', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(INVALID_PROP_DECORATORS_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration( program, INVALID_PROP_DECORATORS_FILE.name, 'NotObjectLiteralProp', ts.isClassDeclaration); const members = host.getMembersOfClass(classNode); const prop = members.find(m => m.name === 'prop') !; const decorators = prop.decorators !; expect(decorators.length).toBe(1); expect(decorators[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({name: 'Input'})); }); it('should ignore prop decorator elements that have no `type` property', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(INVALID_PROP_DECORATORS_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration( program, INVALID_PROP_DECORATORS_FILE.name, 'NoTypeProperty', ts.isClassDeclaration); const members = host.getMembersOfClass(classNode); const prop = members.find(m => m.name === 'prop') !; const decorators = prop.decorators !; expect(decorators.length).toBe(1); expect(decorators[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({name: 'Input'})); }); it('should ignore prop decorator elements whose `type` value is not an identifier', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(INVALID_PROP_DECORATORS_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration( program, INVALID_PROP_DECORATORS_FILE.name, 'NotIdentifier', ts.isClassDeclaration); const members = host.getMembersOfClass(classNode); const prop = members.find(m => m.name === 'prop') !; const decorators = prop.decorators !; expect(decorators.length).toBe(1); expect(decorators[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({name: 'Input'})); }); it('should use `getImportOfIdentifier()` to retrieve import info', () => { let callCount = 0; const spy = spyOn(Esm2015ReflectionHost.prototype, 'getImportOfIdentifier').and.callFake(() => { callCount++; return {name: `name${callCount}`, from: '@angular/core'}; }); const program = makeTestProgram(SOME_DIRECTIVE_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration(program, SOME_DIRECTIVE_FILE.name, 'SomeDirective', ts.isClassDeclaration); const members = host.getMembersOfClass(classNode); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(spy.calls.allArgs().map(arg => arg[0].getText())).toEqual([ 'Input', 'Input', 'HostBinding', 'Input', 'HostListener', ]); const member = members.find(member => member.name === 'input1') !; expect(member.decorators !.length).toBe(1); expect(member.decorators ![0].import).toEqual({name: 'name1', from: '@angular/core'}); }); describe('(returned prop decorators `args`)', () => { it('should be an empty array if prop decorator has no `args` property', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(INVALID_PROP_DECORATOR_ARGS_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration( program, INVALID_PROP_DECORATOR_ARGS_FILE.name, 'NoArgsProperty', ts.isClassDeclaration); const members = host.getMembersOfClass(classNode); const prop = members.find(m => m.name === 'prop') !; const decorators = prop.decorators !; expect(decorators.length).toBe(1); expect(decorators[0].name).toBe('Input'); expect(decorators[0].args).toEqual([]); }); it('should be an empty array if prop decorator\'s `args` has no property assignment', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(INVALID_PROP_DECORATOR_ARGS_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration( program, INVALID_PROP_DECORATOR_ARGS_FILE.name, 'NoPropertyAssignment', ts.isClassDeclaration); const members = host.getMembersOfClass(classNode); const prop = members.find(m => m.name === 'prop') !; const decorators = prop.decorators !; expect(decorators.length).toBe(1); expect(decorators[0].name).toBe('Input'); expect(decorators[0].args).toEqual([]); }); it('should be an empty array if `args` property value is not an array literal', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(INVALID_PROP_DECORATOR_ARGS_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration( program, INVALID_PROP_DECORATOR_ARGS_FILE.name, 'NotArrayLiteral', ts.isClassDeclaration); const members = host.getMembersOfClass(classNode); const prop = members.find(m => m.name === 'prop') !; const decorators = prop.decorators !; expect(decorators.length).toBe(1); expect(decorators[0].name).toBe('Input'); expect(decorators[0].args).toEqual([]); }); }); }); describe('getConstructorParameters()', () => { it('should find the decorated constructor parameters', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(SOME_DIRECTIVE_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration(program, SOME_DIRECTIVE_FILE.name, 'SomeDirective', ts.isClassDeclaration); const parameters = host.getConstructorParameters(classNode) !; expect(parameters).toBeDefined(); expect(parameters.map(parameter => parameter.name)).toEqual([ '_viewContainer', '_template', 'injected' ]); expect(parameters.map(parameter => parameter.typeExpression !.getText())).toEqual([ 'ViewContainerRef', 'TemplateRef', 'undefined' ]); }); it('should throw if the symbol is not a class', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(FOO_FUNCTION_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const functionNode = getDeclaration(program, FOO_FUNCTION_FILE.name, 'foo', ts.isFunctionDeclaration); expect(() => { host.getConstructorParameters(functionNode); }) .toThrowError( 'Attempted to get constructor parameters of a non-class: "function foo() {}"'); }); it('should return `null` if there is no constructor', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(SIMPLE_CLASS_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration(program, SIMPLE_CLASS_FILE.name, 'EmptyClass', ts.isClassDeclaration); const parameters = host.getConstructorParameters(classNode); expect(parameters).toBe(null); }); it('should return an array even if there are no decorators', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(SIMPLE_CLASS_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration( program, SIMPLE_CLASS_FILE.name, 'NoDecoratorConstructorClass', ts.isClassDeclaration); const parameters = host.getConstructorParameters(classNode) !; expect(parameters).toEqual(jasmine.any(Array)); expect(parameters.length).toEqual(1); expect(parameters[0].name).toEqual('foo'); expect(parameters[0].decorators).toBe(null); }); it('should return an empty array if there are no constructor parameters', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(INVALID_CTOR_DECORATORS_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration( program, INVALID_CTOR_DECORATORS_FILE.name, 'NoParameters', ts.isClassDeclaration); const parameters = host.getConstructorParameters(classNode); expect(parameters).toEqual([]); }); it('should ignore decorators that are not imported from core', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(INVALID_CTOR_DECORATORS_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration( program, INVALID_CTOR_DECORATORS_FILE.name, 'NotFromCore', ts.isClassDeclaration); const parameters = host.getConstructorParameters(classNode) !; expect(parameters.length).toBe(1); expect(parameters[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({ name: 'arg1', decorators: [], })); }); it('should ignore `ctorParameters` if it is not an arrow function', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(INVALID_CTOR_DECORATORS_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration( program, INVALID_CTOR_DECORATORS_FILE.name, 'NotArrowFunction', ts.isClassDeclaration); const parameters = host.getConstructorParameters(classNode) !; expect(parameters.length).toBe(1); expect(parameters[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({ name: 'arg1', decorators: null, })); }); it('should ignore `ctorParameters` if it does not return an array literal', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(INVALID_CTOR_DECORATORS_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration( program, INVALID_CTOR_DECORATORS_FILE.name, 'NotArrayLiteral', ts.isClassDeclaration); const parameters = host.getConstructorParameters(classNode) !; expect(parameters.length).toBe(1); expect(parameters[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({ name: 'arg1', decorators: null, })); }); describe('(returned parameters `decorators`)', () => { it('should ignore param decorator elements that are not object literals', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(INVALID_CTOR_DECORATORS_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration( program, INVALID_CTOR_DECORATORS_FILE.name, 'NotObjectLiteral', ts.isClassDeclaration); const parameters = host.getConstructorParameters(classNode); expect(parameters !.length).toBe(2); expect(parameters ![0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({ name: 'arg1', decorators: null, })); expect(parameters ![1]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({ name: 'arg2', decorators: jasmine.any(Array) as any })); }); it('should ignore param decorator elements that have no `type` property', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(INVALID_CTOR_DECORATORS_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration( program, INVALID_CTOR_DECORATORS_FILE.name, 'NoTypeProperty', ts.isClassDeclaration); const parameters = host.getConstructorParameters(classNode); const decorators = parameters ![0].decorators !; expect(decorators.length).toBe(1); expect(decorators[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({name: 'Inject'})); }); it('should ignore param decorator elements whose `type` value is not an identifier', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(INVALID_CTOR_DECORATORS_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration( program, INVALID_CTOR_DECORATORS_FILE.name, 'NotIdentifier', ts.isClassDeclaration); const parameters = host.getConstructorParameters(classNode); const decorators = parameters ![0].decorators !; expect(decorators.length).toBe(1); expect(decorators[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({name: 'Inject'})); }); it('should use `getImportOfIdentifier()` to retrieve import info', () => { const mockImportInfo: Import = {name: 'mock', from: '@angular/core'}; const spy = spyOn(Esm2015ReflectionHost.prototype, 'getImportOfIdentifier') .and.returnValue(mockImportInfo); const program = makeTestProgram(SOME_DIRECTIVE_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration( program, SOME_DIRECTIVE_FILE.name, 'SomeDirective', ts.isClassDeclaration); const parameters = host.getConstructorParameters(classNode) !; const decorators = parameters[2].decorators !; expect(decorators.length).toEqual(1); expect(decorators[0].import).toBe(mockImportInfo); const typeIdentifier = spy.calls.mostRecent().args[0] as ts.Identifier; expect(typeIdentifier.text).toBe('Inject'); }); }); describe('(returned parameters `decorators.args`)', () => { it('should be an empty array if param decorator has no `args` property', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(INVALID_CTOR_DECORATOR_ARGS_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration( program, INVALID_CTOR_DECORATOR_ARGS_FILE.name, 'NoArgsProperty', ts.isClassDeclaration); const parameters = host.getConstructorParameters(classNode); expect(parameters !.length).toBe(1); const decorators = parameters ![0].decorators !; expect(decorators.length).toBe(1); expect(decorators[0].name).toBe('Inject'); expect(decorators[0].args).toEqual([]); }); it('should be an empty array if param decorator\'s `args` has no property assignment', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(INVALID_CTOR_DECORATOR_ARGS_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration( program, INVALID_CTOR_DECORATOR_ARGS_FILE.name, 'NoPropertyAssignment', ts.isClassDeclaration); const parameters = host.getConstructorParameters(classNode); const decorators = parameters ![0].decorators !; expect(decorators.length).toBe(1); expect(decorators[0].name).toBe('Inject'); expect(decorators[0].args).toEqual([]); }); it('should be an empty array if `args` property value is not an array literal', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(INVALID_CTOR_DECORATOR_ARGS_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration( program, INVALID_CTOR_DECORATOR_ARGS_FILE.name, 'NotArrayLiteral', ts.isClassDeclaration); const parameters = host.getConstructorParameters(classNode); const decorators = parameters ![0].decorators !; expect(decorators.length).toBe(1); expect(decorators[0].name).toBe('Inject'); expect(decorators[0].args).toEqual([]); }); }); }); describe('getDefinitionOfFunction()', () => { it('should return an object describing the function declaration passed as an argument', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(FUNCTION_BODY_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const fooNode = getDeclaration(program, FUNCTION_BODY_FILE.name, 'foo', ts.isFunctionDeclaration) !; const fooDef = host.getDefinitionOfFunction(fooNode); expect(fooDef.node).toBe(fooNode); expect(fooDef.body !.length).toEqual(1); expect(fooDef.body ![0].getText()).toEqual(`return x;`); expect(fooDef.parameters.length).toEqual(1); expect(fooDef.parameters[0].name).toEqual('x'); expect(fooDef.parameters[0].initializer).toBe(null); const barNode = getDeclaration(program, FUNCTION_BODY_FILE.name, 'bar', ts.isFunctionDeclaration) !; const barDef = host.getDefinitionOfFunction(barNode); expect(barDef.node).toBe(barNode); expect(barDef.body !.length).toEqual(1); expect(ts.isReturnStatement(barDef.body ![0])).toBeTruthy(); expect(barDef.body ![0].getText()).toEqual(`return x + y;`); expect(barDef.parameters.length).toEqual(2); expect(barDef.parameters[0].name).toEqual('x'); expect(fooDef.parameters[0].initializer).toBe(null); expect(barDef.parameters[1].name).toEqual('y'); expect(barDef.parameters[1].initializer !.getText()).toEqual('42'); const bazNode = getDeclaration(program, FUNCTION_BODY_FILE.name, 'baz', ts.isFunctionDeclaration) !; const bazDef = host.getDefinitionOfFunction(bazNode); expect(bazDef.node).toBe(bazNode); expect(bazDef.body !.length).toEqual(3); expect(bazDef.parameters.length).toEqual(1); expect(bazDef.parameters[0].name).toEqual('x'); expect(bazDef.parameters[0].initializer).toBe(null); const quxNode = getDeclaration(program, FUNCTION_BODY_FILE.name, 'qux', ts.isFunctionDeclaration) !; const quxDef = host.getDefinitionOfFunction(quxNode); expect(quxDef.node).toBe(quxNode); expect(quxDef.body !.length).toEqual(2); expect(quxDef.parameters.length).toEqual(1); expect(quxDef.parameters[0].name).toEqual('x'); expect(quxDef.parameters[0].initializer).toBe(null); const mooNode = getDeclaration(program, FUNCTION_BODY_FILE.name, 'moo', ts.isFunctionDeclaration) !; const mooDef = host.getDefinitionOfFunction(mooNode); expect(mooDef.node).toBe(mooNode); expect(mooDef.body !.length).toEqual(3); expect(mooDef.parameters).toEqual([]); const juuNode = getDeclaration(program, FUNCTION_BODY_FILE.name, 'juu', ts.isFunctionDeclaration) !; const juuDef = host.getDefinitionOfFunction(juuNode); expect(juuDef.node).toBe(juuNode); expect(juuDef.body !.length).toEqual(2); expect(juuDef.parameters).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('getImportOfIdentifier()', () => { it('should find the import of an identifier', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(...IMPORTS_FILES); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const variableNode = getDeclaration(program, IMPORTS_FILES[1].name, 'b', ts.isVariableDeclaration); const importOfIdent = host.getImportOfIdentifier(variableNode.initializer as ts.Identifier); expect(importOfIdent).toEqual({name: 'a', from: './a.js'}); }); it('should find the name by which the identifier was exported, not imported', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(...IMPORTS_FILES); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const variableNode = getDeclaration(program, IMPORTS_FILES[1].name, 'c', ts.isVariableDeclaration); const importOfIdent = host.getImportOfIdentifier(variableNode.initializer as ts.Identifier); expect(importOfIdent).toEqual({name: 'a', from: './a.js'}); }); it('should return null if the identifier was not imported', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(...IMPORTS_FILES); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const variableNode = getDeclaration(program, IMPORTS_FILES[1].name, 'd', ts.isVariableDeclaration); const importOfIdent = host.getImportOfIdentifier(variableNode.initializer as ts.Identifier); expect(importOfIdent).toBeNull(); }); }); describe('getDeclarationOfIdentifier()', () => { it('should return the declaration of a locally defined identifier', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(SOME_DIRECTIVE_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration(program, SOME_DIRECTIVE_FILE.name, 'SomeDirective', ts.isClassDeclaration); const ctrDecorators = host.getConstructorParameters(classNode) !; const identifierOfViewContainerRef = ctrDecorators[0].typeExpression !as ts.Identifier; const expectedDeclarationNode = getDeclaration( program, SOME_DIRECTIVE_FILE.name, 'ViewContainerRef', ts.isVariableDeclaration); const actualDeclaration = host.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(identifierOfViewContainerRef); expect(actualDeclaration).not.toBe(null); expect(actualDeclaration !.node).toBe(expectedDeclarationNode); expect(actualDeclaration !.viaModule).toBe(null); }); it('should return the declaration of an externally defined identifier', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(SOME_DIRECTIVE_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const classNode = getDeclaration(program, SOME_DIRECTIVE_FILE.name, 'SomeDirective', ts.isClassDeclaration); const classDecorators = host.getDecoratorsOfDeclaration(classNode) !; const identifierOfDirective = ((classDecorators[0].node as ts.ObjectLiteralExpression) .properties[0] as ts.PropertyAssignment) .initializer as ts.Identifier; const expectedDeclarationNode = getDeclaration( program, 'node_modules/@angular/core/index.ts', 'Directive', ts.isVariableDeclaration); const actualDeclaration = host.getDeclarationOfIdentifier(identifierOfDirective); expect(actualDeclaration).not.toBe(null); expect(actualDeclaration !.node).toBe(expectedDeclarationNode); expect(actualDeclaration !.viaModule).toBe('@angular/core'); }); }); describe('getExportsOfModule()', () => { it('should return a map of all the exports from a given module', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(...EXPORTS_FILES); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const file = program.getSourceFile(EXPORTS_FILES[1].name) !; const exportDeclarations = host.getExportsOfModule(file); expect(exportDeclarations).not.toBe(null); expect(Array.from(exportDeclarations !.keys())).toEqual([ 'Directive', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'DirectiveX', 'SomeClass', ]); const values = Array.from(exportDeclarations !.values()) .map(declaration => [declaration.node.getText(), declaration.viaModule]); expect(values).toEqual([ // TODO clarify what is expected here... // [`Directive = callableClassDecorator()`, '@angular/core'], [`Directive = callableClassDecorator()`, null], [`a = 'a'`, null], [`b = a`, null], [`c = foo`, null], [`d = b`, null], [`e = 'e'`, null], [`DirectiveX = Directive`, null], ['export class SomeClass {}', null], ]); }); }); describe('isClass()', () => { it('should return true if a given node is a TS class declaration', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(SIMPLE_CLASS_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const node = getDeclaration(program, SIMPLE_CLASS_FILE.name, 'EmptyClass', ts.isClassDeclaration); expect(host.isClass(node)).toBe(true); }); it('should return false if a given node is a TS function declaration', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(FOO_FUNCTION_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const node = getDeclaration(program, FOO_FUNCTION_FILE.name, 'foo', ts.isFunctionDeclaration); expect(host.isClass(node)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('getGenericArityOfClass()', () => { it('should properly count type parameters', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(ARITY_CLASSES[0]); const dtsProgram = makeTestProgram(ARITY_CLASSES[1]); const dts = makeTestBundleProgram([ARITY_CLASSES[1]]); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker(), dts); const noTypeParamClass = getDeclaration(program, '/src/class.js', 'NoTypeParam', ts.isClassDeclaration); expect(host.getGenericArityOfClass(noTypeParamClass)).toBe(0); const oneTypeParamClass = getDeclaration(program, '/src/class.js', 'OneTypeParam', ts.isClassDeclaration); expect(host.getGenericArityOfClass(oneTypeParamClass)).toBe(1); const twoTypeParamsClass = getDeclaration(program, '/src/class.js', 'TwoTypeParams', ts.isClassDeclaration); expect(host.getGenericArityOfClass(twoTypeParamsClass)).toBe(2); }); }); describe('getSwitchableDeclarations()', () => { it('should return a collection of all the switchable variable declarations in the given module', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(MARKER_FILE); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const file = program.getSourceFile(MARKER_FILE.name) !; const declarations = host.getSwitchableDeclarations(file); expect(declarations.map(d => [d.name.getText(), d.initializer !.getText()])).toEqual([ ['compileNgModuleFactory', 'compileNgModuleFactory__PRE_R3__'] ]); }); }); describe('findDecoratedClasses()', () => { it('should return an array of all decorated classes in the given source file', () => { const program = makeTestProgram(...DECORATED_FILES); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, program.getTypeChecker()); const primaryFile = program.getSourceFile(DECORATED_FILES[0].name) !; const secondaryFile = program.getSourceFile(DECORATED_FILES[1].name) !; const primaryDecoratedClasses = host.findDecoratedClasses(primaryFile); expect(primaryDecoratedClasses.length).toEqual(2); const classA = primaryDecoratedClasses.find(c => c.name === 'A') !; expect(ts.isClassDeclaration(classA.declaration)).toBeTruthy(); expect(classA.decorators.map(decorator => decorator.name)).toEqual(['Directive']); // Note that `B` is not exported from `primary.js` const classB = primaryDecoratedClasses.find(c => c.name === 'B') !; expect(ts.isClassDeclaration(classB.declaration)).toBeTruthy(); expect(classA.decorators.map(decorator => decorator.name)).toEqual(['Directive']); const secondaryDecoratedClasses = host.findDecoratedClasses(secondaryFile) !; expect(secondaryDecoratedClasses.length).toEqual(1); // Note that `D` is exported from `secondary.js` but not exported from `primary.js` const classD = secondaryDecoratedClasses.find(c => c.name === 'D') !; expect(classD.name).toEqual('D'); expect(ts.isClassDeclaration(classD.declaration)).toBeTruthy(); expect(classD.decorators.map(decorator => decorator.name)).toEqual(['Directive']); }); }); describe('getDtsDeclarationsOfClass()', () => { it('should find the dts declaration that has the same relative path to the source file', () => { const srcProgram = makeTestProgram(...TYPINGS_SRC_FILES); const dts = makeTestBundleProgram(TYPINGS_DTS_FILES); const class1 = getDeclaration(srcProgram, '/src/class1.js', 'Class1', ts.isClassDeclaration); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, srcProgram.getTypeChecker(), dts); const dtsDeclaration = host.getDtsDeclaration(class1); expect(dtsDeclaration !.getSourceFile().fileName).toEqual('/typings/class1.d.ts'); }); it('should find the dts declaration for exported functions', () => { const srcProgram = makeTestProgram(...TYPINGS_SRC_FILES); const dtsProgram = makeTestBundleProgram(TYPINGS_DTS_FILES); const mooFn = getDeclaration(srcProgram, '/src/func1.js', 'mooFn', ts.isFunctionDeclaration); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, srcProgram.getTypeChecker(), dtsProgram); const dtsDeclaration = host.getDtsDeclaration(mooFn); expect(dtsDeclaration !.getSourceFile().fileName).toEqual('/typings/func1.d.ts'); }); it('should return null if there is no matching class in the matching dts file', () => { const srcProgram = makeTestProgram(...TYPINGS_SRC_FILES); const dts = makeTestBundleProgram(TYPINGS_DTS_FILES); const missingClass = getDeclaration(srcProgram, '/src/class1.js', 'MissingClass1', ts.isClassDeclaration); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, srcProgram.getTypeChecker(), dts); expect(host.getDtsDeclaration(missingClass)).toBe(null); }); it('should return null if there is no matching dts file', () => { const srcProgram = makeTestProgram(...TYPINGS_SRC_FILES); const dts = makeTestBundleProgram(TYPINGS_DTS_FILES); const missingClass = getDeclaration( srcProgram, '/src/missing-class.js', 'MissingClass2', ts.isClassDeclaration); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, srcProgram.getTypeChecker(), dts); expect(host.getDtsDeclaration(missingClass)).toBe(null); }); it('should find the dts file that contains a matching class declaration, even if the source files do not match', () => { const srcProgram = makeTestProgram(...TYPINGS_SRC_FILES); const dts = makeTestBundleProgram(TYPINGS_DTS_FILES); const class1 = getDeclaration(srcProgram, '/src/flat-file.js', 'Class1', ts.isClassDeclaration); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, srcProgram.getTypeChecker(), dts); const dtsDeclaration = host.getDtsDeclaration(class1); expect(dtsDeclaration !.getSourceFile().fileName).toEqual('/typings/class1.d.ts'); }); it('should find aliased exports', () => { const srcProgram = makeTestProgram(...TYPINGS_SRC_FILES); const dts = makeTestBundleProgram(TYPINGS_DTS_FILES); const class3 = getDeclaration(srcProgram, '/src/flat-file.js', 'Class3', ts.isClassDeclaration); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, srcProgram.getTypeChecker(), dts); const dtsDeclaration = host.getDtsDeclaration(class3); expect(dtsDeclaration !.getSourceFile().fileName).toEqual('/typings/class3.d.ts'); }); it('should find the dts file that contains a matching class declaration, even if the class is not publicly exported', () => { const srcProgram = makeTestProgram(...TYPINGS_SRC_FILES); const dts = makeTestBundleProgram(TYPINGS_DTS_FILES); const internalClass = getDeclaration(srcProgram, '/src/internal.js', 'InternalClass', ts.isClassDeclaration); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, srcProgram.getTypeChecker(), dts); const dtsDeclaration = host.getDtsDeclaration(internalClass); expect(dtsDeclaration !.getSourceFile().fileName).toEqual('/typings/internal.d.ts'); }); it('should prefer the publicly exported class if there are multiple classes with the same name', () => { const srcProgram = makeTestProgram(...TYPINGS_SRC_FILES); const dts = makeTestBundleProgram(TYPINGS_DTS_FILES); const class2 = getDeclaration(srcProgram, '/src/class2.js', 'Class2', ts.isClassDeclaration); const internalClass2 = getDeclaration(srcProgram, '/src/internal.js', 'Class2', ts.isClassDeclaration); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, srcProgram.getTypeChecker(), dts); const class2DtsDeclaration = host.getDtsDeclaration(class2); expect(class2DtsDeclaration !.getSourceFile().fileName).toEqual('/typings/class2.d.ts'); const internalClass2DtsDeclaration = host.getDtsDeclaration(internalClass2); expect(internalClass2DtsDeclaration !.getSourceFile().fileName) .toEqual('/typings/class2.d.ts'); }); }); describe('getModuleWithProvidersFunctions', () => { it('should find every exported function that returns an object that looks like a ModuleWithProviders object', () => { const srcProgram = makeTestProgram(...MODULE_WITH_PROVIDERS_PROGRAM); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, srcProgram.getTypeChecker()); const file = srcProgram.getSourceFile('/src/functions.js') !; const fns = host.getModuleWithProvidersFunctions(file); expect(fns.map(info => [info.declaration.name !.getText(), info.ngModule.text])).toEqual([ ['ngModuleIdentifier', 'InternalModule'], ['ngModuleWithEmptyProviders', 'InternalModule'], ['ngModuleWithProviders', 'InternalModule'], ['externalNgModule', 'ExternalModule'], ]); }); it('should find every static method on exported classes that return an object that looks like a ModuleWithProviders object', () => { const srcProgram = makeTestProgram(...MODULE_WITH_PROVIDERS_PROGRAM); const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(false, srcProgram.getTypeChecker()); const file = srcProgram.getSourceFile('/src/methods.js') !; const fn = host.getModuleWithProvidersFunctions(file); expect(fn.map(fn => [fn.declaration.name !.getText(), fn.ngModule.text])).toEqual([ ['ngModuleIdentifier', 'InternalModule'], ['ngModuleWithEmptyProviders', 'InternalModule'], ['ngModuleWithProviders', 'InternalModule'], ['externalNgModule', 'ExternalModule'], ]); }); }); });