/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {describe, expect, it} from '../../../core/testing/src/testing_internal'; import {CssBlockAst, CssBlockDefinitionRuleAst, CssBlockRuleAst, CssDefinitionAst, CssInlineRuleAst, CssKeyframeDefinitionAst, CssKeyframeRuleAst, CssMediaQueryRuleAst, CssSelectorRuleAst, CssStyleSheetAst, CssStyleValueAst} from '../../src/css_parser/css_ast'; import {BlockType, CssParseError, CssParser, CssToken, ParsedCssResult} from '../../src/css_parser/css_parser'; import {ParseLocation} from '../../src/parse_util'; export function assertTokens(tokens: CssToken[], valuesArr: string[]) { for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { expect(tokens[i].strValue == valuesArr[i]); } } { describe('CssParser', () => { function parse(css: string): ParsedCssResult { return new CssParser().parse(css, 'some-fake-css-file.css'); } function makeAst(css: string): CssStyleSheetAst { const output = parse(css); const errors = output.errors; if (errors.length > 0) { throw new Error(errors.map((error: CssParseError) => error.msg).join(', ')); } return output.ast; } it('should parse CSS into a stylesheet Ast', () => { const styles = '.selector { prop: value123; }'; const ast = makeAst(styles); expect(ast.rules.length).toEqual(1); const rule = ast.rules[0]; const selector = rule.selectors[0]; expect(selector.strValue).toEqual('.selector'); const block: CssBlockAst = rule.block; expect(block.entries.length).toEqual(1); const definition = block.entries[0]; expect(definition.property.strValue).toEqual('prop'); const value = definition.value; expect(value.tokens[0].strValue).toEqual('value123'); }); it('should parse multiple CSS selectors sharing the same set of styles', () => { const styles = ` .class, #id, tag, [attr], key + value, * value, :-moz-any-link { prop: value123; } `; const ast = makeAst(styles); expect(ast.rules.length).toEqual(1); const rule = ast.rules[0]; expect(rule.selectors.length).toBe(7); const classRule = rule.selectors[0]; const idRule = rule.selectors[1]; const tagRule = rule.selectors[2]; const attrRule = rule.selectors[3]; const plusOpRule = rule.selectors[4]; const starOpRule = rule.selectors[5]; const mozRule = rule.selectors[6]; assertTokens(classRule.selectorParts[0].tokens, ['.', 'class']); assertTokens(idRule.selectorParts[0].tokens, ['.', 'class']); assertTokens(attrRule.selectorParts[0].tokens, ['[', 'attr', ']']); assertTokens(plusOpRule.selectorParts[0].tokens, ['key']); expect(plusOpRule.selectorParts[0].operator.strValue).toEqual('+'); assertTokens(plusOpRule.selectorParts[1].tokens, ['value']); assertTokens(starOpRule.selectorParts[0].tokens, ['*']); assertTokens(starOpRule.selectorParts[1].tokens, ['value']); assertTokens(mozRule.selectorParts[0].pseudoSelectors[0].tokens, [':', '-moz-any-link']); const style1 = rule.block.entries[0]; expect(style1.property.strValue).toEqual('prop'); assertTokens(style1.value.tokens, ['value123']); }); it('should parse keyframe rules', () => { const styles = ` @keyframes rotateMe { from { transform: rotate(-360deg); } 50% { transform: rotate(0deg); } to { transform: rotate(360deg); } } `; const ast = makeAst(styles); expect(ast.rules.length).toEqual(1); const rule = ast.rules[0]; expect(rule.name!.strValue).toEqual('rotateMe'); const block = rule.block; const fromRule = block.entries[0]; expect(fromRule.name!.strValue).toEqual('from'); const fromStyle = (fromRule.block).entries[0]; expect(fromStyle.property.strValue).toEqual('transform'); assertTokens(fromStyle.value.tokens, ['rotate', '(', '-360', 'deg', ')']); const midRule = block.entries[1]; expect(midRule.name!.strValue).toEqual('50%'); const midStyle = (midRule.block).entries[0]; expect(midStyle.property.strValue).toEqual('transform'); assertTokens(midStyle.value.tokens, ['rotate', '(', '0', 'deg', ')']); const toRule = block.entries[2]; expect(toRule.name!.strValue).toEqual('to'); const toStyle = (toRule.block).entries[0]; expect(toStyle.property.strValue).toEqual('transform'); assertTokens(toStyle.value.tokens, ['rotate', '(', '360', 'deg', ')']); }); it('should parse media queries into a stylesheet Ast', () => { const styles = ` @media all and (max-width:100px) { .selector { prop: value123; } } `; const ast = makeAst(styles); expect(ast.rules.length).toEqual(1); const rule = ast.rules[0]; assertTokens(rule.query.tokens, ['all', 'and', '(', 'max-width', ':', '100', 'px', ')']); const block = rule.block; expect(block.entries.length).toEqual(1); const rule2 = block.entries[0]; expect(rule2.selectors[0].strValue).toEqual('.selector'); const block2 = rule2.block; expect(block2.entries.length).toEqual(1); }); it('should parse inline CSS values', () => { const styles = ` @import url('remote.css'); @charset "UTF-8"; @namespace ng url(http://angular.io/namespace/ng); `; const ast = makeAst(styles); const importRule = ast.rules[0]; expect(importRule.type).toEqual(BlockType.Import); assertTokens(importRule.value.tokens, ['url', '(', 'remote', '.', 'css', ')']); const charsetRule = ast.rules[1]; expect(charsetRule.type).toEqual(BlockType.Charset); assertTokens(charsetRule.value.tokens, ['UTF-8']); const namespaceRule = ast.rules[2]; expect(namespaceRule.type).toEqual(BlockType.Namespace); assertTokens( namespaceRule.value.tokens, ['ng', 'url', '(', 'http://angular.io/namespace/ng', ')']); }); it('should parse CSS values that contain functions and leave the inner function data untokenized', () => { const styles = ` .class { background: url(matias.css); animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.755, 0.050, 0.855, 0.060); height: calc(100% - 50px); background-image: linear-gradient( 45deg, rgba(100, 0, 0, 0.5), black ); } `; const ast = makeAst(styles); expect(ast.rules.length).toEqual(1); const defs = (ast.rules[0]).block.entries; expect(defs.length).toEqual(4); assertTokens((defs[0]).value.tokens, ['url', '(', 'matias.css', ')']); assertTokens( (defs[1]).value.tokens, ['cubic-bezier', '(', '0.755, 0.050, 0.855, 0.060', ')']); assertTokens((defs[2]).value.tokens, ['calc', '(', '100% - 50px', ')']); assertTokens( (defs[3]).value.tokens, ['linear-gradient', '(', '45deg, rgba(100, 0, 0, 0.5), black', ')']); }); it('should parse un-named block-level CSS values', () => { const styles = ` @font-face { font-family: "Matias"; font-weight: bold; src: url(font-face.ttf); } @viewport { max-width: 100px; min-height: 1000px; } `; const ast = makeAst(styles); const fontFaceRule = ast.rules[0]; expect(fontFaceRule.type).toEqual(BlockType.FontFace); expect(fontFaceRule.block.entries.length).toEqual(3); const viewportRule = ast.rules[1]; expect(viewportRule.type).toEqual(BlockType.Viewport); expect(viewportRule.block.entries.length).toEqual(2); }); it('should parse multiple levels of semicolons', () => { const styles = ` ;;; @import url('something something') ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;@font-face { ;src : url(font-face.ttf);;;;;;;; ;;;-webkit-animation:my-animation };;; @media all and (max-width:100px) {; .selector {prop: value123;}; ;.selector2{prop:1}} `; const ast = makeAst(styles); const importRule = ast.rules[0]; expect(importRule.type).toEqual(BlockType.Import); assertTokens(importRule.value.tokens, ['url', '(', 'something something', ')']); const fontFaceRule = ast.rules[1]; expect(fontFaceRule.type).toEqual(BlockType.FontFace); expect(fontFaceRule.block.entries.length).toEqual(2); const mediaQueryRule = ast.rules[2]; assertTokens( mediaQueryRule.query.tokens, ['all', 'and', '(', 'max-width', ':', '100', 'px', ')']); expect(mediaQueryRule.block.entries.length).toEqual(2); }); it('should throw an error if an unknown @value block rule is parsed', () => { const styles = ` @matias { hello: there; } `; expect(() => { makeAst(styles); }).toThrowError(/^CSS Parse Error: The CSS "at" rule "@matias" is not allowed to used here/g); }); it('should parse empty rules', () => { const styles = ` .empty-rule { } .somewhat-empty-rule { /* property: value; */ } .non-empty-rule { property: value; } `; const ast = makeAst(styles); const rules = ast.rules; expect((rules[0]).block.entries.length).toEqual(0); expect((rules[1]).block.entries.length).toEqual(0); expect((rules[2]).block.entries.length).toEqual(1); }); it('should parse the @document rule', () => { const styles = ` @document url(http://www.w3.org/), url-prefix(http://www.w3.org/Style/), domain(mozilla.org), regexp("https:.*") { /* CSS rules here apply to: - The page "http://www.w3.org/". - Any page whose URL begins with "http://www.w3.org/Style/" - Any page whose URL's host is "mozilla.org" or ends with ".mozilla.org" - Any page whose URL starts with "https:" */ /* make the above-mentioned pages really ugly */ body { color: purple; background: yellow; } } `; const ast = makeAst(styles); const rules = ast.rules; const documentRule = rules[0]; expect(documentRule.type).toEqual(BlockType.Document); const rule = documentRule.block.entries[0]; expect(rule.strValue).toEqual('body'); }); it('should parse the @page rule', () => { const styles = ` @page one { .selector { prop: value; } } @page two { .selector2 { prop: value2; } } `; const ast = makeAst(styles); const rules = ast.rules; const pageRule1 = rules[0]; expect(pageRule1.query.strValue).toEqual('@page one'); expect(pageRule1.query.tokens[0].strValue).toEqual('one'); expect(pageRule1.type).toEqual(BlockType.Page); const pageRule2 = rules[1]; expect(pageRule2.query.strValue).toEqual('@page two'); expect(pageRule2.query.tokens[0].strValue).toEqual('two'); expect(pageRule2.type).toEqual(BlockType.Page); const selectorOne = pageRule1.block.entries[0]; expect(selectorOne.strValue).toEqual('.selector'); const selectorTwo = pageRule2.block.entries[0]; expect(selectorTwo.strValue).toEqual('.selector2'); }); it('should parse the @supports rule', () => { const styles = ` @supports (animation-name: "rotate") { a:hover { animation: rotate 1s; } } `; const ast = makeAst(styles); const rules = ast.rules; const supportsRule = rules[0]; assertTokens(supportsRule.query.tokens, ['(', 'animation-name', ':', 'rotate', ')']); expect(supportsRule.type).toEqual(BlockType.Supports); const selectorOne = supportsRule.block.entries[0]; expect(selectorOne.strValue).toEqual('a:hover'); }); it('should collect multiple errors during parsing', () => { const styles = ` .class$value { something: something } @custom { something: something } #id { cool^: value } `; const output = parse(styles); expect(output.errors.length).toEqual(3); }); it('should recover from selector errors and continue parsing', () => { const styles = ` tag& { key: value; } .%tag { key: value; } #tag$ { key: value; } `; const output = parse(styles); const errors = output.errors; const ast = output.ast; expect(errors.length).toEqual(3); expect(ast.rules.length).toEqual(3); const rule1 = ast.rules[0]; expect(rule1.selectors[0].strValue).toEqual('tag&'); expect(rule1.block.entries.length).toEqual(1); const rule2 = ast.rules[1]; expect(rule2.selectors[0].strValue).toEqual('.%tag'); expect(rule2.block.entries.length).toEqual(1); const rule3 = ast.rules[2]; expect(rule3.selectors[0].strValue).toEqual('#tag$'); expect(rule3.block.entries.length).toEqual(1); }); it('should throw an error when parsing invalid CSS Selectors', () => { const styles = '.class[[prop%=value}] { style: val; }'; const output = parse(styles); const errors = output.errors; expect(errors.length).toEqual(3); expect(errors[0].msg).toMatch(/Unexpected character \[\[\] at column 0:7/g); expect(errors[1].msg).toMatch(/Unexpected character \[%\] at column 0:12/g); expect(errors[2].msg).toMatch(/Unexpected character \[}\] at column 0:19/g); }); it('should throw an error if an attribute selector is not closed properly', () => { const styles = '.class[prop=value { style: val; }'; const output = parse(styles); const errors = output.errors; expect(errors[0].msg).toMatch(/Unbalanced CSS attribute selector at column 0:12/g); }); it('should throw an error if a pseudo function selector is not closed properly', () => { const styles = 'body:lang(en { key:value; }'; const output = parse(styles); const errors = output.errors; expect(errors[0].msg) .toMatch(/Character does not match expected Character value \("{" should match "\)"\)/); }); it('should raise an error when a semi colon is missing from a CSS style/pair that isn\'t the last entry', () => { const styles = `.class { color: red background: blue }`; const output = parse(styles); const errors = output.errors; expect(errors.length).toEqual(1); expect(errors[0].msg) .toMatch(/The CSS key\/value definition did not end with a semicolon at column 1:15/g); }); it('should parse the inner value of a :not() pseudo-selector as a CSS selector', () => { const styles = `div:not(.ignore-this-div) { prop: value; }`; const output = parse(styles); const errors = output.errors; const ast = output.ast; expect(errors.length).toEqual(0); const rule1 = ast.rules[0]; expect(rule1.selectors.length).toEqual(1); const simpleSelector = rule1.selectors[0].selectorParts[0]; assertTokens(simpleSelector.tokens, ['div']); const pseudoSelector = simpleSelector.pseudoSelectors[0]; expect(pseudoSelector.name).toEqual('not'); assertTokens(pseudoSelector.tokens, ['.', 'ignore-this-div']); }); it('should parse the inner selectors of a :host-context selector', () => { const styles = `body > :host-context(.a, .b, .c:hover) { prop: value; }`; const output = parse(styles); const errors = output.errors; const ast = output.ast; expect(errors.length).toEqual(0); const rule1 = ast.rules[0]; expect(rule1.selectors.length).toEqual(1); const simpleSelector = rule1.selectors[0].selectorParts[1]; const innerSelectors = simpleSelector.pseudoSelectors[0].innerSelectors; assertTokens(innerSelectors[0].selectorParts[0].tokens, ['.', 'a']); assertTokens(innerSelectors[1].selectorParts[0].tokens, ['.', 'b']); const finalSelector = innerSelectors[2].selectorParts[0]; assertTokens(finalSelector.tokens, ['.', 'c', ':', 'hover']); assertTokens(finalSelector.pseudoSelectors[0].tokens, [':', 'hover']); }); it('should raise parse errors when CSS key/value pairs are invalid', () => { const styles = `.class { background color: value; color: value font-size; font-weight }`; const output = parse(styles); const errors = output.errors; expect(errors.length).toEqual(4); expect(errors[0].msg) .toMatch( /Identifier does not match expected Character value \("color" should match ":"\) at column 1:19/g); expect(errors[1].msg) .toMatch(/The CSS key\/value definition did not end with a semicolon at column 2:15/g); expect(errors[2].msg) .toMatch(/The CSS property was not paired with a style value at column 3:8/g); expect(errors[3].msg) .toMatch(/The CSS property was not paired with a style value at column 4:8/g); }); it('should recover from CSS key/value parse errors', () => { const styles = ` .problem-class { background color: red; color: white; } .good-boy-class { background-color: red; color: white; } `; const output = parse(styles); const ast = output.ast; expect(ast.rules.length).toEqual(2); const rule1 = ast.rules[0]; expect(rule1.block.entries.length).toEqual(2); const style1 = rule1.block.entries[0]; expect(style1.property.strValue).toEqual('background color'); assertTokens(style1.value.tokens, ['red']); const style2 = rule1.block.entries[1]; expect(style2.property.strValue).toEqual('color'); assertTokens(style2.value.tokens, ['white']); }); describe('location offsets', () => { let styles: string; function assertMatchesOffsetAndChar( location: ParseLocation, expectedOffset: number, expectedChar: string): void { expect(location.offset).toEqual(expectedOffset); expect(styles[expectedOffset]).toEqual(expectedChar); } it('should collect the source span location of each AST node with regular selectors', () => { styles = '.problem-class { border-top-right: 1px; color: white; }\n'; styles += '#good-boy-rule_ { background-color: #fe4; color: teal; }'; const output = parse(styles); const ast = output.ast; assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(ast.location.start, 0, '.'); assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(ast.location.end, 111, '}'); const rule1 = ast.rules[0]; assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(rule1.location.start, 0, '.'); assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(rule1.location.end, 54, '}'); const rule2 = ast.rules[1]; assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(rule2.location.start, 56, '#'); assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(rule2.location.end, 111, '}'); const selector1 = rule1.selectors[0]; assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(selector1.location.start, 0, '.'); assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(selector1.location.end, 1, 'p'); // problem-class const selector2 = rule2.selectors[0]; assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(selector2.location.start, 56, '#'); assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(selector2.location.end, 57, 'g'); // good-boy-rule_ const block1 = rule1.block; assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(block1.location.start, 15, '{'); assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(block1.location.end, 54, '}'); const block2 = rule2.block; assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(block2.location.start, 72, '{'); assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(block2.location.end, 111, '}'); const block1def1 = block1.entries[0]; assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(block1def1.location.start, 17, 'b'); // border-top-right assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(block1def1.location.end, 36, 'p'); // px const block1def2 = block1.entries[1]; assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(block1def2.location.start, 40, 'c'); // color assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(block1def2.location.end, 47, 'w'); // white const block2def1 = block2.entries[0]; assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(block2def1.location.start, 74, 'b'); // background-color assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(block2def1.location.end, 93, 'f'); // fe4 const block2def2 = block2.entries[1]; assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(block2def2.location.start, 98, 'c'); // color assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(block2def2.location.end, 105, 't'); // teal const block1value1 = block1def1.value; assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(block1value1.location.start, 35, '1'); assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(block1value1.location.end, 36, 'p'); const block1value2 = block1def2.value; assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(block1value2.location.start, 47, 'w'); assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(block1value2.location.end, 47, 'w'); const block2value1 = block2def1.value; assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(block2value1.location.start, 92, '#'); assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(block2value1.location.end, 93, 'f'); const block2value2 = block2def2.value; assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(block2value2.location.start, 105, 't'); assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(block2value2.location.end, 105, 't'); }); it('should collect the source span location of each AST node with media query data', () => { styles = '@media (all and max-width: 100px) { a { display:none; } }'; const output = parse(styles); const ast = output.ast; const mediaQuery = ast.rules[0]; assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(mediaQuery.location.start, 0, '@'); assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(mediaQuery.location.end, 56, '}'); const predicate = mediaQuery.query; assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(predicate.location.start, 0, '@'); assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(predicate.location.end, 32, ')'); const rule = mediaQuery.block.entries[0]; assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(rule.location.start, 36, 'a'); assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(rule.location.end, 54, '}'); }); it('should collect the source span location of each AST node with keyframe data', () => { styles = '@keyframes rotateAndZoomOut { '; styles += 'from { transform: rotate(0deg); } '; styles += '100% { transform: rotate(360deg) scale(2); }'; styles += '}'; const output = parse(styles); const ast = output.ast; const keyframes = ast.rules[0]; assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(keyframes.location.start, 0, '@'); assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(keyframes.location.end, 108, '}'); const step1 = keyframes.block.entries[0]; assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(step1.location.start, 30, 'f'); assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(step1.location.end, 62, '}'); const step2 = keyframes.block.entries[1]; assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(step2.location.start, 64, '1'); assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(step2.location.end, 107, '}'); }); it('should collect the source span location of each AST node with an inline rule', () => { styles = '@import url(something.css)'; const output = parse(styles); const ast = output.ast; const rule = ast.rules[0]; assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(rule.location.start, 0, '@'); assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(rule.location.end, 25, ')'); const value = rule.value; assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(value.location.start, 8, 'u'); assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(value.location.end, 25, ')'); }); it('should property collect the start/end locations with an invalid stylesheet', () => { styles = '#id { something: value'; const output = parse(styles); const ast = output.ast; assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(ast.location.start, 0, '#'); assertMatchesOffsetAndChar(ast.location.end, 22, undefined!); }); }); it('should parse minified CSS content properly', () => { // this code was taken from the angular.io webpage's CSS code const styles = ` .is-hidden{display:none!important} .is-visible{display:block!important} .is-visually-hidden{height:1px;width:1px;overflow:hidden;opacity:0.01;position:absolute;bottom:0;right:0;z-index:1} .grid-fluid,.grid-fixed{margin:0 auto} .grid-fluid .c1,.grid-fixed .c1,.grid-fluid .c2,.grid-fixed .c2,.grid-fluid .c3,.grid-fixed .c3,.grid-fluid .c4,.grid-fixed .c4,.grid-fluid .c5,.grid-fixed .c5,.grid-fluid .c6,.grid-fixed .c6,.grid-fluid .c7,.grid-fixed .c7,.grid-fluid .c8,.grid-fixed .c8,.grid-fluid .c9,.grid-fixed .c9,.grid-fluid .c10,.grid-fixed .c10,.grid-fluid .c11,.grid-fixed .c11,.grid-fluid .c12,.grid-fixed .c12{display:inline;float:left} .grid-fluid .c1.grid-right,.grid-fixed .c1.grid-right,.grid-fluid .c2.grid-right,.grid-fixed .c2.grid-right,.grid-fluid .c3.grid-right,.grid-fixed .c3.grid-right,.grid-fluid .c4.grid-right,.grid-fixed .c4.grid-right,.grid-fluid .c5.grid-right,.grid-fixed .c5.grid-right,.grid-fluid .c6.grid-right,.grid-fixed .c6.grid-right,.grid-fluid .c7.grid-right,.grid-fixed .c7.grid-right,.grid-fluid .c8.grid-right,.grid-fixed .c8.grid-right,.grid-fluid .c9.grid-right,.grid-fixed .c9.grid-right,.grid-fluid .c10.grid-right,.grid-fixed .c10.grid-right,.grid-fluid .c11.grid-right,.grid-fixed .c11.grid-right,.grid-fluid .c12.grid-right,.grid-fixed .c12.grid-right{float:right} .grid-fluid .c1.nb,.grid-fixed .c1.nb,.grid-fluid .c2.nb,.grid-fixed .c2.nb,.grid-fluid .c3.nb,.grid-fixed .c3.nb,.grid-fluid .c4.nb,.grid-fixed .c4.nb,.grid-fluid .c5.nb,.grid-fixed .c5.nb,.grid-fluid .c6.nb,.grid-fixed .c6.nb,.grid-fluid .c7.nb,.grid-fixed .c7.nb,.grid-fluid .c8.nb,.grid-fixed .c8.nb,.grid-fluid .c9.nb,.grid-fixed .c9.nb,.grid-fluid .c10.nb,.grid-fixed .c10.nb,.grid-fluid .c11.nb,.grid-fixed .c11.nb,.grid-fluid .c12.nb,.grid-fixed .c12.nb{margin-left:0} .grid-fluid .c1.na,.grid-fixed .c1.na,.grid-fluid .c2.na,.grid-fixed .c2.na,.grid-fluid .c3.na,.grid-fixed .c3.na,.grid-fluid .c4.na,.grid-fixed .c4.na,.grid-fluid .c5.na,.grid-fixed .c5.na,.grid-fluid .c6.na,.grid-fixed .c6.na,.grid-fluid .c7.na,.grid-fixed .c7.na,.grid-fluid .c8.na,.grid-fixed .c8.na,.grid-fluid .c9.na,.grid-fixed .c9.na,.grid-fluid .c10.na,.grid-fixed .c10.na,.grid-fluid .c11.na,.grid-fixed .c11.na,.grid-fluid .c12.na,.grid-fixed .c12.na{margin-right:0} `; const output = parse(styles); const errors = output.errors; expect(errors.length).toEqual(0); const ast = output.ast; expect(ast.rules.length).toEqual(8); }); it('should parse a snippet of keyframe code from animate.css properly', () => { // this code was taken from the angular.io webpage's CSS code const styles = ` @charset "UTF-8"; /*! * animate.css -http://daneden.me/animate * Version - 3.5.1 * Licensed under the MIT license - http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * * Copyright (c) 2016 Daniel Eden */ .animated { -webkit-animation-duration: 1s; animation-duration: 1s; -webkit-animation-fill-mode: both; animation-fill-mode: both; } .animated.infinite { -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-iteration-count: infinite; } .animated.hinge { -webkit-animation-duration: 2s; animation-duration: 2s; } .animated.flipOutX, .animated.flipOutY, .animated.bounceIn, .animated.bounceOut { -webkit-animation-duration: .75s; animation-duration: .75s; } @-webkit-keyframes bounce { from, 20%, 53%, 80%, to { -webkit-animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.610, 0.355, 1.000); animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.610, 0.355, 1.000); -webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0); transform: translate3d(0,0,0); } 40%, 43% { -webkit-animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.755, 0.050, 0.855, 0.060); animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.755, 0.050, 0.855, 0.060); -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, -30px, 0); transform: translate3d(0, -30px, 0); } 70% { -webkit-animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.755, 0.050, 0.855, 0.060); animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.755, 0.050, 0.855, 0.060); -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, -15px, 0); transform: translate3d(0, -15px, 0); } 90% { -webkit-transform: translate3d(0,-4px,0); transform: translate3d(0,-4px,0); } } `; const output = parse(styles); const errors = output.errors; expect(errors.length).toEqual(0); const ast = output.ast; expect(ast.rules.length).toEqual(6); const finalRule = ast.rules[ast.rules.length - 1]; expect(finalRule.type).toEqual(BlockType.Keyframes); expect(finalRule.block.entries.length).toEqual(4); }); }); }