//- Mixins and associated functions //- _docsFor: used to identify the language this version of the docs if for; //- Should be one of: 'ts', 'dart' or 'js'. Set in lang specific _util-fns file. - var _docsFor = ''; //- Should match `_docsFor`, but in this case provides the full capitalized //- name of the language. - var _Lang = 'TypeScript'; //- Simple "macros" used via interpolation in text: //- e.g., the #{_priv}el variable has an `@Input` #{_decorator}. //- Use #{_decorator} whereever the word "decorator" is expected, provided it is not //- preceded by the article "a". (E.g., will be "annotation" for Dart) - var _decorator = 'decorator'; //- Articles (which toggle between 'a' and 'an'). Used for, e.g., //- array vs. list; decorator vs. annotation. - var _a = 'a'; - var _an = 'an'; //- TS arrays vs. Dart lists - var _Array = 'Array'; - var _array = 'array'; //- Promise vs. Future, etc - var _Promise = 'Promise'; - var _PromiseUrl = 'https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise'; - var _PromiseLinked = '' + _Promise + ''; - var _Observable = 'Observable'; //- Directories & folders - var _appDir = 'app'; - var _indexHtmlDir = 'project root'; - var _mainDir = _appDir; //- Location of sample code - var _liveLink = 'live link'; //- NgModule related - var _AppModuleVsAppComp = 'AppModule' - var _appModuleTsVsAppCompTs = 'app/app.module.ts' - var _appModuleTsVsMainTs = 'app/app.module.ts' - var _bootstrapModule = 'bootstrapModule' - var _declsVsDirectives = 'declarations' - var _moduleVsComp = 'module' - var _moduleVsRootComp = 'module' - var _platformBrowserDynamicVsBootStrap = 'platformBrowserDynamic' //- Other - var _truthy = 'truthy'; - var _falsey = 'falsey'; //- Used to prefix identifiers that are private. In Dart this will be '_'. - var _priv = ''; //- Use to conditionally include the block that follows +ifDocsFor(...). //- Generally favor use of Jade named blocks instead. ifDocsFor is convenient //- for prose that should appear only in one language version. mixin ifDocsFor(langPattern) if _docsFor.toLowerCase().match(langPattern.toLowerCase()) block //- Use to map inlined (prose) TS paths into, say, Dart paths via the //- adjustTsExamplePathForDart transformer function. mixin adjExPath(path) if adjustTsExamplePathForDart | #{adjustTsExamplePathForDart(path)} else | #{path} mixin includeShared(filePath, region) - var newPath = translatePath(filePath, region); !=partial(newPath) mixin makeExample(_filePath, region, _title, stylePatterns) - var adjustments = adjustExamplePathAndTitle({filePath:_filePath, title:_title}); - var filePath = adjustments.filePath; - var title = adjustments.title; - var language = attributes.language || getExtn(filePath); - var frag = getFrag(filePath, region); - var defaultFormat = frag.split('\n').length > 2 ? "linenums" : ""; - var format = attributes.format || defaultFormat; - if (attributes.format === '.') format = ''; - var avoid = !!attributes.avoid; - var avoidClass = avoid ? 'is-anti-pattern' : ''; div(class="code-example #{avoidClass}") if (title) header h4 #{title} code-example(language="#{language}" format="#{format}") != styleString(frag, stylePatterns) //- Like makeExample, but: (1) doesn't show line numbers. (2) If region //- is omitted and title is 'foo (r)' then region is taken as 'r'. //- (3) Title will always end with a phrase in parentheses; if no such //- ending is given or is just (), then the title will be suffixed with //- either "(excerpt)", or "(#{_region})" when _region is defined. mixin makeExcerpt(_filePath, _region, _title, stylePatterns) - var matches = _filePath.match(/(.*)\s+\(([^\)]*)\)$/); - var parenText; - if (matches) { _filePath = matches[1]; parenText = matches[2]; } - var adjustments = adjustExamplePathAndTitle({filePath:_filePath, title:_title}); - var filePath = adjustments.filePath; - var title = adjustments.title; - var region = _region || (_region === '' ? '' : parenText); - var excerpt = parenText || region || 'excerpt'; - if (title) title = title + ' (' + excerpt + ')'; +makeExample(filePath, region, title, stylePatterns)(format='.') //- Get the doc example name either from `_example` if set, or //- extract the example name from `current`. - var getExampleName = function() { - var dir = current.path[current.path.length - 1]; - return _example ? _example : dir == 'latest' ? current.source : dir; - }; mixin makeTabs(filePaths, regions, tabNames, stylePatterns) - filePaths = strSplit(filePaths); - if (adjustTsExamplePathForDart) filePaths = filePaths.map(adjustTsExamplePathForDart); - regions = strSplit(regions, filePaths.length); - tabNames = strSplit(tabNames, filePaths.length); - if (adjustTsExampleTitleForDart) tabNames = tabNames.map(adjustTsExampleTitleForDart); code-tabs each filePath,index in filePaths - var region = regions[index].trim(); - var tabName = tabNames[index].trim(); - var language = attributes.language || getExtn(filePath); - var format = attributes.format || "linenums"; - var frag = getFrag(filePath, region); - var sps = Array.isArray(stylePatterns) ? stylePatterns[index] : stylePatterns; code-pane(language="#{language}" name="#{tabName}" format="#{format}") != styleString(frag, sps) mixin makeJson( filePath, jsonConfig, title, stylePatterns) - var language = attributes.language || getExtn(filePath); - var format = attributes.format || "linenums"; - var frag = getFrag(filePath, ''); - var json = unescapeHtml(frag); - var jsonExtract = extractJson(json, jsonConfig); - var avoid = !!attributes.avoid; - var avoidClass = avoid ? 'is-anti-pattern' : ''; div(class="code-example #{avoidClass}") if (title) header h4 #{title} code-example(language="#{language}" format="#{format}") if (jsonExtract == 'ERROR') err ERROR: Unable to extract json using config: "#{jsonConfig.toString()}" else != styleString(jsonExtract, stylePatterns) if !jade2ng //- Open (and close) an explanation
and we need
- // to remove this from the fragment prefix is 11 long and suffix is 13 long
- frag = frag.substring(11, frag.length-13);
- // Uncomment next line for debugging.
- // frag = "FileName: " + fullFileName + " Current path: " + current.path + " PathToDocs: " + getPathToDocs() + "\n" + frag;
- return frag;
- }
- }
- var extractJson = function(json, jsonConfig ) {
- try {
- if (jsonConfig) {
- return extractJsonFragment(json, jsonConfig.rootPath || null, jsonConfig.paths || [], jsonConfig.space || " ");
- } else {
- return json;
- }
- } catch (e) {
- return "ERROR";
- // return json;
- }
- }
- var unescapeHtml = function(s) {
- // can't break across multiple lines because of jade limitations.
- return s.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, "'");
- }
- var styleString = function(source, stylePatterns) {
- if (stylePatterns) {
- for (var styleName in stylePatterns) {
- var rxs = stylePatterns[styleName];
- rxs = Array.isArray(rxs) ? rxs : [rxs];
- rxs.forEach(function(rx) {
- source = applyStyle(source, styleName, rx );
- });
- }
- }
- return source;
- }
- var getFragFilePath = function (filePath, region) {
- filePath = filePath.trim();
- var extn = getExtn(filePath);
- var fileBase = filePath.substr(0,filePath.length - (extn.length + 1));
- var regionPad = (region && region.length) ? '-' + region.toString() : '';
- var fullFileName = getPathToFrags() + fileBase + regionPad + "." + extn + '.md';
- return fullFileName;
- }
//- styles a string according to a regular expression.
//- The match groups resulting from the regexp application are what is styled
//- (not the whole regexp).
- var applyStyle = function(str, styleName, rx) {
- var repls = {};
- var matches;
- do {
- matches = rx.exec(str);
- if (matches) {
- matches.slice(1).forEach(function(match) {
- var repl = '' + match + '';
- repls[match] = { repl: repl, isGlobal: rx.global };
- });
- }
- } while (matches != null && rx.global );
- for (var match in repls) {
- var repl = repls[match];
- // var escapedMatch = match.replace(/\\/g,'\\').replace(/\(/g,'\(').replace(/\)/g, '\)').replace(/\./,'\.');
- // var rx2 = new RegExp(escapedMatch, repl.isGlobal ? "g" : "");
- var rx2 = match;
- str = str.replace(rx2, repl.repl);
- };
- return str;
- }
- var getExtn = function(fileName) {
- var ix = fileName.lastIndexOf('.');
- return ix > 0 ? fileName.substr(ix+1) : "";
- }
- var getBaseFileName = function(fileName) {
- var ix = fileName.lastIndexOf('/');
- return ix > 0 ? fileName.substr(ix+1) : "";
- }
- var getFolder = function(fileName) {
- var ix = fileName.lastIndexOf('/');
- return ix > 0 ? fileName.substr(0, ix) : "";
- }
- var getPathToDocs = function() {
- // simple way to only take as many '../' sections as we need to back up to the 'docs' dir
- // from the current document
- // we will almost certainly never go 10 or 11 deep but ...
- return current.pathToDocs || "../../../../../../../../../../../".substr(0, (current.path.length-2)*3);
- }
- var getPathToFrags = function() {
- return getPathToDocs() + "_fragments/";
- }
- var getPathToExamples = function() {
- return getPathToDocs() + "_examples/";
- }
//- Extract a subset of a json file in a specified order defined
//- by extractPaths while retaining original order for any
//- unspecified subobjects.
//- based on the principle that JSON.parse(source) constructs objects
//- in order from the top down in 'source' and JSON.stringify(source) iterates 'source'
//- properties according to the order in which they were inserted. ( the spec actually
//- discourages this assumption but this method will only
//- run on node (v8) and the assumption seems safe there. )
- function extractJsonFragment(source, rootPath, extractPaths, space) {
- var objSource = JSON.parse(source);
- if (rootPath && rootPath.length > 0) {
- objSource = getSubObject(objSource, rootPath);
- }
- var objDest = {};
- extractPaths.trim().split(",").forEach(function(dotPath) {
- processPath(objSource, objDest, dotPath );
- });
- var result = JSON.stringify(objDest, null, space || " ");
- return result;
- function getSubObject(source, path) {
- var nextSource = source;
- var pathParts = path.trim().split(".");
- while (pathParts.length > 0) {
- var nextProp = pathParts.shift();
- nextSource = nextSource[nextProp];
- }
- return nextSource;
- }
- function processPath(source, dest, dotPath) {
- var nextSource = source;
- var nextDest = dest;
- var pathParts = dotPath.trim().split(".");
- while (pathParts.length > 0) {
- var nextProp = pathParts.shift();
- nextSource = nextSource[nextProp];
- if (pathParts.length > 0) {
- var val = nextDest[nextProp] || {};
- nextDest[nextProp] = val;
- nextDest = val;
- } else {
- nextDest[nextProp] = nextSource;
- }
- }
- }
- }