import {ddescribe, describe, it, iit, xit, expect, beforeEach, afterEach} from 'angular2/test_lib'; import { StringMap, ListWrapper } from 'angular2/src/facade/collection'; import { isPresent, StringWrapper, isJsObject } from 'angular2/src/facade/lang'; import { WebDriverExtension, bind, Injector, Options } from 'benchpress/benchpress'; export function main() { function createExtension(ids, caps) { return new Injector([, (id) => bind(id).toValue(new MockExtension(id)) ), bind(Options.CAPABILITIES).toValue(caps), WebDriverExtension.bindTo(ids) ]).asyncGet(WebDriverExtension); } describe('WebDriverExtension.bindTo', () => { it('should bind the extension that matches the capabilities', (done) => { createExtension(['m1', 'm2', 'm3'], {'browser': 'm2'}).then( (m) => { expect('m2'); done(); }); }); // TODO(tbosch): In Dart, somehow we don't provide the error // correctly in the promise result... if (isJsObject({})) { it('should throw if there is no match', (done) => { createExtension(['m1'], {'browser': 'm2'}).then(null, (err) => { expect(isPresent(err)).toBe(true); done(); }); }); } }); } class MockExtension extends WebDriverExtension { id:string; constructor(id) { super(); = id; } supports(capabilities:StringMap):boolean { return StringWrapper.equals(capabilities['browser'],; } }