const log = require('dgeni/lib/mocks/log')(false); const createDocMessage = require('dgeni-packages/base/services/createDocMessage')(); const computeStability = require('./computeStability')(log, createDocMessage); const testPackage = require('../../helpers/test-package'); const Dgeni = require('dgeni'); describe('computeStability processor', () => { it('should be available on the injector', () => { const dgeni = new Dgeni([testPackage('angular-api-package')]); const injector = dgeni.configureInjector(); const processor = injector.get('computeStability'); expect(processor.$process).toBeDefined(); }); it('should run before the correct processor', () => { expect(computeStability.$runBefore).toEqual(['rendering-docs']); }); it('should run after the correct processor', () => { expect(computeStability.$runAfter).toEqual(['tags-extracted']); }); it('should compute stability based on the existence of experimental and deprecated tags', () => { computeStability.docTypes = ['test']; const docs = [ { docType: 'test' }, { docType: 'test', experimental: undefined }, { docType: 'test', experimental: true }, { docType: 'test', experimental: '' }, { docType: 'test', deprecated: undefined }, { docType: 'test', deprecated: true }, { docType: 'test', deprecated: '' }, { docType: 'test', experimental: true, deprecated: true }, ]; computeStability.$process(docs); expect( => doc.stable)).toEqual([ true, true, undefined, undefined, true, undefined, undefined, undefined ]); }); it('should ignore docs that are not in the docTypes list', () => { computeStability.docTypes = ['test1', 'test2']; const docs = [ { docType: 'test1' }, { docType: 'test2' }, { docType: 'test3' }, { docType: 'test4' }, ]; computeStability.$process(docs); expect( => doc.stable)).toEqual([ true, true, undefined, undefined ]); }); it('should not ignore docs where `stable` has already been defined', () => { computeStability.docTypes = ['test']; const docs = [ { docType: 'test' }, { docType: 'test', stable: true }, { docType: 'test', stable: '' }, { docType: 'test', stable: undefined }, ]; computeStability.$process(docs); expect( => doc.stable)).toEqual([ true, true, '', true ]); }); });