import { ComponentFixture, AsyncTestCompleter, TestComponentBuilder, beforeEach, ddescribe, xdescribe, describe, el, expect, iit, inject, beforeEachProviders, it, xit } from 'angular2/testing_internal'; import {Tree, TreeNode} from 'angular2/src/alt_router/segments'; export function main() { describe('tree', () => { it("should return the root of the tree", () => { let t = new Tree(new TreeNode(1, [])); expect(t.root).toEqual(1); }); it("should return the parent of a node", () => { let t = new Tree(new TreeNode(1, [new TreeNode(2, [])])); expect(t.parent(1)).toEqual(null); expect(t.parent(2)).toEqual(1); }); it("should return the children of a node", () => { let t = new Tree(new TreeNode(1, [new TreeNode(2, [])])); expect(t.children(1)).toEqual([2]); expect(t.children(2)).toEqual([]); }); it("should return the first child of a node", () => { let t = new Tree(new TreeNode(1, [new TreeNode(2, [])])); expect(t.firstChild(1)).toEqual(2); expect(t.firstChild(2)).toEqual(null); }); it("should return the path to the root", () => { let t = new Tree(new TreeNode(1, [new TreeNode(2, [])])); expect(t.pathFromRoot(2)).toEqual([1, 2]); }); }); }