 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license

import {existsSync} from 'fs';
import {dirname, join} from 'path';

import {debug, error} from './console';
import {GitClient} from './git/index';
import {isTsNodeAvailable} from './ts-node';

/** Configuration for Git client interactions. */
export interface GitClientConfig {
  /** Owner name of the repository. */
  owner: string;
  /** Name of the repository. */
  name: string;
  /** If SSH protocol should be used for git interactions. */
  useSsh?: boolean;
  /** Whether the specified repository is private. */
  private?: boolean;

 * Describes the Github configuration for dev-infra. This configuration is
 * used for API requests, determining the upstream remote, etc.
export interface GithubConfig extends GitClientConfig {}

/** The common configuration for ng-dev. */
type CommonConfig = {
  github: GithubConfig

 * The configuration for the specific ng-dev command, providing both the common
 * ng-dev config as well as the specific config of a subcommand.
export type NgDevConfig<T = {}> = CommonConfig&T;

 * The filename expected for creating the ng-dev config, without the file
 * extension to allow either a typescript or javascript file to be used.
const CONFIG_FILE_PATH = '.ng-dev/config';

/** The configuration for ng-dev. */
let cachedConfig: NgDevConfig|null = null;

 * The filename expected for local user config, without the file extension to allow a typescript,
 * javascript or json file to be used.
const USER_CONFIG_FILE_PATH = '.ng-dev.user';

/** The local user configuration for ng-dev. */
let userConfig: {[key: string]: any}|null = null;

 * Get the configuration from the file system, returning the already loaded
 * copy if it is defined.
export function getConfig(): NgDevConfig;
export function getConfig(baseDir?: string): NgDevConfig;
export function getConfig(baseDir?: string): NgDevConfig {
  // If the global config is not defined, load it from the file system.
  if (cachedConfig === null) {
    baseDir = baseDir || GitClient.getInstance().baseDir;
    // The full path to the configuration file.
    const configPath = join(baseDir, CONFIG_FILE_PATH);
    // Read the configuration and validate it before caching it for the future.
    cachedConfig = validateCommonConfig(readConfigFile(configPath));
  // Return a clone of the cached global config to ensure that a new instance of the config
  // is returned each time, preventing unexpected effects of modifications to the config object.
  return {...cachedConfig};

/** Validate the common configuration has been met for the ng-dev command. */
function validateCommonConfig(config: Partial<NgDevConfig>) {
  const errors: string[] = [];
  // Validate the github configuration.
  if (config.github === undefined) {
    errors.push(`Github repository not configured. Set the "github" option.`);
  } else {
    if (config.github.name === undefined) {
      errors.push(`"github.name" is not defined`);
    if (config.github.owner === undefined) {
      errors.push(`"github.owner" is not defined`);
  return config as NgDevConfig;

 * Resolves and reads the specified configuration file, optionally returning an empty object if the
 * configuration file cannot be read.
function readConfigFile(configPath: string, returnEmptyObjectOnError = false): object {
  // If the `.ts` extension has not been set up already, and a TypeScript based
  // version of the given configuration seems to exist, set up `ts-node` if available.
  if (require.extensions['.ts'] === undefined && existsSync(`${configPath}.ts`) &&
      isTsNodeAvailable()) {
    // Ensure the module target is set to `commonjs`. This is necessary because the
    // dev-infra tool runs in NodeJS which does not support ES modules by default.
    // Additionally, set the `dir` option to the directory that contains the configuration
    // file. This allows for custom compiler options (such as `--strict`).
        {dir: dirname(configPath), transpileOnly: true, compilerOptions: {module: 'commonjs'}});

  try {
    return require(configPath);
  } catch (e) {
    if (returnEmptyObjectOnError) {
      debug(`Could not read configuration file at ${configPath}, returning empty object instead.`);
      return {};
    error(`Could not read configuration file at ${configPath}.`);

 * Asserts the provided array of error messages is empty. If any errors are in the array,
 * logs the errors and exit the process as a failure.
export function assertNoErrors(errors: string[]) {
  if (errors.length == 0) {
  error(`Errors discovered while loading configuration file:`);
  for (const err of errors) {
    error(`  - ${err}`);

 * Get the local user configuration from the file system, returning the already loaded copy if it is
 * defined.
 * @returns The user configuration object, or an empty object if no user configuration file is
 * present. The object is an untyped object as there are no required user configurations.
export function getUserConfig() {
  // If the global config is not defined, load it from the file system.
  if (userConfig === null) {
    const git = GitClient.getInstance();
    // The full path to the configuration file.
    const configPath = join(git.baseDir, USER_CONFIG_FILE_PATH);
    // Set the global config object.
    userConfig = readConfigFile(configPath, true);
  // Return a clone of the user config to ensure that a new instance of the config is returned
  // each time, preventing unexpected effects of modifications to the config object.
  return {...userConfig};