/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import * as ts from 'typescript'; import {ErrorCode, makeDiagnostic} from '../../../src/ngtsc/diagnostics'; import {AbsoluteFsPath, absoluteFrom} from '../../../src/ngtsc/file_system'; import {runInEachFileSystem} from '../../../src/ngtsc/file_system/testing'; import {ClassDeclaration, Decorator} from '../../../src/ngtsc/reflection'; import {AnalysisOutput, CompileResult, DecoratorHandler, DetectResult, HandlerPrecedence} from '../../../src/ngtsc/transform'; import {DefaultMigrationHost} from '../../src/analysis/migration_host'; import {AnalyzedClass, AnalyzedFile} from '../../src/analysis/types'; import {NgccClassSymbol} from '../../src/host/ngcc_host'; import {createComponentDecorator} from '../../src/migrations/utils'; runInEachFileSystem(() => { describe('DefaultMigrationHost', () => { let _: typeof absoluteFrom; let entryPointPath: AbsoluteFsPath; let mockHost: any; let mockMetadata: any = {}; let mockEvaluator: any = {}; let mockClazz: any; let mockDecorator: any = {name: 'MockDecorator'}; let diagnosticHandler = () => {}; beforeEach(() => { _ = absoluteFrom; entryPointPath = _('/node_modules/some-package/entry-point'); mockHost = { getClassSymbol: (node: any): NgccClassSymbol | undefined => { const symbol = { valueDeclaration: node, name: node.name.text } as any; return { name: node.name.text, declaration: symbol, implementation: symbol, }; }, }; const mockSourceFile: any = { fileName: _('/node_modules/some-package/entry-point/test-file.js'), }; mockClazz = { name: {text: 'MockClazz'}, getSourceFile: () => mockSourceFile, }; }); describe('injectSyntheticDecorator()', () => { it('should call `detect()` on each of the provided handlers', () => { const log: string[] = []; const handler1 = new TestHandler('handler1', log); const handler2 = new TestHandler('handler2', log); const host = new DefaultMigrationHost( mockHost, mockMetadata, mockEvaluator, [handler1, handler2], entryPointPath, [], diagnosticHandler); host.injectSyntheticDecorator(mockClazz, mockDecorator); expect(log).toEqual([ `handler1:detect:MockClazz:MockDecorator`, `handler2:detect:MockClazz:MockDecorator`, ]); }); it('should call `analyze()` on each of the provided handlers whose `detect()` call returns a result', () => { const log: string[] = []; const handler1 = new TestHandler('handler1', log); const handler2 = new AlwaysDetectHandler('handler2', log); const handler3 = new TestHandler('handler3', log); const host = new DefaultMigrationHost( mockHost, mockMetadata, mockEvaluator, [handler1, handler2, handler3], entryPointPath, [], diagnosticHandler); host.injectSyntheticDecorator(mockClazz, mockDecorator); expect(log).toEqual([ `handler1:detect:MockClazz:MockDecorator`, `handler2:detect:MockClazz:MockDecorator`, `handler3:detect:MockClazz:MockDecorator`, 'handler2:analyze:MockClazz', ]); }); it('should add a newly `AnalyzedFile` to the `analyzedFiles` object', () => { const log: string[] = []; const handler = new AlwaysDetectHandler('handler', log); const analyzedFiles: AnalyzedFile[] = []; const host = new DefaultMigrationHost( mockHost, mockMetadata, mockEvaluator, [handler], entryPointPath, analyzedFiles, diagnosticHandler); host.injectSyntheticDecorator(mockClazz, mockDecorator); expect(analyzedFiles.length).toEqual(1); expect(analyzedFiles[0].analyzedClasses.length).toEqual(1); expect(analyzedFiles[0].analyzedClasses[0].name).toEqual('MockClazz'); }); it('should add a newly `AnalyzedClass` to an existing `AnalyzedFile` object', () => { const DUMMY_CLASS_1: any = {}; const DUMMY_CLASS_2: any = {}; const log: string[] = []; const handler = new AlwaysDetectHandler('handler', log); const analyzedFiles: AnalyzedFile[] = [{ sourceFile: mockClazz.getSourceFile(), analyzedClasses: [DUMMY_CLASS_1, DUMMY_CLASS_2], }]; const host = new DefaultMigrationHost( mockHost, mockMetadata, mockEvaluator, [handler], entryPointPath, analyzedFiles, diagnosticHandler); host.injectSyntheticDecorator(mockClazz, mockDecorator); expect(analyzedFiles.length).toEqual(1); expect(analyzedFiles[0].analyzedClasses.length).toEqual(3); expect(analyzedFiles[0].analyzedClasses[2].name).toEqual('MockClazz'); }); it('should add a new decorator into an already existing `AnalyzedClass`', () => { const analyzedClass: AnalyzedClass = { name: 'MockClazz', declaration: mockClazz, matches: [], decorators: null, }; const log: string[] = []; const handler = new AlwaysDetectHandler('handler', log); const analyzedFiles: AnalyzedFile[] = [{ sourceFile: mockClazz.getSourceFile(), analyzedClasses: [analyzedClass], }]; const host = new DefaultMigrationHost( mockHost, mockMetadata, mockEvaluator, [handler], entryPointPath, analyzedFiles, diagnosticHandler); host.injectSyntheticDecorator(mockClazz, mockDecorator); expect(analyzedFiles.length).toEqual(1); expect(analyzedFiles[0].analyzedClasses.length).toEqual(1); expect(analyzedFiles[0].analyzedClasses[0]).toBe(analyzedClass); expect(analyzedClass.decorators !.length).toEqual(1); expect(analyzedClass.decorators ![0].name).toEqual('MockDecorator'); }); it('should merge a new decorator into pre-existing decorators an already existing `AnalyzedClass`', () => { const analyzedClass: AnalyzedClass = { name: 'MockClazz', declaration: mockClazz, matches: [], decorators: [{name: 'OtherDecorator'} as Decorator], }; const log: string[] = []; const handler = new AlwaysDetectHandler('handler', log); const analyzedFiles: AnalyzedFile[] = [{ sourceFile: mockClazz.getSourceFile(), analyzedClasses: [analyzedClass], }]; const host = new DefaultMigrationHost( mockHost, mockMetadata, mockEvaluator, [handler], entryPointPath, analyzedFiles, diagnosticHandler); host.injectSyntheticDecorator(mockClazz, mockDecorator); expect(analyzedFiles.length).toEqual(1); expect(analyzedFiles[0].analyzedClasses.length).toEqual(1); expect(analyzedFiles[0].analyzedClasses[0]).toBe(analyzedClass); expect(analyzedClass.decorators !.length).toEqual(2); expect(analyzedClass.decorators ![1].name).toEqual('MockDecorator'); }); it('should throw an error if the injected decorator already exists', () => { const analyzedClass: AnalyzedClass = { name: 'MockClazz', declaration: mockClazz, matches: [], decorators: [{name: 'MockDecorator'} as Decorator], }; const log: string[] = []; const handler = new AlwaysDetectHandler('handler', log); const analyzedFiles: AnalyzedFile[] = [{ sourceFile: mockClazz.getSourceFile(), analyzedClasses: [analyzedClass], }]; const host = new DefaultMigrationHost( mockHost, mockMetadata, mockEvaluator, [handler], entryPointPath, analyzedFiles, diagnosticHandler); expect(() => host.injectSyntheticDecorator(mockClazz, mockDecorator)) .toThrow(jasmine.objectContaining( {code: ErrorCode.NGCC_MIGRATION_DECORATOR_INJECTION_ERROR})); }); it('should report diagnostics from handlers', () => { const log: string[] = []; const handler = new DiagnosticProducingHandler('handler', log); const analyzedFiles: AnalyzedFile[] = []; const diagnostics: ts.Diagnostic[] = []; const host = new DefaultMigrationHost( mockHost, mockMetadata, mockEvaluator, [handler], entryPointPath, analyzedFiles, diagnostic => diagnostics.push(diagnostic)); mockClazz.getStart = () => 0; mockClazz.getWidth = () => 0; const decorator = createComponentDecorator(mockClazz, {selector: 'comp', exportAs: null}); host.injectSyntheticDecorator(mockClazz, decorator); expect(diagnostics.length).toBe(1); expect(ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diagnostics[0].messageText, '\n')) .toEqual( `test diagnostic\n` + ` Occurs for @Component decorator inserted by an automatic migration\n` + ` @Component({ template: "", selector: "comp" })`); }); }); describe('getAllDecorators', () => { it('should be null for unknown source files', () => { const log: string[] = []; const handler = new AlwaysDetectHandler('handler', log); const analyzedFiles: AnalyzedFile[] = []; const host = new DefaultMigrationHost( mockHost, mockMetadata, mockEvaluator, [handler], entryPointPath, analyzedFiles, diagnosticHandler); const decorators = host.getAllDecorators(mockClazz); expect(decorators).toBeNull(); }); it('should be null for unknown classes', () => { const log: string[] = []; const handler = new AlwaysDetectHandler('handler', log); const analyzedFiles: AnalyzedFile[] = []; const host = new DefaultMigrationHost( mockHost, mockMetadata, mockEvaluator, [handler], entryPointPath, analyzedFiles, diagnosticHandler); const sourceFile: any = {}; const unrelatedClass: any = { getSourceFile: () => sourceFile, }; analyzedFiles.push({sourceFile, analyzedClasses: [unrelatedClass]}); const decorators = host.getAllDecorators(mockClazz); expect(decorators).toBeNull(); }); it('should include injected decorators', () => { const log: string[] = []; const handler = new AlwaysDetectHandler('handler', log); const existingDecorator = { name: 'ExistingDecorator' } as Decorator; const analyzedClass: AnalyzedClass = { name: 'MockClazz', declaration: mockClazz, matches: [], decorators: [existingDecorator], }; const analyzedFiles: AnalyzedFile[] = [{ sourceFile: mockClazz.getSourceFile(), analyzedClasses: [analyzedClass], }]; const host = new DefaultMigrationHost( mockHost, mockMetadata, mockEvaluator, [handler], entryPointPath, analyzedFiles, diagnosticHandler); host.injectSyntheticDecorator(mockClazz, mockDecorator); const decorators = host.getAllDecorators(mockClazz) !; expect(decorators.length).toBe(2); expect(decorators[0]).toBe(existingDecorator); expect(decorators[1]).toBe(mockDecorator); }); }); describe('isInScope', () => { it('should be true for nodes within the entry-point', () => { const analyzedFiles: AnalyzedFile[] = []; const host = new DefaultMigrationHost( mockHost, mockMetadata, mockEvaluator, [], entryPointPath, analyzedFiles, diagnosticHandler); const sourceFile: any = { fileName: _('/node_modules/some-package/entry-point/relative.js'), }; const clazz: any = { getSourceFile: () => sourceFile, }; expect(host.isInScope(clazz)).toBe(true); }); it('should be false for nodes outside the entry-point', () => { const analyzedFiles: AnalyzedFile[] = []; const host = new DefaultMigrationHost( mockHost, mockMetadata, mockEvaluator, [], entryPointPath, analyzedFiles, diagnosticHandler); const sourceFile: any = { fileName: _('/node_modules/some-package/other-entry/index.js'), }; const clazz: any = { getSourceFile: () => sourceFile, }; expect(host.isInScope(clazz)).toBe(false); }); }); }); }); class TestHandler implements DecoratorHandler { constructor(readonly name: string, protected log: string[]) {} precedence = HandlerPrecedence.PRIMARY; detect(node: ClassDeclaration, decorators: Decorator[]|null): DetectResult|undefined { this.log.push(`${this.name}:detect:${node.name.text}:${decorators !.map(d => d.name)}`); return undefined; } analyze(node: ClassDeclaration): AnalysisOutput { this.log.push(this.name + ':analyze:' + node.name.text); return {}; } compile(node: ClassDeclaration): CompileResult|CompileResult[] { this.log.push(this.name + ':compile:' + node.name.text); return []; } } class AlwaysDetectHandler extends TestHandler { detect(node: ClassDeclaration, decorators: Decorator[]|null): DetectResult|undefined { super.detect(node, decorators); return {trigger: node, metadata: {}}; } } class DiagnosticProducingHandler extends AlwaysDetectHandler { analyze(node: ClassDeclaration): AnalysisOutput { super.analyze(node); return {diagnostics: [makeDiagnostic(9999, node, 'test diagnostic')]}; } }