include ../_util-fns :marked # It Takes Many Heroes # 需要多个英雄 Our story needs more heroes. We’ll expand our Tour of Heroes app to display a list of heroes, allow the user to select a hero, and display the hero’s details. 我们的故事需要更多的英雄了。我们将扩展这个《英雄指南》,来显示一个英雄列表,允许用户选择一个英雄,并且显示英雄的详情。 p Run the #[+liveExampleLink2('', 'toh-2')] for this part. p 运行这部分的#[+liveExampleLink2('在线例子', 'toh-2')]。 :marked Let’s take stock of what we’ll need to display a list of heroes. First, we need a list of heroes. We want to display those heroes in the view’s template, so we’ll need a way to do that. 我们来盘点一下显示英雄列表都需要些什么。 首先,我们需要一份英雄列表数据。我们还要把这些英雄显示到一个视图的模板中,所以,我们需要用某种途径来做到这一点。 .l-main-section :marked ## Where We Left Off ## 我们在哪儿 Before we continue with Part 2 of the Tour of Heroes, let’s verify we have the following structure after [Part 1](./toh-pt1.html). If not, we’ll need to go back to Part 1 and figure out what we missed. 在继续《英雄指南》的第二部分之前,先来检查一下,完成[第一部分](./toh-pt1.html)之后,你是否已经有了如下目录结构。如果没有,你得先回到第一部分,看看错过了哪里。 .filetree .file angular2-tour-of-heroes .children .file app .children .file app.component.ts .file main.ts .file node_modules ... .file typings ... .file index.html .file package.json .file styles.css .file systemjs.config.js .file tsconfig.json .file typings.json :marked ### Keep the app transpiling and running ### 让应用代码保持转译和运行 We want to start the TypeScript compiler, have it watch for changes, and start our server. We'll do this by typing 我们要启动TypeScript编译器,它会监视文件变更,并启动开发服务器。我们只要敲: code-example(language="bash"). npm start :marked This will keep the application running while we continue to build the Tour of Heroes. 这个命令会在我们构建《英雄指南》的时候让应用得以持续运行。 .l-main-section :marked ## Displaying Our Heroes ## 显示我们的英雄 ### Creating heroes ### 创建英雄 Let’s create an array of ten heroes at the bottom of `app.component.ts`. 我们先在`app.component.ts`的底部创建一个由十位英雄组成的数组。 +makeExample('toh-2/ts/app/app.component.ts', 'hero-array', 'app.component.ts (hero array)') :marked The `HEROES` array is of type `Hero`, the class defined in part one, to create an array of heroes. We aspire to fetch this list of heroes from a web service, but let’s take small steps first and display mock heroes. `HEROES`变量是一个由`Hero`类的实例构成的数组,我们在第一部分定义过它。 我们当然希望从一个Web服务中获取这个英雄列表,但别急,我们得把步子迈得小一点儿 —— 先用一组Mock(模拟)出来的英雄。 ### Exposing heroes ### 导出英雄们 Let’s create a public property in `AppComponent` that exposes the heroes for binding. 我们在`AppComponent`上创建一个公开属性,用来暴露这些英雄,以供绑定。 +makeExample('toh-2/ts-snippets/app.component.snippets.pt2.ts', 'hero-array-1', 'app.component.ts (hero array property)') :marked We did not have to define the `heroes` type. TypeScript can infer it from the `HEROES` array. 我们并不需要明确定义`heroes`属性的数据类型,TypeScript能从`HEROES`数组中推断出来。 .l-sub-section :marked We could have defined the heroes list here in this component class. But we know that ultimately we’ll get the heroes from a data service. Because we know where we are heading, it makes sense to separate the hero data from the class implementation from the start. 我们已经把英雄列表定义在了这个组件类中。 但显然,我们最终还是得从一个数据服务中获取这些英雄。 正因如此,我们从一开始就要有意识的把英雄数据隔离到一个类中来实现。 :marked ### Displaying heroes in a template ### 在一个模板中显示英雄 Our component has `heroes`. Let’s create an unordered list in our template to display them. We’ll insert the following chunk of HTML below the title and above the hero details. 我们的组件有了`heroes`属性,我们再到模板中创建一个无序列表来显示他们。 我们将在标题和英雄详情之间,插入下面这段HTML代码。 +makeExample('toh-2/ts-snippets/app.component.snippets.pt2.ts', 'heroes-template-1', 'app.component.ts (heroes template)') :marked Now we have a template that we can fill with our heroes. 现在,我们有了一个模板。接下来,就用英雄们的数据来填充它。 ### Listing heroes with ngFor ### 通过ngFor来显示英雄列表 We want to bind the array of `heroes` in our component to our template, iterate over them, and display them individually. We’ll need some help from Angular to do this. Let’s do this step by step. 我们想要把组件中的`heroes`数组绑定到模板中,迭代并逐个儿显示他们。 这下,我们就得借Angular的帮助来完成它了。我们来一步步儿实现它! First modify the `
  • ` tag by adding the built-in directive `*ngFor`. 首先,修改`
  • `标签,往上添加内建指令:`*ngFor`。 +makeExample('toh-2/ts-snippets/app.component.snippets.pt2.ts', 'heroes-ngfor-1', 'app.component.ts (ngFor)') :marked The leading asterisk (`*`) in front of `ngFor` is a critical part of this syntax. `ngFor`的前导星号(`*`)是此语法的重要组成部分。 .l-sub-section :marked The (`*`) prefix to `ngFor` indicates that the `
  • ` element and its children constitute a master template. `ngFor`的`*`前缀表示`
  • `及其子元素组成了一个主控模板。 The `ngFor` directive iterates over the `heroes` array returned by the `AppComponent.heroes` property and stamps out instances of this template. `ngFor`指令在`AppComponent.heroes`属性返回的`heroes`数组上迭代,并输出此模板的实例。 The quoted text assigned to `ngFor` means “*take each hero in the `heroes` array, store it in the local `hero` variable, and make it available to the corresponding template instance*”. 引号中赋值给`ngFor`的那段儿文本表示“*从`heroes`数组中取出每个英雄,存入一个局部的`hero`变量,并让它在相应的模板实例中可用*”。 The `let` keyword before "hero" identifies `hero` as a template input variable. We can reference this variable within the template to access a hero’s properties. `hero`前的`let`关键字表示`hero`是一个模板输入变量。 在模板中,我们可以引用这个变量来访问一位英雄的属性。 Learn more about `ngFor` and template input variables in the [Displaying Data](../guide/displaying-data.html#ngFor) and [Template Syntax](../guide/template-syntax.html#ngFor) chapters. 要学习更多关于`ngFor`和模板输入变量的知识,参见[显示数据](../guide/displaying-data.html#ngFor)和 [模板语法](../guide/template-syntax.html#ngFor)两章。 :marked Now we insert some content between the `
  • ` tags that uses the `hero` template variable to display the hero’s properties. 现在,我们在`
  • `标签中插入一些内容,以便使用模板变量`hero`来显示英雄的属性。 +makeExample('toh-2/ts-snippets/app.component.snippets.pt2.ts', 'ng-for', 'app.component.ts (ngFor模板)')(format=".") :marked When the browser refreshes, we see a list of heroes! 当浏览器刷新时,我们就看到了英雄列表。 ### Styling our heroes ### 给我们的英雄们“美容” Our list of heroes looks pretty bland. We want to make it visually obvious to a user which hero we are hovering over and which hero is selected. 我们的英雄列表看起来实在是稀松平常。 但当用户的鼠标划过英雄或选中了一个英雄时,我们得让他/她看起来醒目一点。 Let’s add some styles to our component by setting the `styles` property on the `@Component` decorator to the following CSS classes: 要想给我们的组件添加一些样式,请把`@Component`装饰器的`styles`属性设置为下列CSS类: +makeExample('toh-2/ts/app/app.component.ts', 'styles', 'app.component.ts (styles)')(format=".") :marked Notice that we again use the back-tick notation for multi-line strings. 注意,我们又使用了反引号语法来书写多行字符串。 That's a lot of styles! We can put them inline as shown here, or we can move them out to their own file which will make it easier to code our component. We'll do this in a later chapter. For now let's keep rolling. When we assign styles to a component they are scoped to that specific component. Our styles will only apply to our `AppComponent` and won't "leak" to the outer HTML. 当我们把样式赋予一个组件时,它们的作用范围将仅限于该组件。 即:此样式只会作用于这个`AppComponent`组件,而不会“泄露”到外部HTML中。 Our template for displaying the heroes should now look like this: 用于显示英雄们的这个模板看起来像这样: +makeExample('toh-2/ts-snippets/app.component.snippets.pt2.ts', 'heroes-styled', 'app.component.ts (styled heroes)') .l-main-section :marked ## Selecting a Hero ## 选择英雄 We have a list of heroes and we have a single hero displayed in our app. The list and the single hero are not connected in any way. We want the user to select a hero from our list, and have the selected hero appear in the details view. This UI pattern is widely known as "master-detail". In our case, the master is the heroes list and the detail is the selected hero. 在我们的应用中,已经有了英雄列表页以及一个单独的英雄显示页。 但列表和单独的英雄之间还没有任何关联。 我们希望用户在列表中选中一个英雄,然后让这个被选中的英雄出现在详情视图中。 这种UI布局模式,通常被称为“主从式”。 在这个例子中,主视图是英雄列表,从视图则是被选中的英雄。 Let’s connect the master to the detail through a `selectedHero` component property bound to a click event. 我们通过组件中的一个`selectedHero`属性来连接主从视图。它被绑定到了click事件上。 ### Click event ### click事件 We modify the `
  • ` by inserting an Angular event binding to its click event. 我们往`
  • `元素上插入一句Angular事件绑定代码,绑定到它的click事件。 +makeExample('toh-2/ts-snippets/app.component.snippets.pt2.ts', 'selectedHero-click', 'app.component.ts (template excerpt)') :marked Focus on the event binding 事件绑定详解 code-example(format="." language="bash"). (click)="onSelect(hero)" :marked The parenthesis identify the `
  • ` element’s `click` event as the target. The expression to the right of the equal sign calls the `AppComponent` method, `onSelect()`, passing the template input variable `hero` as an argument. That’s the same `hero` variable we defined previously in the `ngFor`. 圆括号表示`
  • `元素上的`click`事件就是我们要绑定的目标。 等号右边的表达式调用`AppComponent`的`onSelect()`方法,并把模板输入变量`hero`作为参数传进去。 它和我们前面在`ngFor`中定义的`hero`变量是同一个。 .l-sub-section :marked Learn more about Event Binding in the [User Input](../guide/user-input.html) and [Templating Syntax](../guide/template-syntax.html#event-binding) chapters. 要学习关于事件绑定的更多知识,参见: [用户输入](../guide/user-input.html) 和 [模板语法](../guide/template-syntax.html#event-binding)两章。 :marked ### Add the click handler ### 添加click事件处理器 Our event binding refers to an `onSelect` method that doesn’t exist yet. We’ll add that method to our component now. 我们的事件绑定引用了`onSelect`方法,但它还不存在。 我们现在就把它添加到组件上。 What should that method do? It should set the component’s selected hero to the hero that the user clicked. 这个方法该做什么?它应该把组件中被选中的英雄设置为用户刚刚点击的那个。 Our component doesn’t have a “selected hero” yet either. We’ll start there. 我们的组件还没有用来表示“当前选中的英雄”的变量,我们就从这一步儿开始。 ### Expose the selected hero ### 导出“当前选中的英雄” We no longer need the static `hero` property of the `AppComponent`. **Replace** it with this simple `selectedHero` property: 在`AppComponent`上,我们不再需要一个固定的`hero`属性。 那就直接把它改为`selectedHero`属性。 +makeExample('toh-2/ts/app/app.component.ts', 'selected-hero', 'app.component.ts (selectedHero)') :marked We’ve decided that none of the heroes should be selected before the user picks a hero so we won’t initialize the `selectedHero` as we were doing with `hero`. 我们已决定:在用户选取之前,不会默认选择任何英雄,所以,我们不用像`hero`一样去初始化`selectedHero`变量。 Now **add an `onSelect` method** that sets the `selectedHero` property to the `hero` the user clicked. 现在,**添加一个`onSelect`方法**,以便在用户点击一个英雄的时候,把它赋给`selectedHero`属性。 +makeExample('toh-2/ts/app/app.component.ts', 'on-select', 'app.component.ts (onSelect)') :marked We will be showing the selected hero's details in our template. At the moment, it is still referring to the old `hero` property. Let’s fix the template to bind to the new `selectedHero` property. 我们将把所选英雄的详细信息显示在模板中。目前,它仍然引用的是以前的`hero`属性。 我们这就修改模板,让它绑定到新的`selectedHero`属性上去。 +makeExample('toh-2/ts-snippets/app.component.snippets.pt2.ts', 'selectedHero-details', 'app.component.ts (template excerpt)') :marked ### Hide the empty detail with ngIf ### 利用ngIf隐藏空的详情 When our app loads we see a list of heroes, but a hero is not selected. The `selectedHero` is `undefined`. That’s why we'll see the following error in the browser’s console: 当应用刚加载时,我们会看到一个英雄列表,但还没有任何英雄被选中。 `selectedHero`属性是`undefined`。 因此,我们会看到浏览器控制台中出现下列错误: code-example(language="html"). EXCEPTION: TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined in [null] :marked Remember that we are displaying `` in the template. This name property does not exist because `selectedHero` itself is undefined. 记住,我们要在模板中显示的是``。 显然,这个name属性是不存在的,因为`selectedHero`本身还是`undefined`呢。 We'll address this problem by keeping the hero detail out of the DOM until there is a selected hero. 要处理这个问题,我们可以先让英雄详情不要出现在DOM中 —— 直到有英雄被选中。 We wrap the HTML hero detail content of our template with a `
    `. Then we add the `ngIf` built-in directive and set it to the `selectedHero` property of our component. 我们把模板中的“英雄详情”内容区用div包裹起来。然后往上添加一个`ngIf`内建指令,然后把`ngIf`的值设置为本组件的`selectedHero`属性。 +makeExample('toh-2/ts-snippets/app.component.snippets.pt2.ts', 'ng-if', 'app.component.ts (ngIf)') :marked Remember that the leading asterisk (`*`) in front of `ngIf` is a critical part of this syntax. 记住,`ngIf`前面的星号(`*`)是语法中的重要组成部分。 :marked When there is no `selectedHero`, the `ngIf` directive removes the hero detail HTML from the DOM. There will be no hero detail elements and no bindings to worry about. 当没有`selectedHero`时,`ngIf`指令会从DOM中移除表示英雄详情的这段HTML。 没有了表示英雄详情的元素,也就不用担心绑定问题。 When the user picks a hero, `selectedHero` becomes "truthy" and `ngIf` puts the hero detail content into the DOM and evaluates the nested bindings. 当用户选取了一个英雄,`selectedHero`变成了真值,于是`ngIf`把“英雄详情”加回DOM中,并且计算它所嵌套的各种绑定。 .l-sub-section :marked `ngIf` and `ngFor` are called “structural directives” because they can change the structure of portions of the DOM. In other words, they give structure to the way Angular displays content in the DOM. `ngIf`和`ngFor`被称为“结构型指令”,因为它们可以修改DOM的部分结构。 换句话说,它们让Angular在DOM中显示内容的方式结构化了。 Learn more about `ngIf`, `ngFor` and other structural directives in the [Structural Directives](../guide/structural-directives.html) and [Template Syntax](../guide/template-syntax.html#directives) chapters. 要了解更多`ngIf`,`ngFor`和其它结构型指令,请参阅: [结构型指令](../guide/structural-directives.html)和 [模板语法](../guide/template-syntax.html#directives)章节。 :marked The browser refreshes and we see the list of heroes but not the selected hero detail. The `ngIf` keeps it out of the DOM as long as the `selectedHero` is undefined. When we click on a hero in the list, the selected hero displays in the hero details. Everything is working as we expect. 浏览器刷新了,我们看到了一个英雄列表,但是还没有选中的英雄详情。 当`selectedHero`是`undefined`时,`ngIf`会保证英雄详情不出现在DOM中。 当我们从列表中点击一个英雄时,选中的英雄被显示在英雄详情里。 正如我们所预期的那样。 ### Styling the selection ### 给所选英雄添加样式 We see the selected hero in the details area below but we can’t quickly locate that hero in the list above. We can fix that by applying the `selected` CSS class to the appropriate `
  • ` in the master list. For example, when we select Magneta from the heroes list, we can make it pop out visually by giving it a subtle background color as shown here. 我们在下面的详情区看到了选中的英雄,但是我们还是没法在上面的列表区快速的找到这位英雄。 通过把CSS类`selected`添加到主列表的`
  • `元素上,我们可以解决这个问题。 比如,当我们在列表区选中了Magneta时,我们可以通过设置一个轻微的背景色来让他略显突出。 figure.image-display img(src='/resources/images/devguide/toh/heroes-list-selected.png' alt="选中的英雄") :marked We’ll add a property binding on `class` for the `selected` class to the template. We'll set this to an expression that compares the current `selectedHero` to the `hero`. 我们将通过一个在`class`属性上的绑定,来把`selected`类添加到模板上。我们把这个绑定表达式设置为`selectedHero`和`hero`的比较结果, The key is the name of the CSS class (`selected`). The value is `true` if the two heroes match and `false` otherwise. We’re saying “*apply the `selected` class if the heroes match, remove it if they don’t*”. 关键是CSS类的名字:`selected`。当两位英雄一致时,它为`true`,否则为`false`。 也就是说:“*当两位英雄匹配时,应用上`selected`类,否则不应用*”。 +makeExample('toh-2/ts-snippets/app.component.snippets.pt2.ts', 'class-selected-1', 'app.component.ts (setting the CSS class)')(format=".") :marked Notice in the template that the `class.selected` is surrounded in square brackets (`[]`). This is the syntax for a **property binding**, a binding in which data flows one way from the data source (the expression `hero === selectedHero`) to a property of `class`. 注意,模板中的`class.selected`是括在一对方括号中的。 这就是“属性绑定”的语法,一种从数据源(即`hero === selectedHero`表达式)到`class`属性的单向数据流。 +makeExample('toh-2/ts-snippets/app.component.snippets.pt2.ts', 'class-selected-2', 'app.component.ts (styling each hero)')(format=".") .l-sub-section :marked Learn more about [property bindings](../guide/template-syntax.html#property-binding) in the Template Syntax chapter. 学习关于[属性绑定](../guide/template-syntax.html#property-binding) 的更多知识,参见“模板语法”一章。 :marked The browser reloads our app. We select the hero Magneta and the selection is clearly identified by the background color. 浏览器重新加载了你的应用。 我们选中英雄Magneta,于是他通过背景色的变化被清晰的标记了出来。 figure.image-display img(src='/resources/images/devguide/toh/heroes-list-1.png' alt="英雄列表应用的输出") :marked We select a different hero and the tell-tale color switches to that hero. 我们选择了另一个英雄,于是色标也跟着移到了这位英雄上。 Here's the complete `app.component.ts` as it stands now: 完整的`app.component.ts`文件如下: +makeExample('toh-2/ts/app/app.component.ts', '', 'app.component.ts') .l-main-section :marked ## The Road We’ve Travelled ## 已走的路 Here’s what we achieved in this chapter: 在本章中,我们达成了这些: * Our Tour of Heroes now displays a list of selectable heroes * 我们的《英雄指南》现在显示一个可选英雄的列表 * We added the ability to select a hero and show the hero’s details * 我们添加了选择英雄的能力,并且会显示这个英雄的详情 * We learned how to use the built-in directives `ngIf` and `ngFor` in a component’s template * 我们学会了如何在组件模板中使用内建的`ngIf`和`ngFor`指令 p Run the #[+liveExampleLink2('', 'toh-2')] for this part. p 运行这部分的#[+liveExampleLink2('在线例子', 'toh-2')]。 :marked ### The Road Ahead ### 前方的路 Our Tour of Heroes has grown, but it’s far from complete. We can't put the entire app into a single component. We need to break it up into sub-components and teach them to work together as we learn in the [next chapter](toh-pt3.html). 我们的《英雄指南》长大了,但还远远不够完善。 我们显然不能把整个应用都放进一个组件中。 我们需要把它拆分成一系列子组件,然后教它们协同工作 —— 就像我们将在[下一章](toh-pt3.html)学到的那样。