/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Observable'; import {take} from 'rxjs/operator/take'; import {toPromise} from 'rxjs/operator/toPromise'; import {NgswCommChannel, UpdateAvailableEvent} from '../src/low_level'; import {SwPush} from '../src/push'; import {SwUpdate} from '../src/update'; import {MockServiceWorkerContainer, MockServiceWorkerRegistration} from '../testing/mock'; import {CacheDatabase} from '../worker/src/db-cache'; import {Driver} from '../worker/src/driver'; import {Manifest} from '../worker/src/manifest'; import {MockRequest} from '../worker/testing/fetch'; import {MockFileSystemBuilder, MockServerStateBuilder, tmpHashTableForFs} from '../worker/testing/mock'; import {SwTestHarness, SwTestHarnessBuilder} from '../worker/testing/scope'; import {async_beforeEach, async_fit, async_it} from './async'; const dist = new MockFileSystemBuilder().addFile('/only.txt', 'this is only').build(); const distUpdate = new MockFileSystemBuilder().addFile('/only.txt', 'this is only v2').build(); function obsToSinglePromise(obs: Observable): Promise { const takeOne = take.call(obs, 1); return toPromise.call(takeOne); } const manifest: Manifest = { configVersion: 1, appData: {version: '1'}, index: '/only.txt', assetGroups: [{ name: 'assets', installMode: 'prefetch', updateMode: 'prefetch', urls: ['/only.txt'], patterns: [], }], hashTable: tmpHashTableForFs(dist), }; const manifestUpdate: Manifest = { configVersion: 1, appData: {version: '2'}, index: '/only.txt', assetGroups: [{ name: 'assets', installMode: 'prefetch', updateMode: 'prefetch', urls: ['/only.txt'], patterns: [], }], hashTable: tmpHashTableForFs(distUpdate), }; const server = new MockServerStateBuilder().withStaticFiles(dist).withManifest(manifest).build(); const serverUpdate = new MockServerStateBuilder().withStaticFiles(distUpdate).withManifest(manifestUpdate).build(); export function main() { // Skip environments that don't support the minimum APIs needed to run the SW tests. if (!SwTestHarness.envIsSupported()) { return; } describe('ngsw + companion lib', () => { let mock: MockServiceWorkerContainer; let comm: NgswCommChannel; let reg: MockServiceWorkerRegistration; let scope: SwTestHarness; let driver: Driver; async_beforeEach(async() => { // Fire up the client. mock = new MockServiceWorkerContainer(); comm = new NgswCommChannel(mock as any); scope = new SwTestHarnessBuilder().withServerState(server).build(); driver = new Driver(scope, scope, new CacheDatabase(scope, scope)); scope.clients.add('default'); scope.clients.getMock('default') !.queue.subscribe(msg => { mock.sendMessage(msg); }); mock.messages.subscribe(msg => { scope.handleMessage(msg, 'default'); }); mock.setupSw(); reg = await mock.mockRegistration; await Promise.all(scope.handleFetch(new MockRequest('/only.txt'), 'default')); await driver.initialized; }); async_it('communicates back and forth via update check', async() => { const update = new SwUpdate(comm); await update.checkForUpdate(); }); async_it('detects an actual update', async() => { const update = new SwUpdate(comm); scope.updateServerState(serverUpdate); const gotUpdateNotice = (async() => { const notice = await obsToSinglePromise(update.available); })(); await update.checkForUpdate(); await gotUpdateNotice; }); async_it('receives push message notifications', async() => { const push = new SwPush(comm); scope.updateServerState(serverUpdate); const gotPushNotice = (async() => { const message = await obsToSinglePromise(push.messages); expect(message).toEqual({ test: 'success', }); })(); await scope.handlePush({ test: 'success', }); await gotPushNotice; }); }); }