import { AsyncTestCompleter, beforeEach, beforeEachBindings, ddescribe, describe, el, expect, iit, inject, it, xit, } from 'angular2/test_lib'; import {StyleInliner} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/style_inliner'; import {isBlank} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang'; import {Promise, PromiseWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/async'; import {Map, MapWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection'; import {XHR} from 'angular2/src/render/xhr'; import {bind} from 'angular2/di'; export function main() { describe('StyleInliner', () => { beforeEachBindings(() => [ bind(XHR) .toClass(FakeXHR), ]); describe('loading', () => { it('should return a string when there is no import statement', inject([StyleInliner], (inliner) => { var css = '.main {}'; var loadedCss = inliner.inlineImports(css, 'http://base'); expect(loadedCss).toEqual(css); })); it('should inline @import rules', inject([XHR, StyleInliner, AsyncTestCompleter], (xhr, inliner, async) => { xhr.reply('http://base/one.css', '.one {}'); var css = '@import url("one.css");.main {}'; var loadedCss = inliner.inlineImports(css, 'http://base'); expect(loadedCss).toBePromise(); PromiseWrapper.then(loadedCss, function(css) { expect(css).toEqual('.one {}\n.main {}'); async.done(); }, function(e) { throw 'fail;' }); })); it('should support url([unquoted url]) in @import rules', inject([XHR, StyleInliner, AsyncTestCompleter], (xhr, inliner, async) => { xhr.reply('http://base/one.css', '.one {}'); var css = '@import url(one.css);.main {}'; var loadedCss = inliner.inlineImports(css, 'http://base'); expect(loadedCss).toBePromise(); PromiseWrapper.then(loadedCss, function(css) { expect(css).toEqual('.one {}\n.main {}'); async.done(); }, function(e) { throw 'fail;' }); })); it('should handle @import error gracefuly', inject([StyleInliner, AsyncTestCompleter], (inliner, async) => { var css = '@import "one.css";.main {}'; var loadedCss = inliner.inlineImports(css, 'http://base'); expect(loadedCss).toBePromise(); PromiseWrapper.then( loadedCss, function(css) { expect(css).toEqual('/* failed to import http://base/one.css */\n.main {}'); async.done(); }, function(e) { throw 'fail;' }); })); it('should inline multiple @import rules', inject([XHR, StyleInliner, AsyncTestCompleter], (xhr, inliner, async) => { xhr.reply('http://base/one.css', '.one {}'); xhr.reply('http://base/two.css', '.two {}'); var css = '@import "one.css";@import "two.css";.main {}'; var loadedCss = inliner.inlineImports(css, 'http://base'); expect(loadedCss).toBePromise(); PromiseWrapper.then(loadedCss, function(css) { expect(css).toEqual('.one {}\n.two {}\n.main {}'); async.done(); }, function(e) { throw 'fail;' }); })); it('should inline nested @import rules', inject([XHR, StyleInliner, AsyncTestCompleter], (xhr, inliner, async) => { xhr.reply('http://base/one.css', '@import "two.css";.one {}'); xhr.reply('http://base/two.css', '.two {}'); var css = '@import "one.css";.main {}'; var loadedCss = inliner.inlineImports(css, 'http://base/'); expect(loadedCss).toBePromise(); PromiseWrapper.then(loadedCss, function(css) { expect(css).toEqual('.two {}\ {}\n.main {}'); async.done(); }, function(e) { throw 'fail;' }); })); it('should handle circular dependencies gracefuly', inject([XHR, StyleInliner, AsyncTestCompleter], (xhr, inliner, async) => { xhr.reply('http://base/one.css', '@import "two.css";.one {}'); xhr.reply('http://base/two.css', '@import "one.css";.two {}'); var css = '@import "one.css";.main {}'; var loadedCss = inliner.inlineImports(css, 'http://base/'); expect(loadedCss).toBePromise(); PromiseWrapper.then(loadedCss, function(css) { expect(css).toEqual('.two {}\ {}\n.main {}'); async.done(); }, function(e) { throw 'fail;' }); })); it('should handle invalid @import fracefuly', inject([StyleInliner, AsyncTestCompleter], (inliner, async) => { // Invalid rule: the url is not quoted var css = '@import one.css;.main {}'; var loadedCss = inliner.inlineImports(css, 'http://base/'); expect(loadedCss).toBePromise(); PromiseWrapper.then( loadedCss, function(css) { expect(css).toEqual('/* Invalid import rule: "@import one.css;" */.main {}'); async.done(); }, function(e) { throw 'fail;' }); })); }); describe('media query', () => { it('should wrap inlined content in media query', inject([XHR, StyleInliner, AsyncTestCompleter], (xhr, inliner, async) => { xhr.reply('http://base/one.css', '.one {}'); var css = '@import "one.css" (min-width: 700px) and (orientation: landscape);'; var loadedCss = inliner.inlineImports(css, 'http://base/'); expect(loadedCss).toBePromise(); PromiseWrapper.then( loadedCss, function(css) { expect(css).toEqual( '@media (min-width: 700px) and (orientation: landscape) {\ {}\n}\n'); async.done(); }, function(e) { throw 'fail;' }); })); }); describe('url rewritting', () => { it('should rewrite url in inlined content', inject([XHR, StyleInliner, AsyncTestCompleter], (xhr, inliner, async) => { // it should rewrite both '@import' and 'url()' xhr.reply('http://base/one.css', '@import "./nested/two.css";.one {background-image: url("one.jpg");}'); xhr.reply('http://base/nested/two.css', '.two {background-image: url("../img/two.jpg");}'); var css = '@import "one.css";'; var loadedCss = inliner.inlineImports(css, 'http://base/'); expect(loadedCss).toBePromise(); PromiseWrapper.then( loadedCss, function(css) { expect(css).toEqual(".two {background-image: url('http://base/img/two.jpg');}\n" + ".one {background-image: url('http://base/one.jpg');}\n"); async.done(); }, function(e) { throw 'fail;' }); })); }); }); } class FakeXHR extends XHR { _responses: Map; constructor() { super(); this._responses = new Map(); } get(url: string): Promise { var response = this._responses.get(url); if (isBlank(response)) { return PromiseWrapper.reject('xhr error', null); } return PromiseWrapper.resolve(response); } reply(url: string, response: string) { this._responses.set(url, response); } }